Sunday 11 November 2012

Beale street!

So today I got up had a lovely Skype with my mum and sister even though the internet was shocking. I typed on Facebook to matt a little. I got ready and went down way too early to get the bus! I met up with the rest of them that were coming on this trip we were all pretty hyped to be honest. I coached ride was long and kinda boring as always. I got to talk to jasmin though, which was nice, her boyfriend is coming to see her on Wednesday for just over a week, so that will be nice for her and for him.

Anyway we stopped first at the park place where we could see the Mississippi, in all it's glory. However I only think we needed about 15/20 minutes max but whatever I am not arranging these things. Go some nice photos despite the wind. We then moved on to Beale street. Which reminded me a lot of Bournon street in New Orleans. However it was blues music and there were gymnasts doing flips down the road and all sorts! There was an irish pub and a Hard Rock!! So I got my customary top from there, there wasn't a lot of choice it has to be said. We then stopped in the Pig place for lunch. I had a BBQ pork sandwich with fries and corn on the cob, it was lovely. However they were massively short staffed. It was ridiculous refills were really slow and to get us our checks and the such like took ages as well and we were one time limit. Put it this way I didn't give him an extra tip. The food was lovely though.

We then walked down to a Gibson places, where there were tours going on but we didn't have the time to do them which was a real shame! But at least we got to go in and have a quick look at some of the guitars. It was time to collect our tickets for the NBA, MEmphis Grizzles vs. Miami Heat, by this point. We all had allocated seating so only some of us were sat together which was fine. The pre game show and the stuff they did during it was the amazing! The cheerleaders were really good, a lot of hair-ography but still really good. I pick up a few other souvenirs from Beale street as well by the way. We didn't get to see much of the half time show because we were behind the scenes getting ready for the fan tunnel! It was really good being able to high five the players as they came out to warm up for the second half and stuff! I managed to film t and get some pictures. After it we were all pushed to one side and the security guard were then ushering us forward, so come got to stand court side for a little bit! It was amazing! Just a phenomenal view and just incredible!! Once in a lifetime opportunity!

We then went up back to our seats and watched the rest of the game, when it got to about 5 minutes to the end, the majority of the Miami heat supporters were leaving because they were 20 points down.  So then people started waving at them throughout the stadium and saying goodbye!! It was just bizarre to see that at a NBA game but I guess it is tradition. To be able to watch this game was fantastic! Especially because they won! By quite a margin as well! 104-86!!! Just amazing!

However coming out of the game was mental! Thousands of people trying to get down staircases and lifts, all headed to one place outside. The storm that was predicted had hit as well, good job I packed up umbrella. We all headed t the buses and got on, form there it was the drive home, I dozed a little but not a lot. I just listened to my music and chilled out. Ready to get off the bus and run back to apartment getting nice and warm. I also found I had a letter from grandpa, which was nice. Especially as he left for America today! Get to see him soon! It has been an insane day that has to be said! Just truly insane! Despite the rain that hit, it doesn't matter it was great!

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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