Thursday 15 November 2012


Today I was relatively chilled out, classes went well I worked on my essay that is due in tomorrow a lot. I treated myself to a Starbucks this morning. I am a sneaking suspicion I am getting ill which isn't good, but I know I will fight it soon enough. Just got to stay warm.

I grabbed some lunch I then got to type to Annie a lot which was so nice, still can't failed her webcam though so we had to deal with typing in Facebook. So instead I skyped matt, he seemed stressed so I called him to chat and make sure everything was okay. We chatted for a little bit, and then he went to get organised and I went to the library and got some more work done. I talked a little to my sister as well. Everything seems good at home, I have just heard my grandad is going back to the doctors which kind of settles my mind a little.

My second class was brilliant it really helped me understand about the topic I am doing for my final paper and helped me understand what have to research and the such like. After class I went to the professors office to ask her a question. Then went to Starbucks again and waited for Hannah only issue was I then started feeling really sick, but it was fine. After meeting Hannah I went home.

This evening I have chilled done my reading for tomorrow, talked a little to Patty and Lohrie, done some reading for my research papers. I have also touched base with grandpa today who arrived in the US a few days ago. I finish the majority of my packing which felt so good. I think I am pretty much ready for Saturday now. So a relatively chill day in comparison to yesterday.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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