Wednesday 7 November 2012


Oay my blog lied to me - it said this had posted! So this is actually Mondays post.

I went through two pens in my classes today, both just decided not to work! Very annoying! I managed to watch half of homeland and go through the rest of some of my notes this morning before class. I had a really nice breakfast, woke up to a lovely message from matt. It wasa good day today, even if it had turned cold again.

After lunch I went back to the library grabbed a hot chocolate and ran into Gaby. So we had a quickly chat while she grabbed her lunch before her class, I resumed homeland and finished my notes before meeting Sophie outside the Lyceum around 2ish. From here we went to the square. We must have gone in almost every shops looking for some birthday presents that we coming up. We went in every little unique store until we found something for people. There were some really ince shos and some really nice stuff but it was just a tiny bit expensive. I want ed to Find something nice but inexpensive. Sophie also had to get some books for her class as well. We had yaya's as well, I am starting to prefer frozen yoghurt to ice cream though now. Which is kinda sad. We also went inside the courthouse because I thought there would be some interesting history, I have to be honest it kinda let me down. It was still in use as a voting office therefore, it wasn't as historical as I thought it might have been.

 Either way after 4 hours of wondering around the square buying bits and pieces and looking around. We headed back to trails, despite asking the bus to the square we decided to get a taxi home. It was just easier although slightly more expensive, it was just too cold to stand and wait for a bus. I had a quick chat with Greg and Alex when they were in their way to a exhibition basketball game on campus. I checked my mail and found I had a card from my parents and a letter from my cousin. I don't know whether to use the card they sent as advent or as a count down. It would be good either way but I am not sure. I have some times to think at least before either starts. It was nice to get some mail to be honest.

I headed back to my apartment had a quick catch up with patty and Lohrie, the rest of my evening was spent reading, talking  on Facebook and just generally chilling.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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