Friday 23 November 2012

Games night

So today started with me Skyping matt again, I really ought to have called my parents again to be honest, or Skyped them... I will have to make us I do that when I get back down to Mississippi or try and do it before I leave here.

I then went with grandpa, deby and Zoe to walk DB and tweek. DB is Zoe's dog and Tweek is her boyfriend (Ethan) brothers'  dog, who was staying at  Ethan's house. All very confusing I know. It was a very nice walk. I got very cold and I had to borrow a jacket off Deby, which is kinda felt bad for. Anyway we walked down this path and kept going, and then it started snowing! So we didn't go as far as we had originially planned. Tweek pulled the whole time and the only time he didn't was when I ran with him for little periods of time. But it was nice to get some fresh air and get to run the dogs at the local park and stuff it was nice. I think I tired tweek out, because when he got in the car he led down and put his head on deby's lap and everything bless him. DB had a new collar on which also went over his mouth to help control him, he didn't like it to begin with but he soon got used to it. We met other dogs and people along the way and Tweek just went for them, barking away and everything, I had to stop at one point and hold him by his harness to stop him to running off. DB was very well behaved in these situations. DB also sat in the front of the car with Zoe so that was interesting to see him move around on her lap and block Zoe's view and stuff. It was very interesting.

When we finished the walk we dropped the dogs back at Ethan's house and we went to a strip mall, because Zoe wanted to pick up some ear cleaning stuff for DB. We then got lunch there, a subway and we got some bread sticks as well. It was a nice lunch but soon filled me up, i didn't finish all my sub and crisps. But I still ate well. Then I just chilled and watched some tv, like Moonshiners and Criminal Minds with some of the family while Zoe went riding nd Gareth played on his Xbox.

Later on the afternoon we played a game altogether. We started by playing a pirate game, where you have to collect three of a kind to score pints and avoid picking up a pirate. I got the hang on it eventually and ended up winning. We then moved on the a train game with dominoes, which I think I have played before but had to be reminded of the rules, we played that continuously until it was dinner time. We had taco's for dinner which was lovely. After dinner we played some more of the train game. I got to try some desert wine from Austrailia and I had cheesecake and ice cream for desert. I have definitely been fed well this week that is for sure!! Probably a good thing too. It got a point when I was thinking about going to bed, I wanted to be up and ready, I already had my boarding pass but just to make sure I had everything ready for my flight. So we played a game called Quiddler, which I needed to use a dictionary for almost constantly because I am awful with words, also I kept choosing words I didn't know if they existed. I would have been awful had I not had the dictionary in front of me.

Once we finished this game, I came to bed, I said goodbye to Gareth because I most likely won't see him in the morning. But I am pretty sure I will see everyone else.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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