Sunday 25 November 2012


Today has meet a mixed day, I have skyped my parents and Matt and asked to my cousin Sarah and Helen on IM. The Internet has kept dropping out all day on me so it has been hard but I have managed to hold some conversations. Helen is leaving for France as part of her gap year this weekend! How exciting is that?! She is going to have the most amazing time I know it!  Sarah was teaching my Grandpa how to use Skype so I was kinda like a guinea pig.

I did get some work done today as well though. I managed to find a few interesting websites for my paper which was good and managed to make some notes as well. But hat was about it. I had every intention of doing more but I just didn't. Facing acts.

I had lunch with Hyein again which was lovely, we had rice, seasoned seaweed, egg and tuna. All ou did was wap the rice and egg or tuna in a seaweed wrap and then eat it. It was really good. I am starting to like Korean food. It is different I guess from what I am used to. Hyein and I talked about our breaks and what thanksgiving was like for each other. It was lovely! I really like chatting to her. It is interesting to see someone else's perspective especially someone who is so different from the European or American view as well.

I joined patty in the evening watching a time to kill, it is an awesome film, I tried to eat some soup but it tasted disgusting so I just threw it away in the end. I stayed up and watched the summations speech in the end and it is just phenomenal - spoiler alert! It was just fantastic to see more of Mississppi on screen and it's projections to the outside world. Even though it has changed in many ways. It is fansinating to see it alongside the paper I am researching currently as well, and being able to see the change over time.

Anyway off to bed, reading and relaxing to be done before back to class tomorrow.

Tomorrow is another adventure

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