Thursday 22 November 2012


So I am 20 years old and this was my first thanksgiving!

I had set an alarm to wake me up and although I woke up wanting to turn it off it is a good job I had it on. I got up and got to Skype matt, it was his birthday today so I got to say happy birthday and we talked for a while. It was nice to hear his voice and see his face. We talked for about 45 minutes before I had to go and finish up getting ready.

After we had all congregated at Deb's house we then went onto the Thanksgiving game, we stopped to get some cash and then we got a phone call that Gareth had decided he didn't want to go. After many a phone call we found someone to take his place and then he decided he wanted to go because Huw told him if he stayed he was not going on the Xbox. So anyway we met them at the game. We went into the shop and did the rituals that they normally do for the home games, I got a few treats for myself and stuff it was a really good game.

It went into extra time, and even Gareth was getting into it towards the end of the game. We had dippin dots at half time as well. The game was insane, the texans won unfortunately lucky shot in the overtime, however they had a touchdown that was remarkably disputed. The player was clearly down and yet got back up and ran and scored. The head coach threw his challenge flag and some bizarre retarded rule meant that it could be reviewed in favour of the lions and it was a penalty against the lions etc etc. It wasn't a good time for the lions, and ford field was in uproar as you can imagine! Everyone got up at the same time, every sat down, they had song that they sang it was amazing! The national anthem was played by a sax player which was great very different. It was such an intense game, equalising and then going ahead and stuff it was amazing! I have never seen such a game! Phenomenal!

After the game we hot footed it to the Hard Rock Cafe in order to get a t-shirt that says Detroit! :) so happy!and we saw Sarah's offcie building, Ernst and Young where she will be working! It was great to see it and understand a little more about her job there and stuff, just amazing! We got back go the car park and travelled home without having to wait in a lot of the queues, so In a way I think people were thankful for the stop at Hard Rock.

We got home and quickly go changed before moving on the Fanning's house, which is the home of my cousins boyfriend. It was a gorgeous house, and we talked about various topics over the appetisers and even further over dinner. I had a few glasses of wine which was nice. Made a nice change. I definitely ate my fill and am going to have to go back to the gym when I am back in Mississippi! So much food!! The conversation was pleasant and intelligent, i was able to contribute my parts and discussions were had fully and delightfully. It was a lovely meal. It was a gorgeous occasion, I just felt awful that I had nothing to say thank you for having me and also i wasn't given the chance to help out, I jut felt awful! But I was extremely polite and said my please and thank yous.
I think a lot of us went into food coma's there was just so much food inside of us! It was all beautiful food though.

After all the cleaning up and everything was finished we headed for home, where I basically got straight into bed, I am just so tired!! I have nothing more to say other than I opened Facebook to a lovely message from Matt.

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

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