Wednesday 21 November 2012


Michigan State Univeristy is what MSU stands for and this is what started our day. As soon as deb got back from work and had had some sleep we went straight up there. Well we stopped off at Tanger Outlet were I was brought two belated birthday presents, I got a dress from guess and a smart top/dress in Rue21. From here we travelled up to MSU where we met Zoe and Sarah in the parking lot and went to lunch at buffalo wild wings. It was lovely, service was a little slow but still a good meal. I could barely get a word in edge ways. After this we decided on Zoe, grandpa and I would go to zoes dorm and pick her stuff up and then she could give us a drive and campus and Sarah and deb would go straight home because they had other plans.

So Zoe took us to her dorm room which was lovely reminded me of Wantage Halls. She then drove us around her campus!! It is huge!! They have loads of lands, farms and research centres, Zoe is definitely in the right place for doing vetinery science. She cycles everywhere on campus and says there is something like 44 000 students on campus! The Spartan Stadium is also huge, we only got to drive past it, but that was enough! It is huge! It looks like at one point the spectators would get altitude sickness for being so high up!! After this tour, which was remarkably interesting, Zoe telling us all about her course and the farms and the animals. Really different! We headed back to South Lyon! However this was ne'er going to be easy we got stuck in traffic twice, both because of accidents, we must have passed some cars numerous times. To note, there was a pickup with a load of pipes in the back and a Buick behind Zoe got so close to her we couldnt see the grill of the car!! Way too close. Anyway we got to listen to country music and just chilled chatting in the car and the such like. It was nice.

We finally made it home where i was given some gym kit and we chilled for a little bit. Form here the three girls went to a Zumba class! It was extremely interesting. Very much like dancing, and I think, I hope that the performing arts stuff I have done helped in that department. I was able to pick it up in some cases quietly well. I have to say it was very amusing and it showed me how unfit I am. How very unfit I am.

When we got home I got straight in the shower, I needed to wash and everything before eating. I felt a lot better once I was clean and everything. I ate, Gareth and I playing some games and we chilled waiting for the other girls to get ready. We watched some big bang theory and I talked to matt, he evidently had stayed up to see his birthday in. I was glad to hear the t-shirt I brought him fitted and he liked all the chocolate and sweets I had sent him! Phew that was a relief I can tell you. It was really nice just to sit down for a bit. 

It was not longer however before Ethan had turned up and we all went to the movies. After a slight palava at the box office. Zoe, Ethan, grandpa and I went to see skyfall and Sarah and Deb went to see flight. Warning spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the movie. 

I actually really enjoyed skyfall, it reminded me of home, although I have never seen that many union jacks around the place. There was less sex and more fighting as well which was quite good. Emotionally parts of it, with M at the end and throughout in fact. Also at the beginning with James Bond as well. Daniel Craig doesnt half do a good job as Bond, showing a rugged rougher side of the character whilst also having the suave and the charisma of  previous bonds. Things also like Welcome to Scotland and the bringing back of the old car from one of the older films were just little things that made it so much better. You could tell that the people at ooh and Ahhhed when that car came out were either die hard Bond fans or Car fanatics. I was interesting that there was only a few that did it though. Definitely reminded me of home and kind of instilled a pride inside me as well. A pride to be British, just howling the tube was goods well. I will stop raving now.. 

So after the film Grandpa and I liaised with Zoe what was happening tomorrow and then we waited for sarah and deb to come out of their film, which they said wasn't as good as they thought it was going to be. This movie is one of the rare times I have almost gotten lost inside a film since Avatar. Homeward bone to type the report of the day - a busy day. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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