Friday 16 November 2012


So today was quite busy, waking up and not feeling great because I am all bunged up with a cold - serves me right. It's alright should be gone in a few days just horrible in the time being. I got up and got ready and went onto campus, watched big bang theory quickly and read though my essay. Printed and handed in fine.

I then found Gaby in the library and checked in for my flight tomorrow and printed off my boarding pass. Iwe then went and got some books for her slavery research paper. We met Hannah and Catherine for lunch, I had chick-fil-a. Bad bad bad Idea. After getting my money out for Henry tomorrow I went and sat in Barnes and noble. I skyped my parents just to chat for a little and we talked about the n power business. Hopefully getting that sorted soon.

I then met with Ahmed, my Egyptian friend who had offered me the job helping him with his linguistics project. So for one hour we talked and read some passages from a book and when he said something wrong I corrected him and stuff like that he made some notes and the such like. It was quite interesting I had never really noted the difference between American and British really strongly but it is quite different. I then joined Immy and Buki at the cultural cafe and pd we talked to some of the other international students there and I grabbed a snack and a coffee ( it was free). I then left around 4ish, I needed to et back home. Once I wa snack I finished up my packing made sure everything was packed. Which I will probably check again tomorrow morning. I then tidied my room OCD style throwing things away. I then cleaned the bathroom and my room. I think I am pretty much set for tomorrow. I then cooked this salad for the farewell thanksgiving dinner tonight. It was lovely, no one really touched the food that I had made but to be honest I don't really blame them it wasn't that good. I dont have the right stuff to cook properly out here! It is starting to annoy me. I like cooking when I am hungry but I just don't out here. I also did a little of my scrapbook that Leanne gave me. Although I am leaving some bits like putting pictures and stuff til I get back. I also went through the daily Mississippian and cut out the sections I wanted from about the election.

When I got over the the British farewell meal, it was lovely we had Romeo and Juliet on in the background we ate some pasta carbonara and some potato thing Ava had made. It was lovely. I really enjoyed the night, we then watched the hangover two! Oh dear lord what a film, in all honesty I preferred the first one. But it was still quite amusing. Soon afterwards though I left.

After hearing about the armed robery at trails a few days ago waking to the meal I was terrified and even more so on the way back. Wether I stopped on Sophie's on the way their to pick up Hannah's skirt, even she said I should be careful and the such like. It is just scary when that stuff happens. Especially when I have made that trip a lot of times and so have some of the other girls on their own. It is going to sca me everytime now.

Anyway, after an eventful day. Tomorrow is another adventure.

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