Wednesday 7 November 2012


Understandably I am writing this the next morning because I could not keep my eyes open enough last night to write this.

The day was pretty usual, I did my swimming and classes. I met Catherine by chance at lunch, who then had a mini fit when she saw Obama sticker going round - so she needed to find them and have one! I have to say it was interesting walking round a Romney state with a Obama sticker on your chest. Hannah and Gaby then came and got me from the library for class.

I then went home, chilled, cooked some dinner but then I went to Catherine's for the election coverage. In hindsight I wouldn't have gone over at 6:30pm. I watched close to 5 hours of coverage including the daily show it was really good though. Eating popcorn and getting all excited and nervous. There were times it looked like Romney was going to take it my a slight margin. But as each state was coming predictions were being made both in the senate and for the presidency. It was really interesting I learnt a lot. It was really nerve racking! But even after they had projected that Obama would win, Romney would not concede. They disputed various states results and trying to get more votes. However it is futile! 303 to 206 Obama wins a second term. It was close at times but as soon as the west coast came in, I don't think it was possible for Romney to get back.

Anyway I went back to my apartment, did a really say walk to keep warm and curled up in bed and slept like a log.

Tomorrow is another adventure 

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