Saturday 17 November 2012


So today was the day of my first solo flight.

I woke up at 6am to make sure that the flat was clean, because i was the last one there and to make sure i was all set for coming here and that i had everything. The morning went well, it was relatively relaxing which is the way it needed to be. I got slightly stressed and nerves came over me a little, so occasionally throughout the trip i felt quite sick. This is all to be expected though. Henry came and picked me up around 7:10 ish and we managed to fit Ope in as well which i was well chuffed about. it meant we only had to pay $50 each which was also a bonus. Henry and I just got chatting and that was it, we picked up the last girl and that was it. Henry and I just started talking on the highway and that was it. He told me about his hunting days and now he hunts with his camera instead, he was telling about him helping out his Russian friend teaching an agriculture class. it was really interesting, talking about my classes and everything. He is such a lovely person, a real gentlemen.

Anyway he dropped us at the right gate and i headed straight to the security checks all went smoothly, i was called for a random check, which was fine. I then found the gate, went to the restroom and grabbed a snack. i got talking to various people throughout this whole process. I was really chatty, i was quite excited.

I boarded the plane fine, and started doing some work, i spent the whole flight just chilling, reading my book and listening to music. i was given some water and some biscuits which was good, something for me to nibble on. An hour and a half later I arrived, I hadn't checked any baggage because my bag was small enough to go into the over head lockers, unlike some of the passengers baggage! I also managed to find a gilr that i meant at the cultural cafe the day before, which was awesome. I stood by the boards waiting to find out the carousel for the baggage to find Sarah and Grandpa. I didn't need to know the Carousel they were stood there waiting for me. We then moved on to the car, on the drive home, Sarah and I didn't stop talking! It was so cool!

Once we arrived back at Deb's house we chilled for a little while and then i got talked to grandpa about America stuff, like what i had been up to recently and ole miss differences and things like that. We then headed to Kroger to pick up a few groceries, Sarah had gone riding by now. I had also checked in with my parents and had a nice long chat with them about stuff. which was so nice!! When i got back, we have literally just chilled since then. Talking to people on Facebook you know the standard.

Grandpa made jacket potatoes, ham and sweetcorn, it was lovely. Gareth's friend has joined us for the evening for a sleepover. We watched the LSU vs. Ole Miss game. Now we are just chilling with a film and popcorn and just chillaxing.

tomorrow is another adventure. 

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