Thursday 29 November 2012

Happy days

So up, made my packed lunch, had a shower and got onto campus for 8am. I worked on my essay, put in a few changes and started l do all the footnotes before had to leave for class. My morning class finished off wwhat were were doing last time and talked about the final and discussed some stuff that we hadn't covered, because he though he was going to run out of time. From here I thanked the professor for the class and then proceeded to the library where I saw Alex. 

Now Alex just made my day, he had been dared to wear what was basically pj's onto campus. It was hilarious! However I do not envy the looks he got from the other people. I continued to fill in the footnotes and then printed off the essay had to reprint two pages twice because I had messed up something. I the went to my second class and had cookies and juice and discussed a little topics and then talked about how good the class was etc and we got to leave early. 

This is where I went back to the library and got distracted by various Internet sites before Matt and Catherine gave me the motivation to finish my other essay, so corrected and did the footnotes ready for the final read through tomorrow morning. Neither of these essay are the best I have ever written and could be a lot better. But I think they are decent for the time I worked on them. 

I actually managed to make it home before it got truly dark which was a success, it was the first time this week. matt and I skyped for a fair while again. It was nice even if we got into a few small heated discussions again. But it's fine at the end of the day we always sort it out. And I can't have imagined doing this adventure without him, my friend and family by my side. 

One thing I forgot to mention. I Skype my cousin Jennifer today as well,which was nice, i got too have a really conversation with her and my auntie gill, admittedly for the first bit I had to type but I soon went to my building and then I was able to talk to her properly. So many stories to tell them all when I get home. Tonight I have taken for myself I have just chilled tonight and that's all I  am doing tomorrow as well. I think I deserve it after the work I have done this week.

But still the fact remains the same, tomorrow is another adventure. 

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