Sunday 11 November 2012

Game day!

Saturday's belated post!

A few details about last night I didn't note becasue I was too angry! I don't recall how many times I changed t shirts but almost every picture is a different t shirt involved so it must have been a fair few times. Joe had mine on at some point! It was a good night like i said, everyone was having fun and stuff! It was good. Just the end bit.

So this morning started off well, no gym session and lounging around in my pajamas until midday when I decided to take a shower and get ready! I spent most of the moorning either only my iPod playing games or watching Americas Next Top Model: college edition. Which normally I hate shows like that, this mooring it really fit the bill! Instead of making me feel crap about myself it made me feel good for some bizarre rein. Either way I met with Aimee, Catherine and Hannah around 5 ish and we walked to the game. We sat in a different place to last time and there were these freshmen boys behind us being idiots the whole time. Tapping us and the such like just generally being annoying! The people in front of us weren't much better either. I ended up getting a pretzel which I shouldn't have done!! Today was all about eating, I hardly drank anything all day! I just kept eating! Not good!!! At half time we all came home and watched tv with Alice and Sophie and we ordered pizza.

I found out that things have been discussed with the boys about last night, and although I don't believe anything has been resolved completely. I think a impasse and a middle ground has been at least found, if that is even the right phrase to use! Madness pure madness!

Moving on, the pizza was lovely and it was great to spend some time with the girls! We watched some random stuff on tv, like chicken run, we did end up watching bbc america which involved watching the graham norton show. I think it shocked everyone when I said that I have never been able to watch it before. Robbie Williams, Darcy Bushell and Paul O'grady were the main guests along with Felix, the guy that broke the speed of sounds, I can't remember his surname. It was an alright show, I love Paul O'Grady! So he was hilarious! He reminded me of my family as well! Miss them! I never realized that he never told his mother that he was Lily Savage!? Such an amazing character and yet was never able to tell his own mother his achievement. I thout that was sad but at the same time interesting.

Anyway after this, I walked back with Sophie and am now all cuddled in bed ready for sleep. Although I have to say it has been quite sad because of how busy I have been that I haven't bee able to speak to Matt but I guess that's how it goes sometimes.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

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