Thursday 8 November 2012


I got majorly distracted in my first class. It was about the scientific revoltion and although some of it was interesting. When we were getting into ptolemaic theory and Kepler's laws it was just getting too deep into physics for me. Just way too deep, way too confusing for me. After class I grabbed some lunch, I treated myself to a burger today but no chips. I then went to the library and finished spreading the book for an essay due next week. I did get distracted again by another project that I am working on, at the moment, nothing to do with uni.

My afternoon class was extremely interesting. We discussed the 'riots' that had happened on Tuesday night. Admittedly they were shocking, one of my class mates we pushed, had her car keyed and was spat at as well as her car. It was awful that fellow students should be subjected to that because of their political tendencies. It is just wrong! Ole miss has just celebrated 50 years of integration and yet as a student community they are still protested the election of their own president. He has already been in term 4 years. It just shows that in some ways we really haven't moved on, yes black students are now allowed in classes and in university but some people opinion remains the same. It is just a shame that after all this publicity about these changes ole miss are making and it progression that students would ruin this! They are part of this moving on and they have supported such actions of the university and yet they are still wanting to rise against the election results. It's ridiculous.  No one should be  victimized for their opinions. Whether it be about race, gender, sexual orientation. It should make no difference. Inside or outside the classroom you should be able to speak your mind and be able to develop your own opinions of the world without being terrorized for them. Students also I believe shouldn't follow their parents ideas, yes I will concede that that is where you learn your basic behaviour and the such like but that doesn't mean you need to imitate said behaviors. You need to form your own judgements and opinions about the world around you.

All in all they were having a temper tantrum. They weren't happy with it and they thought that after drinking of alcohol and throwing some stones that that would be it. Hell no!

Anyway we spent the whole class discussing this, the tension was deep, you could have cut it tension with a knife. It was incredibly interesting, and heavy going at the same time. It made national news in Germany! Come on that has to say something!

Moving on, I came home a chilled, cooked some dinner and got ready for going out, what was meant to be a girls nit out ended up not being so great, Alice and I left early because I never like having a friend go home solo. Alice wasnt drunk and therefore wasn't having a good time. To be honest I have kinda lost the vibe for the Square to be honest. The levee is the only place I can get into and after the third time it is getting kind of the me. But it's fine it was a decent night while it lasted. But I don't think any scandalous stories will be coming out of this one. Andrew - a guy from one of my classes, bless him brought me a drink, it it was more JD than coke! It did not taste good until about half of it was gone. I kept giving it to ele to try and make it softer. It was funny to watch their faces as they took a sip. I talked to danny a little (another guy from one of my classes) he invited me to his tent on saturday which would be quite cool.  Depending on the weather of course, although the forcast is looking good. I dont want to jinx it, Either way Alice and I got a free ride home from the church taxi. They dropped us at our doors. Which was nice. A cheap night, as we had managed to get a ride into town as well, and a relatively boring one Im afraid no gossip this time.

Sleep time.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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