Friday 30 November 2012

Last day of class

This was a sad day as it was the last time I am going to be able to see and be able to talk to a lot of my class mates. And a lot of my professors as well. So I said goodbye to people and stuff. I handed in my last paper as well. I did manage to get to watch big bang theory before class which was good. And for the first time in a fair few weeks I actually got to go home after my midday class! I came home and made some lunch watched some films generally ones I have watched before. I caught the ending of love actually and It made me think about going home and what that airport is going to be like when I arrive back. I am kinda excited to see to be honest.

So after making my lunch I got on with doing some work, I started writing up one of my subjects notes and it took me way longer than I had expected. I only finished about 11pm. But I did have the tv on in the background. I seemed to do more work in my room with a film in my ear than sat in front of the tv.  Interesting. Anyway I reached one month through my notes ad decided that I was going to cook myself dinner. So I boiled some potatoes and cook some chicken and enveloped them with cream cheese, I brought a rather large pot I needed to use some of it another way. It wasn't too bad but it needed something else...not sure what though, I think that is a recipe to be working upon.

I forgot to mention I took a load of pictures around campus today and I am going to take some next week too, just to show off the university, the weather was really nice today, almost didn't need a hoody on ... It was strange. I ask got to see anja and patty's tattoos they are really nice, on the forearms and are trees with bottles on them and patty's has a magnolia as well. Th are really nice. Reminded me of going with Leanne for her tattoo.

After eating my dinner I finished off my notes and just got ready for bed and all tucked up. I am looking forward to this sleep in tomorrow, although I think it will be short lived as I kinda need a gym session tomorrow.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Thursday 29 November 2012

Happy days

So up, made my packed lunch, had a shower and got onto campus for 8am. I worked on my essay, put in a few changes and started l do all the footnotes before had to leave for class. My morning class finished off wwhat were were doing last time and talked about the final and discussed some stuff that we hadn't covered, because he though he was going to run out of time. From here I thanked the professor for the class and then proceeded to the library where I saw Alex. 

Now Alex just made my day, he had been dared to wear what was basically pj's onto campus. It was hilarious! However I do not envy the looks he got from the other people. I continued to fill in the footnotes and then printed off the essay had to reprint two pages twice because I had messed up something. I the went to my second class and had cookies and juice and discussed a little topics and then talked about how good the class was etc and we got to leave early. 

This is where I went back to the library and got distracted by various Internet sites before Matt and Catherine gave me the motivation to finish my other essay, so corrected and did the footnotes ready for the final read through tomorrow morning. Neither of these essay are the best I have ever written and could be a lot better. But I think they are decent for the time I worked on them. 

I actually managed to make it home before it got truly dark which was a success, it was the first time this week. matt and I skyped for a fair while again. It was nice even if we got into a few small heated discussions again. But it's fine at the end of the day we always sort it out. And I can't have imagined doing this adventure without him, my friend and family by my side. 

One thing I forgot to mention. I Skype my cousin Jennifer today as well,which was nice, i got too have a really conversation with her and my auntie gill, admittedly for the first bit I had to type but I soon went to my building and then I was able to talk to her properly. So many stories to tell them all when I get home. Tonight I have taken for myself I have just chilled tonight and that's all I  am doing tomorrow as well. I think I deserve it after the work I have done this week.

But still the fact remains the same, tomorrow is another adventure. 


Okay, I realise this is the morning after but i was so tired i just ending up sleeping before i remembered to update this.

I got up especially early in the morning because Matt wanted to Skype and I am so glad we did! It sorted everything out and we are back to normal. Thank goodness!

So classes past and 2/3 of them were the final one that we will be learning stuff in, our last lessons will be just reviews of the information needed for the finals next week. I can't believe they are all coming to an end.

Anyway after classes i went to the library and managed to find a computer straight away, and this is where i stayed from 12pm til 6pm writing the drafts of my essays and guess what? I finished them both!! I was so chuffed. I printed both of them off so i could edit them when i got back that night. I then went and joined Hannah, Aimee, Alice, Gill, Tony, Yves, Domhnall and Jamie in the Union for dinner. I thought i deserved a burger, and we watched them setting up the ice rink.

It turns out i got my times mixed up, i thought the tree lighting was at 7pm turns out it was at 6:30pm, not that it mattered everyone else knew what they were doing. So we went and listened to the Gospel choir, which we found out had been nominated for a Grammy Award and we listened to Miss University sing a hymn as well. Then the head of the athletic department and the chancellor gave speeches and then they lighted the tree. I am so glad my camera battery lasted in order to capture some of these moment. I also got to see the Egg Bowl!! Back where it belongs!! The Tree was slightly disappointing but was still nice to see.

We then went back to the Union and had some free hot chocolate with marshmallows and saw Rebel Santa Bear which was interesting. After sitting for a while, Alice, Aimee and I decided that we wanted to go home, so we walked home. Hannah and I stormed ahead, we were just so cold. We talked about everything from boys to our flight home and to finals and work. Despite the chill in the air it was a good chat.

I then went back to my appartment got into bed and started editing my essay, it took longer than i thought, mainly because i was watching films at the same time - bad idea.

After editing one essay i tucked up and slept for the night!

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

Tuesday 27 November 2012

Late night

I seems to be living in the library, I started there this morning catching up on tv and finishing off the plan for my essay. Class then went well I spent it listening to Music and looking at art from the Reformation era which was nice. Matt made fun of me because of it, we have decided though to go to one of one another lectures to see when it is like. today wasn't a good day for Matt and I.

After class I joined Hannah on the third floor, the library was jammed!! The whole day it was packed, and I finished off my notes and checked notes and basically made  my plan for the slavery essay. I am pretty much set to write the essays now which is a good feeling only issue - I only have a few days. I prefer a week or more. anyway I ate my packed lunch and stuff trying not to get stressed. I had to borrow Hannah's laptop at one point to finish off that alcohol edu thing. So pathetic and just not needed! We stopped for coffee before afternoon class we all needed and deserved it. Gaby just got some food.

My afternoon class went well too, managed to chip in a question and it helped me to get some more opinions and ideas about the topic I am studying for my paper. After class I went back to the library and started writing. I typed up a plan, I did my bibliography and my cover sheet. After I had done all that I started writing. I have done a fair but I still a little more to do. I am trying to plan when I am going to write and read through these essays and stuff but I just can't do it. I am so pushed for time. I am tired because I am having late nights and library and then having to get up early to go back to the library to do work. It is insane I am living a nightmare at the moment.

To top it all of, I went out to get the bus and was stood waiting for it for 20 minutes in the freezing only to find it had been parked up near the Lyceum. No one beckoned me or asked me. Not happy having to wait for it to come back, for it then to speed home, not happy am I.

I did get a card of my parents today though saying good luck for my exams and how proud they are of me. They voices in my head keep me going. I have to prove people wrong, I have to prove to people that I can do this and that I can do it right and well! I did also find out today that the thesis statement that everyone has been banging on about me missing is basically, in this esay I will discuss ... Etc. I wold be killed if I wrote that in the Uk! I wish I had known that in the beginning I might have managed to get some higher grades. This B ceiling is really starting to get annoying! But I don't know what I can do it push it up. I have been to see the professors but they just said keep working hard etc.

So annoying. Sleep time. Getting overtired. Soon will be making self ill.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Monday 26 November 2012


So this morning was pretty standard, had to buy a coffee and a bagel this morning because I was dying plain and simple. I emailed myself the documents for the first class of the day, even though we didn't really talk about the, at great length.

After my classes I went back to the library and watched, Merlin and Homeland whilst reading doing notes and uploading my memories from my thanksgiving trip. It was a good couple of hours. I then went to the union to pick up a bag crisps before meeting Hannah and Gaby to go to Walmart. This will be my last food trip. I doubt I will need to go again to be honest which I was thankful. I didn't need to take out money this time which I was also thankful for. Gaby and I grabbed a subway as well because we hadnt really eaten.

We got on the bus on the way back, got off at the stop earlier so we didn't have to walk too far with our bags and the green line soon followed and so we didn't have to wait very long. We got back, I checked my mail, and found a letter from my parents that should have arrived before thanksgiving and a letter from Jane. I doubt I will reply, I don't really have the time and plus I will probably beat some of them home as well.

Once I had unpacked the fridge and freezer stuff I sat down to eat my subway, which had been put on the wrong bread so I ended up just eating the meat and that was eat. I then met Hannah and Gaby at the clubhouse to catch the bus back to campus. We got on a bus going to connection because we were told to by the bus driver. When we got up there we ended up waiting there while he walked around the bus and stuff. Then heading into campus, got off at the library and there we stayed until 8:30pm before going to get the shuttle bus from the Lyceum. We met Louis in the library, I do feel for him this week, having a tonne of work to do and also having to go through the whole fraternity beginning as well. Must be so tiring! I would be so dead having to do that every day and very little sleep.

Anyway I came home and grabbed my work, I went thought my first crusade notes marking each of the paragraphs I wanted to do. I ended up watching part of Sweet Home Alabama with Patty and then Friends, so I got a bit done but not enough. So now I am all cuddled up in bed finishing off my full blown plan for this paper. So I can try and write some of it tomorrow.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Sunday 25 November 2012


Today has meet a mixed day, I have skyped my parents and Matt and asked to my cousin Sarah and Helen on IM. The Internet has kept dropping out all day on me so it has been hard but I have managed to hold some conversations. Helen is leaving for France as part of her gap year this weekend! How exciting is that?! She is going to have the most amazing time I know it!  Sarah was teaching my Grandpa how to use Skype so I was kinda like a guinea pig.

I did get some work done today as well though. I managed to find a few interesting websites for my paper which was good and managed to make some notes as well. But hat was about it. I had every intention of doing more but I just didn't. Facing acts.

I had lunch with Hyein again which was lovely, we had rice, seasoned seaweed, egg and tuna. All ou did was wap the rice and egg or tuna in a seaweed wrap and then eat it. It was really good. I am starting to like Korean food. It is different I guess from what I am used to. Hyein and I talked about our breaks and what thanksgiving was like for each other. It was lovely! I really like chatting to her. It is interesting to see someone else's perspective especially someone who is so different from the European or American view as well.

I joined patty in the evening watching a time to kill, it is an awesome film, I tried to eat some soup but it tasted disgusting so I just threw it away in the end. I stayed up and watched the summations speech in the end and it is just phenomenal - spoiler alert! It was just fantastic to see more of Mississppi on screen and it's projections to the outside world. Even though it has changed in many ways. It is fansinating to see it alongside the paper I am researching currently as well, and being able to see the change over time.

Anyway off to bed, reading and relaxing to be done before back to class tomorrow.

Tomorrow is another adventure

Saturday 24 November 2012


Right so today was my flight back to Mississippi.

The morning when great, I got up early talked to matt and Hayley, made sure I was all packed up and ready to go. I had some breakfast, I had a shower etc. and we arrived at the airport with good time, Grandpa took some photos at the air port, deby and grandpa waited for me to get through security. I forgot to take my shoes off for starters and then I went onwards. I have to get the tram to the A gates which was quite cool. Although I did try and go up the down escalator. I was evidently tired, I hadn't slept well the night before either way. So I got to the gate all well and good I hae some of my packed lunch I had been given I got myself a bottle of water. I was all ready.

We got on the plane, later than expected boarding time. Which was fine it happens. We were on the plane taxi-ing to the runway when all of a sudden we stop. And apparently there is an issue with a piece of equipment. So we wait a while to see if corrects itself and then the left engine gets turns off. So we know it isn't going to be just a few minutes. The captain gets a hold of maintenance and we wait for them to see what is going on and stuff. I don't even want to think about the time we were sat there to be honest. luckily I was sat on the three seat side with the seat by the window empty which was nice meant I could stretch out a little. I ended up talking to the gentleman sitting next to me, called Ben. He was a teacher soo English in Mississippi delta for underprivileged children. He was originally from the northern states. From Cleveland I believe. Anyway we got talking which was a nice way to spend the time.  We talked about history stuff, differences with England, James bond and various other actors and movies.

We ended up having to go back to the terminal to have maintenance look over the equipments which inevitably ended up in us deplaning. By the time we had deplaned we were already meant to be in Memphis. That's how bad it was. Anyway Ben and I and some of the people he also knew on the flight grabbed a snack and then walked to out new gate, luckily it wasn't too far away. All this time I was texting Henry and my auntie deby to keep them informed of the situation. Around 2pm (Detroit time) we got on a different plane! And this one seemed to work. I finished reading the book for my paper, Ben looked through some of my previous essays plans and stuff. It was a nice flight. I was lucky to have that packed lunch though. Towards the end of the flight, Ben gave me a list of just do/ see things in the south, specifically in Mississippi if ever I come back which was nice of him and then I gave him my email address.

So we finally arrived in Memphis and got off the plane all fine, and Ben and I parted ways, I got a hold of Henry and managed to get in a Taxi with Jamie! Who thought I was coming back hours earlier than him but because of the delay we were exactly the same time. Funny. So us and another girl ended up talking most of the trip home about thanksgiving and how our break was, about going back to England and american football etc. Henry told us that he had 90 people with him for thanksgiving! And they had 13 25lb turkeys all cooked different ways. Apparently he said he sees me as family, and said that he thought about inviting me along for that dinner if I hadnt have been going to Detroit! Bless him.

We got back into Oxford and Jamie and I got money out to pay Henry. And we got back to trails fine, he dropped me off last because it made the most sense. I paid him, he took a picture of me and took my email address so we could stay in contact. He is so lovely it will be nice to keep in contact with him to be honest.

So I came up to the apartment, tried to find the game on tv - to no avail, caught up with Hyein whohad a wonderful time in San Francisco and LA. And then unpacked and basically crashed, I think I have sorted what I am doing the two weeks and I hope it all goes to plan but we will just have to see I guess. Now time to finish my film and sleep.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Friday 23 November 2012

Games night

So today started with me Skyping matt again, I really ought to have called my parents again to be honest, or Skyped them... I will have to make us I do that when I get back down to Mississippi or try and do it before I leave here.

I then went with grandpa, deby and Zoe to walk DB and tweek. DB is Zoe's dog and Tweek is her boyfriend (Ethan) brothers'  dog, who was staying at  Ethan's house. All very confusing I know. It was a very nice walk. I got very cold and I had to borrow a jacket off Deby, which is kinda felt bad for. Anyway we walked down this path and kept going, and then it started snowing! So we didn't go as far as we had originially planned. Tweek pulled the whole time and the only time he didn't was when I ran with him for little periods of time. But it was nice to get some fresh air and get to run the dogs at the local park and stuff it was nice. I think I tired tweek out, because when he got in the car he led down and put his head on deby's lap and everything bless him. DB had a new collar on which also went over his mouth to help control him, he didn't like it to begin with but he soon got used to it. We met other dogs and people along the way and Tweek just went for them, barking away and everything, I had to stop at one point and hold him by his harness to stop him to running off. DB was very well behaved in these situations. DB also sat in the front of the car with Zoe so that was interesting to see him move around on her lap and block Zoe's view and stuff. It was very interesting.

When we finished the walk we dropped the dogs back at Ethan's house and we went to a strip mall, because Zoe wanted to pick up some ear cleaning stuff for DB. We then got lunch there, a subway and we got some bread sticks as well. It was a nice lunch but soon filled me up, i didn't finish all my sub and crisps. But I still ate well. Then I just chilled and watched some tv, like Moonshiners and Criminal Minds with some of the family while Zoe went riding nd Gareth played on his Xbox.

Later on the afternoon we played a game altogether. We started by playing a pirate game, where you have to collect three of a kind to score pints and avoid picking up a pirate. I got the hang on it eventually and ended up winning. We then moved on the a train game with dominoes, which I think I have played before but had to be reminded of the rules, we played that continuously until it was dinner time. We had taco's for dinner which was lovely. After dinner we played some more of the train game. I got to try some desert wine from Austrailia and I had cheesecake and ice cream for desert. I have definitely been fed well this week that is for sure!! Probably a good thing too. It got a point when I was thinking about going to bed, I wanted to be up and ready, I already had my boarding pass but just to make sure I had everything ready for my flight. So we played a game called Quiddler, which I needed to use a dictionary for almost constantly because I am awful with words, also I kept choosing words I didn't know if they existed. I would have been awful had I not had the dictionary in front of me.

Once we finished this game, I came to bed, I said goodbye to Gareth because I most likely won't see him in the morning. But I am pretty sure I will see everyone else.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Thursday 22 November 2012


So I am 20 years old and this was my first thanksgiving!

I had set an alarm to wake me up and although I woke up wanting to turn it off it is a good job I had it on. I got up and got to Skype matt, it was his birthday today so I got to say happy birthday and we talked for a while. It was nice to hear his voice and see his face. We talked for about 45 minutes before I had to go and finish up getting ready.

After we had all congregated at Deb's house we then went onto the Thanksgiving game, we stopped to get some cash and then we got a phone call that Gareth had decided he didn't want to go. After many a phone call we found someone to take his place and then he decided he wanted to go because Huw told him if he stayed he was not going on the Xbox. So anyway we met them at the game. We went into the shop and did the rituals that they normally do for the home games, I got a few treats for myself and stuff it was a really good game.

It went into extra time, and even Gareth was getting into it towards the end of the game. We had dippin dots at half time as well. The game was insane, the texans won unfortunately lucky shot in the overtime, however they had a touchdown that was remarkably disputed. The player was clearly down and yet got back up and ran and scored. The head coach threw his challenge flag and some bizarre retarded rule meant that it could be reviewed in favour of the lions and it was a penalty against the lions etc etc. It wasn't a good time for the lions, and ford field was in uproar as you can imagine! Everyone got up at the same time, every sat down, they had song that they sang it was amazing! The national anthem was played by a sax player which was great very different. It was such an intense game, equalising and then going ahead and stuff it was amazing! I have never seen such a game! Phenomenal!

After the game we hot footed it to the Hard Rock Cafe in order to get a t-shirt that says Detroit! :) so happy!and we saw Sarah's offcie building, Ernst and Young where she will be working! It was great to see it and understand a little more about her job there and stuff, just amazing! We got back go the car park and travelled home without having to wait in a lot of the queues, so In a way I think people were thankful for the stop at Hard Rock.

We got home and quickly go changed before moving on the Fanning's house, which is the home of my cousins boyfriend. It was a gorgeous house, and we talked about various topics over the appetisers and even further over dinner. I had a few glasses of wine which was nice. Made a nice change. I definitely ate my fill and am going to have to go back to the gym when I am back in Mississippi! So much food!! The conversation was pleasant and intelligent, i was able to contribute my parts and discussions were had fully and delightfully. It was a lovely meal. It was a gorgeous occasion, I just felt awful that I had nothing to say thank you for having me and also i wasn't given the chance to help out, I jut felt awful! But I was extremely polite and said my please and thank yous.
I think a lot of us went into food coma's there was just so much food inside of us! It was all beautiful food though.

After all the cleaning up and everything was finished we headed for home, where I basically got straight into bed, I am just so tired!! I have nothing more to say other than I opened Facebook to a lovely message from Matt.

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

Wednesday 21 November 2012


Michigan State Univeristy is what MSU stands for and this is what started our day. As soon as deb got back from work and had had some sleep we went straight up there. Well we stopped off at Tanger Outlet were I was brought two belated birthday presents, I got a dress from guess and a smart top/dress in Rue21. From here we travelled up to MSU where we met Zoe and Sarah in the parking lot and went to lunch at buffalo wild wings. It was lovely, service was a little slow but still a good meal. I could barely get a word in edge ways. After this we decided on Zoe, grandpa and I would go to zoes dorm and pick her stuff up and then she could give us a drive and campus and Sarah and deb would go straight home because they had other plans.

So Zoe took us to her dorm room which was lovely reminded me of Wantage Halls. She then drove us around her campus!! It is huge!! They have loads of lands, farms and research centres, Zoe is definitely in the right place for doing vetinery science. She cycles everywhere on campus and says there is something like 44 000 students on campus! The Spartan Stadium is also huge, we only got to drive past it, but that was enough! It is huge! It looks like at one point the spectators would get altitude sickness for being so high up!! After this tour, which was remarkably interesting, Zoe telling us all about her course and the farms and the animals. Really different! We headed back to South Lyon! However this was ne'er going to be easy we got stuck in traffic twice, both because of accidents, we must have passed some cars numerous times. To note, there was a pickup with a load of pipes in the back and a Buick behind Zoe got so close to her we couldnt see the grill of the car!! Way too close. Anyway we got to listen to country music and just chilled chatting in the car and the such like. It was nice.

We finally made it home where i was given some gym kit and we chilled for a little bit. Form here the three girls went to a Zumba class! It was extremely interesting. Very much like dancing, and I think, I hope that the performing arts stuff I have done helped in that department. I was able to pick it up in some cases quietly well. I have to say it was very amusing and it showed me how unfit I am. How very unfit I am.

When we got home I got straight in the shower, I needed to wash and everything before eating. I felt a lot better once I was clean and everything. I ate, Gareth and I playing some games and we chilled waiting for the other girls to get ready. We watched some big bang theory and I talked to matt, he evidently had stayed up to see his birthday in. I was glad to hear the t-shirt I brought him fitted and he liked all the chocolate and sweets I had sent him! Phew that was a relief I can tell you. It was really nice just to sit down for a bit. 

It was not longer however before Ethan had turned up and we all went to the movies. After a slight palava at the box office. Zoe, Ethan, grandpa and I went to see skyfall and Sarah and Deb went to see flight. Warning spoilers ahead if you haven't seen the movie. 

I actually really enjoyed skyfall, it reminded me of home, although I have never seen that many union jacks around the place. There was less sex and more fighting as well which was quite good. Emotionally parts of it, with M at the end and throughout in fact. Also at the beginning with James Bond as well. Daniel Craig doesnt half do a good job as Bond, showing a rugged rougher side of the character whilst also having the suave and the charisma of  previous bonds. Things also like Welcome to Scotland and the bringing back of the old car from one of the older films were just little things that made it so much better. You could tell that the people at ooh and Ahhhed when that car came out were either die hard Bond fans or Car fanatics. I was interesting that there was only a few that did it though. Definitely reminded me of home and kind of instilled a pride inside me as well. A pride to be British, just howling the tube was goods well. I will stop raving now.. 

So after the film Grandpa and I liaised with Zoe what was happening tomorrow and then we waited for sarah and deb to come out of their film, which they said wasn't as good as they thought it was going to be. This movie is one of the rare times I have almost gotten lost inside a film since Avatar. Homeward bone to type the report of the day - a busy day. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Tuesday 20 November 2012

Olive Garden

Gareth was again at school today, Huw was a work and Deby is working tonight, therefore it was grandpa, Deby and I just chilling today. We chilled out in the morning and I got a little work done. Then we headed off for lunch at olive garden where I had some lovely pasta with a soup to start. A great meal it must be said and we picked up some desert for our evening meal tonight.

When we got back before I got involved in work again I called my mum and said happy birthday! It was really nice to hear her voice and talk about stuff as well. I also got to talk to dad a little as well which was nice. Seems like everything is a go back home and everything is going well and life is continuing which is always good to hear. Deby went to bed to sleep before work and grandpa went to collect Gareth from school. 

I then cracked on with my work with a break for dinner around 5:30ish which consisted of Kiev's, wedges and sweet corn. When I continued with my work after dinner, Deby left to go swimming and go onto work, grandpa was reading his book and uncle Huw decided to put the tv on. Which is fine, I just escaped quietly to my room and finished off my work and started reading my book for my research papers, only issue was that I seem to have run out of post it strips which highlight 
Articulate phrases I was interested it. Which is a slight problem because I still have two chapters to read. I have managed to write up three of my subjects though for revision which we will save me a lot of work when I go back to Mississippi. I has been a good day though, filled with productivity and conversation. 

I did talk a little matt, seeing as he had had a bad day I wanted to talk to him and make him feel slightly better but the meal with the house managed to improve his moods, it was of course lady Sam's birthday as well. When he got back he was evidently tired and I don't think helped at all... It's all in the past now but still, doesn't stop me thinking about how it was left. 

Moving on,  Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Monday 19 November 2012


Most of my day was spent in silence, listening to a film in the background as I continued my work, I finished my reformation notes and started my colonial America notes, I have only 4 pages left so I will get back to them after I have posted this.

I got  this morning, had a shower and was dressed had some breakfast, and then began my studying. I sorted out the bill today as well. Grandpa and I went for a walk around the figure of eight that is around my auntie deb's house. Which was nice, I got out and had some fresh air at least. I took my inhaler as well o try and clear my lungs alongside the fresh air and it did the job. Only issue was it made me shake again. Oh well.

Anyway after this walk we went to Walmart to get some orang juice and some paper for me being I am starting to run out. And we grabbed a subway whilst we were there which was awesome, it was really good! I really enjoyed it. When we got back home i stayed and watched another film whilst Granapa went and picked up gareth from school. When he got home he went on some my games meanwhile, grandpa and I tried to figure out what happened with Gareth's saxophone we even called my dad to see want he knew. We are still not sure. Anyway Gareth went downstairs and started his Xbox, I went and visited him and made a deal about his homework. Which he came up and did with no hassle, afterwards he went back downstairs and then we had spag Bol for dinner which was lovely. I had ice cream for after as well.

No sooner had I got back to my work when deb and Huw walked through the door, they were back from Texas, they had been watching the grand Prix lucky people. So they shared what they had been up to. It sounded really interesting, even with a few mishaps in places, like only have two entrances/exits. Plus only allowing payment by cash in the arena as well mental! Sounded like an insane and fun weekend though. We updated them about the time we had had lever the weekend. Before we finally all chilled out and just took a breather.

People were soon going off to bed, so just chilling in gareths room, which I have adopted for a week. Doing my work, as per usual.

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

Sunday 18 November 2012


This is all I have done all day. Revision. Well almost.

Woke up, got dressed ate the usual morning rituals. I then tarted trying to read the book I have got for one of my research papers and I didn't get a lot done. So I started doing revision instead, I started writing up my notes. Grandpa and I watched the grand prix, in Texas which is where my auntie deby and my uncle Huw are. And then we watched the detroit lions play the green bay packers where Sarah and her friend had gone. Unfortunately for my auntie Deby, Vettle came second in the grand prix and the Detroit lions lost their game. Also Sarah got to go on the side line during the warm up as well! Insane day for them!

Gareth had another friend come over today, from down the road a lovely girl! They all played nicely and got along, they sorted themselves out with some lunch as did grandpa and I. All this while with me sitting in the chair feet up and writing up my notes. We then all congregated at Applebees for dinner, which was lovely, even though I didn't finish my main course I had a desert. Tehe cheeky me. It was lovely. I should have taken a picture while we were all there but I was rushed into getting ready. I had been talking to Annie about bill stuff and talking to matt as well it just got all very confusing and I had to hurry up in leaving. Anyway it is fine, I am going to sort it tomorrow. It's all good.

We got back from the meal, and sarahs friend had left her wallet at the table, luckily the waitresses came out and gave it to us before we drove away. So it was all good, we sat a chilled for a little while and then Sarah's friend left. Sarah then went with grandpa to get some petrol for her car and then she went back to college for a few days. Gareths friend then left. Grandpa then got gareth set up for bed and then we all headed to bed. So I am now sat in bed, writing up some more revision notes. I want to finish this topic so I can start a new one tomorrow.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Saturday 17 November 2012


So today was the day of my first solo flight.

I woke up at 6am to make sure that the flat was clean, because i was the last one there and to make sure i was all set for coming here and that i had everything. The morning went well, it was relatively relaxing which is the way it needed to be. I got slightly stressed and nerves came over me a little, so occasionally throughout the trip i felt quite sick. This is all to be expected though. Henry came and picked me up around 7:10 ish and we managed to fit Ope in as well which i was well chuffed about. it meant we only had to pay $50 each which was also a bonus. Henry and I just got chatting and that was it, we picked up the last girl and that was it. Henry and I just started talking on the highway and that was it. He told me about his hunting days and now he hunts with his camera instead, he was telling about him helping out his Russian friend teaching an agriculture class. it was really interesting, talking about my classes and everything. He is such a lovely person, a real gentlemen.

Anyway he dropped us at the right gate and i headed straight to the security checks all went smoothly, i was called for a random check, which was fine. I then found the gate, went to the restroom and grabbed a snack. i got talking to various people throughout this whole process. I was really chatty, i was quite excited.

I boarded the plane fine, and started doing some work, i spent the whole flight just chilling, reading my book and listening to music. i was given some water and some biscuits which was good, something for me to nibble on. An hour and a half later I arrived, I hadn't checked any baggage because my bag was small enough to go into the over head lockers, unlike some of the passengers baggage! I also managed to find a gilr that i meant at the cultural cafe the day before, which was awesome. I stood by the boards waiting to find out the carousel for the baggage to find Sarah and Grandpa. I didn't need to know the Carousel they were stood there waiting for me. We then moved on to the car, on the drive home, Sarah and I didn't stop talking! It was so cool!

Once we arrived back at Deb's house we chilled for a little while and then i got talked to grandpa about America stuff, like what i had been up to recently and ole miss differences and things like that. We then headed to Kroger to pick up a few groceries, Sarah had gone riding by now. I had also checked in with my parents and had a nice long chat with them about stuff. which was so nice!! When i got back, we have literally just chilled since then. Talking to people on Facebook you know the standard.

Grandpa made jacket potatoes, ham and sweetcorn, it was lovely. Gareth's friend has joined us for the evening for a sleepover. We watched the LSU vs. Ole Miss game. Now we are just chilling with a film and popcorn and just chillaxing.

tomorrow is another adventure. 

Friday 16 November 2012


So today was quite busy, waking up and not feeling great because I am all bunged up with a cold - serves me right. It's alright should be gone in a few days just horrible in the time being. I got up and got ready and went onto campus, watched big bang theory quickly and read though my essay. Printed and handed in fine.

I then found Gaby in the library and checked in for my flight tomorrow and printed off my boarding pass. Iwe then went and got some books for her slavery research paper. We met Hannah and Catherine for lunch, I had chick-fil-a. Bad bad bad Idea. After getting my money out for Henry tomorrow I went and sat in Barnes and noble. I skyped my parents just to chat for a little and we talked about the n power business. Hopefully getting that sorted soon.

I then met with Ahmed, my Egyptian friend who had offered me the job helping him with his linguistics project. So for one hour we talked and read some passages from a book and when he said something wrong I corrected him and stuff like that he made some notes and the such like. It was quite interesting I had never really noted the difference between American and British really strongly but it is quite different. I then joined Immy and Buki at the cultural cafe and pd we talked to some of the other international students there and I grabbed a snack and a coffee ( it was free). I then left around 4ish, I needed to et back home. Once I wa snack I finished up my packing made sure everything was packed. Which I will probably check again tomorrow morning. I then tidied my room OCD style throwing things away. I then cleaned the bathroom and my room. I think I am pretty much set for tomorrow. I then cooked this salad for the farewell thanksgiving dinner tonight. It was lovely, no one really touched the food that I had made but to be honest I don't really blame them it wasn't that good. I dont have the right stuff to cook properly out here! It is starting to annoy me. I like cooking when I am hungry but I just don't out here. I also did a little of my scrapbook that Leanne gave me. Although I am leaving some bits like putting pictures and stuff til I get back. I also went through the daily Mississippian and cut out the sections I wanted from about the election.

When I got over the the British farewell meal, it was lovely we had Romeo and Juliet on in the background we ate some pasta carbonara and some potato thing Ava had made. It was lovely. I really enjoyed the night, we then watched the hangover two! Oh dear lord what a film, in all honesty I preferred the first one. But it was still quite amusing. Soon afterwards though I left.

After hearing about the armed robery at trails a few days ago waking to the meal I was terrified and even more so on the way back. Wether I stopped on Sophie's on the way their to pick up Hannah's skirt, even she said I should be careful and the such like. It is just scary when that stuff happens. Especially when I have made that trip a lot of times and so have some of the other girls on their own. It is going to sca me everytime now.

Anyway, after an eventful day. Tomorrow is another adventure.

Thursday 15 November 2012


Today I was relatively chilled out, classes went well I worked on my essay that is due in tomorrow a lot. I treated myself to a Starbucks this morning. I am a sneaking suspicion I am getting ill which isn't good, but I know I will fight it soon enough. Just got to stay warm.

I grabbed some lunch I then got to type to Annie a lot which was so nice, still can't failed her webcam though so we had to deal with typing in Facebook. So instead I skyped matt, he seemed stressed so I called him to chat and make sure everything was okay. We chatted for a little bit, and then he went to get organised and I went to the library and got some more work done. I talked a little to my sister as well. Everything seems good at home, I have just heard my grandad is going back to the doctors which kind of settles my mind a little.

My second class was brilliant it really helped me understand about the topic I am doing for my final paper and helped me understand what have to research and the such like. After class I went to the professors office to ask her a question. Then went to Starbucks again and waited for Hannah only issue was I then started feeling really sick, but it was fine. After meeting Hannah I went home.

This evening I have chilled done my reading for tomorrow, talked a little to Patty and Lohrie, done some reading for my research papers. I have also touched base with grandpa today who arrived in the US a few days ago. I finish the majority of my packing which felt so good. I think I am pretty much ready for Saturday now. So a relatively chill day in comparison to yesterday.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Wednesday 14 November 2012


Right today has been quite a rollar coaster, classes went fine today, I wasn't able to Skype annie at lunch because she has managed to misplace her webcam temporarily. I was able to Skype my parents however, which was nice. Escpecially as My card had been acting up, which was understandable because they were no money on the card. Oh dear! I got way too panicked about it! In hind sight it wasn't such a big deal. It was just that on top of the amount of work I have to do that has just hit me. My mum telling me some bad news about my grandad didn't help either. Not to mention I am so close to going home and yet it still so far away, I don't want to leave but at the same time I want to go home. Either way everything got sorted out, my mum was right in correcting me that I was worrying about the enormity again, just like I did when I was leaving. I have to take it one day at a time and one task at a time. I was just forgetting this. Anyway I then went to the library and sat there for about 5 hours reading various chapters of books for my research papers.

Once I realised that I actually have 7 sources for one of the papers, I kinda thought that would be enoough to make an argument from and if not there should be plenty of sources online from jstor and the such like that I should be able to gather enough to make a plausible argument for 3000 word essay. I just have to focus on the other one now. It is just starting to worry me about how much work I have to do. But it's fine I know I can handle it. Matt helped a lot today as well, we were both talking about how much we missed each other and stuff it was just good to get everything like that out of the system.

Anyway once my card was sorted I grabbed a quick bagel from Starbucks because I needed something on my stomach, I then joined hannah in the union after I had finished all my reading. I grabbed some food, I had a burger again, it wasn't as bad this time though, still felt a little sick but it was fine. Catherine, Gaby and Alice then joined us.  Sat there talking for a little bit about work amongst other things.

We then moved on the ford centre to watch the ole miss university beauty pageant, I mean scholarship programme! It was miss congeniality reencarnate! It was exactly like that but on a lower scale, there were only 3 contestant, although there were 5 in the programmes we were given. One was ill and we were never told about the other one. Anyway we sat an watched this for an hour and a half, just under. It was hilarious! I know something like this is serious but us British girls couldn't help but giggle the whole way through it. They had smile plastered on their faces and their expressions were all the same. We were told the meanings of the points on the crown and told that apparently a dress can tell someone's personality. It was hilarious how seriously people took this! They all sang and two of the three sang opera songs. It was very strange! It was surreal. They also had a swim suit competition in which they all looked like body builders! And the interview stage - they were asked one wustion. One of the contestants questions was based in politics, it was about health care, and the national wide health service.

Miss Mississippi made the comparison between herself one of the contestants and the curtains because they were wearing the same colour! Just the fact she just came out with it. "we match the curtains" just made me crack up!! It is a worrying thought when a picture on the programme shows you to be prettier than you are in real life. She was telling us about what she have been doing, travelling the state and getting ready for Miss America. I kid you not! We also got to see Miss University of 2012 farewell video which was a PowerPoint of her saying thank you to everyone and everything that has helped her. At one point I thought she was going to cry in the narrative of the video! We also got see miss university of 2012 and miss Mississippi perform their talents. They played the piano well, however the influence of the backing track I do not like. She made two bum notes in the whole piece, why not play it acapella rather than cover up to ur talent with a backing track?   

At the announcement it got even funnier because she did just break down not crying but the whole fluttering and everything. Another noticable thing - they couldnt walk in heels any of them. You would have thought that would have been the first thing you taught your child if they are going to do this. Their parentage was mentioned a lot as well. It just shows the influence of your family in the south. As one of the entertainments waiting for the resutls we got to see miss Mississippi outstanding teen. She no a song from Dreams Girls, she gave it a good shot but because she wasn't black it didn't have the same depth as I think a black woman could have given it. Another thing this girl also said that she was singing from the age of 6 years however she said the first song she sang was twinkle twinkle star however the only word she knew was no... Hang on at the age of 6 the only word you can say is no, I think there are other problems there love. 

It was no surprise that the winner was part of the most expensive sororiety, tri delta. It was still interesting to go because it is such an American thing, i just didn't expect it to be like it was, it didn't expect to match miss congeniality so well and be so stereotypical. It was mental, very very funny. It shouldn't have been but it just was. I think I laughed the whole way home. When I got back I went up to Alice's apartment and chose my secret Santa name. So I now have to find something for that person. Which is $10. Could be interesting. 

I then came back to my apartment and told patty all about the pageant and chilled for a little while and then started packing. Just putting stuff aside from next week. I felt so much better having relaxed at the pageant and getting organised just really helped me take a weight off my shoulders. I have comment though about miss university before the pageant I didn't know who she was, I think that such a person if they have that much impact in the community and the such like they should be more prominent figures of uni site society. They should make themselves be known to everyone. 

But that is just my opinion.  

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Tuesday 13 November 2012


Well I have just seen that I have hit over a hundred blog posts! How incredible is that! Andnthere is only 25 days left!! Ahah scary!

Anyway this morning was pretty usual i had a cup of tea and a bagel at Starbucks before heading down to the computers to read through the essay I half wrote yesterday. I have to admit it wasn't as bad as I thought it was but it could have been a lot better. Anyway I improved it dramatically and went onwards to class. I managed to go swimming today however I didn't manage my 50 I went too slowly in some of the sets and therefore I didn't reach my mark but it is fine. I still did half an hour of exercise.

I grabbed some lunch, I thought I would spoil myself with a burger today, that was such a bad idea! I just felt the grease on my stomach all day it was awful! I didn't feel sick, just stodgy! I then went back to the library where I saw Ian! It was soo good to see him back at College! I managed to work some more on my essay and matt read it through as well for me and has sent me some feedback from someone who doesn't know the topic which was good. I am trying my hardest not to let people read my work and for me to edit it myself. I need to learn from my mistakes and I can't keep relying on people to check my work. It has to be my own work. Asking for help isn't a sign of defeat I know but I would rather be able to notice these things on my own. Anyway, Catherine and Hannah came and found me and then we collected Gaby from her cuby hole in the library and went to our second class.

More information about dread Scott and Frederick douglas, it was a really interesting lecture. I do really enjoy that class. Hannah, Gaby and I then wondered to see Gaby's professor who wasnt in unfortunately. We then decided to go home, it would just be better. We originally planned to stay on campus and do work but everyone was a little tired and Gaby wanted to Skype and work could be done at home. So we came back.

I checked the mail and found I had a package from Matt's mum!! A birthday present nonetheless! It was a scarf!! Believe me it is a god send especially with the weather dropping so much it is hard to believe how cold it has gotten. There was frost on the ground when I left this morning! So I am going to write her a quick thank you note! How lovely of her.

I then went back to my apartment grabbed a little dinner, I am just not hungry in the evenings really. I don't know why. I then read through the documents I had to read for Friday's native American class. Well some of them. I then walked over to Gaby and Hannah's and dyed Gaby's hair. I watched them cook dinner and then I left. I came back to my apartment got changed and then started work again.. Reading articles ready for my research papers that are coming up after thanksgiving.

It is all creeping up on me now.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

Monday 12 November 2012


So a lazy morning I just couldn't be bothered to get out of bed this morning. But once I gathered the motivation to get going I got ready quite quickly. Got onto campus and although I bypassed the library I couldnt think of any worm that I needed to get done this morning. So just just sat on my iPad outside class, I set up a LinkedIn account though which was good. I got a apaper back which was a B+ which  i was so happy about! Classes went well today I didn't get too distracted. I had to write in a tiny book for one of my classes because I had no pages left in my big book, that is how much I have written for this modules it's crazy. I met Sophie at the union with Alice, however Sophie decided she didn't want to get a ticket for an event later this week. I grabbed some lunch and then got to Skype matt for a little bit.

It was weird, and nice conversation but the mood of it kept changing very bizarre. Anyway I then headed back to trails in order to drop off some stuff and pick up some bits and pieces before heading back onto campus o get some work done. I managed to upload all my pictures and videos from the weekends which I was really chuffed about. I managed to et a very brief draft essay drawn up however there is only a brief introduction and there is no conclusion. It needs some major work doing to it but at least I have started the process. I will have to finish it tomorrow. I also managed to catch up on all my tv as well, I watched homeland and the rest of the series of Merlin which was good. I also got to talk To Matt a little on Facebook but he said we would talk properly when I got home.
Gaby and I stayed at the Library until like 5:30pm she took some books out and we got the bus easily we didn't have to wait long at all.

Once I got home I did get to Skype matt, I felt awful for making him stay up but at the same time it was good to talk to him. I had to let him go to bed though bless him! I also got to type a fair bit to Annie and Hayley today as well which was pretty good! It's getting really strange that it is only 26 days til I go home. I tidied my bedroom and got my washing down and got a little more work done. I got organised as well, writings down what I am doing over the next few weeks so I know that I am doing each day and the such like. I do love getting organised and getting sorted out.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Sunday 11 November 2012

Game day!

Saturday's belated post!

A few details about last night I didn't note becasue I was too angry! I don't recall how many times I changed t shirts but almost every picture is a different t shirt involved so it must have been a fair few times. Joe had mine on at some point! It was a good night like i said, everyone was having fun and stuff! It was good. Just the end bit.

So this morning started off well, no gym session and lounging around in my pajamas until midday when I decided to take a shower and get ready! I spent most of the moorning either only my iPod playing games or watching Americas Next Top Model: college edition. Which normally I hate shows like that, this mooring it really fit the bill! Instead of making me feel crap about myself it made me feel good for some bizarre rein. Either way I met with Aimee, Catherine and Hannah around 5 ish and we walked to the game. We sat in a different place to last time and there were these freshmen boys behind us being idiots the whole time. Tapping us and the such like just generally being annoying! The people in front of us weren't much better either. I ended up getting a pretzel which I shouldn't have done!! Today was all about eating, I hardly drank anything all day! I just kept eating! Not good!!! At half time we all came home and watched tv with Alice and Sophie and we ordered pizza.

I found out that things have been discussed with the boys about last night, and although I don't believe anything has been resolved completely. I think a impasse and a middle ground has been at least found, if that is even the right phrase to use! Madness pure madness!

Moving on, the pizza was lovely and it was great to spend some time with the girls! We watched some random stuff on tv, like chicken run, we did end up watching bbc america which involved watching the graham norton show. I think it shocked everyone when I said that I have never been able to watch it before. Robbie Williams, Darcy Bushell and Paul O'grady were the main guests along with Felix, the guy that broke the speed of sounds, I can't remember his surname. It was an alright show, I love Paul O'Grady! So he was hilarious! He reminded me of my family as well! Miss them! I never realized that he never told his mother that he was Lily Savage!? Such an amazing character and yet was never able to tell his own mother his achievement. I thout that was sad but at the same time interesting.

Anyway after this, I walked back with Sophie and am now all cuddled in bed ready for sleep. Although I have to say it has been quite sad because of how busy I have been that I haven't bee able to speak to Matt but I guess that's how it goes sometimes.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

Beale street!

So today I got up had a lovely Skype with my mum and sister even though the internet was shocking. I typed on Facebook to matt a little. I got ready and went down way too early to get the bus! I met up with the rest of them that were coming on this trip we were all pretty hyped to be honest. I coached ride was long and kinda boring as always. I got to talk to jasmin though, which was nice, her boyfriend is coming to see her on Wednesday for just over a week, so that will be nice for her and for him.

Anyway we stopped first at the park place where we could see the Mississippi, in all it's glory. However I only think we needed about 15/20 minutes max but whatever I am not arranging these things. Go some nice photos despite the wind. We then moved on to Beale street. Which reminded me a lot of Bournon street in New Orleans. However it was blues music and there were gymnasts doing flips down the road and all sorts! There was an irish pub and a Hard Rock!! So I got my customary top from there, there wasn't a lot of choice it has to be said. We then stopped in the Pig place for lunch. I had a BBQ pork sandwich with fries and corn on the cob, it was lovely. However they were massively short staffed. It was ridiculous refills were really slow and to get us our checks and the such like took ages as well and we were one time limit. Put it this way I didn't give him an extra tip. The food was lovely though.

We then walked down to a Gibson places, where there were tours going on but we didn't have the time to do them which was a real shame! But at least we got to go in and have a quick look at some of the guitars. It was time to collect our tickets for the NBA, MEmphis Grizzles vs. Miami Heat, by this point. We all had allocated seating so only some of us were sat together which was fine. The pre game show and the stuff they did during it was the amazing! The cheerleaders were really good, a lot of hair-ography but still really good. I pick up a few other souvenirs from Beale street as well by the way. We didn't get to see much of the half time show because we were behind the scenes getting ready for the fan tunnel! It was really good being able to high five the players as they came out to warm up for the second half and stuff! I managed to film t and get some pictures. After it we were all pushed to one side and the security guard were then ushering us forward, so come got to stand court side for a little bit! It was amazing! Just a phenomenal view and just incredible!! Once in a lifetime opportunity!

We then went up back to our seats and watched the rest of the game, when it got to about 5 minutes to the end, the majority of the Miami heat supporters were leaving because they were 20 points down.  So then people started waving at them throughout the stadium and saying goodbye!! It was just bizarre to see that at a NBA game but I guess it is tradition. To be able to watch this game was fantastic! Especially because they won! By quite a margin as well! 104-86!!! Just amazing!

However coming out of the game was mental! Thousands of people trying to get down staircases and lifts, all headed to one place outside. The storm that was predicted had hit as well, good job I packed up umbrella. We all headed t the buses and got on, form there it was the drive home, I dozed a little but not a lot. I just listened to my music and chilled out. Ready to get off the bus and run back to apartment getting nice and warm. I also found I had a letter from grandpa, which was nice. Especially as he left for America today! Get to see him soon! It has been an insane day that has to be said! Just truly insane! Despite the rain that hit, it doesn't matter it was great!

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Saturday 10 November 2012


Okay so today during the day everything was fine!! everything was good classes went well and i got to skype my parents which was good, a nice long chat just what i needed. Only issue was i think there is something wrong with my mum but i dont know what, i just hope it was nothing i have done. I got a load of work done in the library afterwards!! i posted the three packages home, which cost me less than i thought. it was a good day. I went home around 4ish and did a tiny bit more work had some food, chilled out you know the general. I did nice elaborate make up for tonights party.

Originally i wasn't going to change clothing tonight but then i decided that it might be a good idea to get involved. it was definitely interesting! i got rid of a horrible top that i was going to throw away anyway. it was a good party until the english lads kicked off.

to begin with they decided that they were going to go to the square for starters so by the time they had turned up to the party they were already drunk. they then had to audacity to come up to two of my friends and say that the British girls were boring!! boring!! of all things!! and the reason being because we dont go out!! I mean come on!! one you do not need alcohol to have a good night out, two you do not need to go out every single week. if you do that you end up gaining a reputation for yourself and not a good one for that!! boys get a rep for being players and girls get a rep of slags! im sorry but their are such double standards in this world. to make it worse!! my two friends have helped the guys out in so many situations and they have the gaul to come up into their faces and call us boring!! excuse us for caring about our grades!! we are not all on pass fail and the majority of us care about what grades we get at the end of this year. Not even that!! If we are caught with alcohol and we are underage that is it! out of america, visa revoked!! black listed! that is it!! so good luck boys if that is what you are willing to risk. They were even boasting about a fight they got into, which they caused by trying to kick someone's door down. I have never met such awful men in all my life!!

I am fuming, the testorone in my body is so high, i could have easily hit someone tonight. I was fuming that, they got into my friends face, who is the nicest person ever, and blew smoke into their face and towering over them. As soon as she started shouting back he couldn't even face her - coward!!

i dont care if they have alcohol in their system or anything!! they do not have the right to rate the girls and say shit about us!! they have no right!! I was just glad I was there to back up my friend. I only managed to say one thing, and I wish i had said more!!

Oh well! I have ranted, I have sat up until 4am talking about this and trying to calm down....

Tomorrow is another adventure.

Thursday 8 November 2012


I got majorly distracted in my first class. It was about the scientific revoltion and although some of it was interesting. When we were getting into ptolemaic theory and Kepler's laws it was just getting too deep into physics for me. Just way too deep, way too confusing for me. After class I grabbed some lunch, I treated myself to a burger today but no chips. I then went to the library and finished spreading the book for an essay due next week. I did get distracted again by another project that I am working on, at the moment, nothing to do with uni.

My afternoon class was extremely interesting. We discussed the 'riots' that had happened on Tuesday night. Admittedly they were shocking, one of my class mates we pushed, had her car keyed and was spat at as well as her car. It was awful that fellow students should be subjected to that because of their political tendencies. It is just wrong! Ole miss has just celebrated 50 years of integration and yet as a student community they are still protested the election of their own president. He has already been in term 4 years. It just shows that in some ways we really haven't moved on, yes black students are now allowed in classes and in university but some people opinion remains the same. It is just a shame that after all this publicity about these changes ole miss are making and it progression that students would ruin this! They are part of this moving on and they have supported such actions of the university and yet they are still wanting to rise against the election results. It's ridiculous.  No one should be  victimized for their opinions. Whether it be about race, gender, sexual orientation. It should make no difference. Inside or outside the classroom you should be able to speak your mind and be able to develop your own opinions of the world without being terrorized for them. Students also I believe shouldn't follow their parents ideas, yes I will concede that that is where you learn your basic behaviour and the such like but that doesn't mean you need to imitate said behaviors. You need to form your own judgements and opinions about the world around you.

All in all they were having a temper tantrum. They weren't happy with it and they thought that after drinking of alcohol and throwing some stones that that would be it. Hell no!

Anyway we spent the whole class discussing this, the tension was deep, you could have cut it tension with a knife. It was incredibly interesting, and heavy going at the same time. It made national news in Germany! Come on that has to say something!

Moving on, I came home a chilled, cooked some dinner and got ready for going out, what was meant to be a girls nit out ended up not being so great, Alice and I left early because I never like having a friend go home solo. Alice wasnt drunk and therefore wasn't having a good time. To be honest I have kinda lost the vibe for the Square to be honest. The levee is the only place I can get into and after the third time it is getting kind of the me. But it's fine it was a decent night while it lasted. But I don't think any scandalous stories will be coming out of this one. Andrew - a guy from one of my classes, bless him brought me a drink, it it was more JD than coke! It did not taste good until about half of it was gone. I kept giving it to ele to try and make it softer. It was funny to watch their faces as they took a sip. I talked to danny a little (another guy from one of my classes) he invited me to his tent on saturday which would be quite cool.  Depending on the weather of course, although the forcast is looking good. I dont want to jinx it, Either way Alice and I got a free ride home from the church taxi. They dropped us at our doors. Which was nice. A cheap night, as we had managed to get a ride into town as well, and a relatively boring one Im afraid no gossip this time.

Sleep time.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Wednesday 7 November 2012


Today was pretty uneven til other than getting some confusion and troubling news from back home about energy bills but don't worry I am not going to bore you wil the details just know this one half of the problem was sorted early on and the other half is still being worked on.

It didn't help today that was I tried, it after a bagel, small coffee and some classes to wake me up. I was ready. After missing one bus I waited another 20 minutes for another blue bus, and managed to get to Walmart do my shopping, get out, have a subway, get back to trails and back onto campus in the best part of two hours. Now that my my friends is impressive. I think getting that bad news really got me going. I came back onto famous read a bit more of my book for my assignment coming up. Talked to the girls back home, trying to arrange a Skype session for some point. Missing them like crazy. I came back around 4:30 ish. Chilled for a little watched a tiny part of the Green Laturn, talked to Patty, all I wanted was a hug I ended up ranting at her a little which I feel awful for! She is just so easy to talk to and i knew she would have some good advice for me. Mainly Chill the Hell out!!

She told me this aamazing story all about her wonderful wondering through the woods and seeing faulkners house and grave and stuff, and then she said she had seen a wolf! No joke! A wolf in the woods!! How amazing is that? I bet it was really scary but phenomenal at the same time. I love wolves!

But either way I then called Matt, who really helped me to calm down. Had been emailing my dad all day as well and eventually after a few ups and downs I think I am calm. It's hard to tell sometimes but I think I have some better perspective now. I am trying to get better with this whole coping with stress thing. I think I am getting there but I guess we will see. No point in counting chickens before they have hatched. 

Moving on, it was really nice to all to Matt, with only 31 days o go its getting scary how close it is to leaving! I am torn I don't want to go because I'm having an awesome time and I am loving it but at the same time I kinda miss parts of home. It's strange I know. I saw on Facebook that people had gone to this we are one, ole miss thing, in a sort of defiance to the riots that happened yesterday because of the election result. I wish I had stayed on campus and gone to it, but I didn't realise what was going on. I also kinda wanted to get home and relax. Either way it looked like it was really good. To be honest most of the conversations today were about the election result. It was really interesting hearing some of the stories, like gun shots going off. A friend of mind had a neighbour who was playing dubstep, he suspects, in order to drown out the other neighbour who was cheering for Obama! Crazy stuff! I saw in the DM (daily Mississippian) a map of how each of the counties had voted in the election. My word that was interesting and I am defo keeping that to save and show people.


Tomorrow is another adventure. 


Oay my blog lied to me - it said this had posted! So this is actually Mondays post.

I went through two pens in my classes today, both just decided not to work! Very annoying! I managed to watch half of homeland and go through the rest of some of my notes this morning before class. I had a really nice breakfast, woke up to a lovely message from matt. It wasa good day today, even if it had turned cold again.

After lunch I went back to the library grabbed a hot chocolate and ran into Gaby. So we had a quickly chat while she grabbed her lunch before her class, I resumed homeland and finished my notes before meeting Sophie outside the Lyceum around 2ish. From here we went to the square. We must have gone in almost every shops looking for some birthday presents that we coming up. We went in every little unique store until we found something for people. There were some really ince shos and some really nice stuff but it was just a tiny bit expensive. I want ed to Find something nice but inexpensive. Sophie also had to get some books for her class as well. We had yaya's as well, I am starting to prefer frozen yoghurt to ice cream though now. Which is kinda sad. We also went inside the courthouse because I thought there would be some interesting history, I have to be honest it kinda let me down. It was still in use as a voting office therefore, it wasn't as historical as I thought it might have been.

 Either way after 4 hours of wondering around the square buying bits and pieces and looking around. We headed back to trails, despite asking the bus to the square we decided to get a taxi home. It was just easier although slightly more expensive, it was just too cold to stand and wait for a bus. I had a quick chat with Greg and Alex when they were in their way to a exhibition basketball game on campus. I checked my mail and found I had a card from my parents and a letter from my cousin. I don't know whether to use the card they sent as advent or as a count down. It would be good either way but I am not sure. I have some times to think at least before either starts. It was nice to get some mail to be honest.

I headed back to my apartment had a quick catch up with patty and Lohrie, the rest of my evening was spent reading, talking  on Facebook and just generally chilling.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 


Understandably I am writing this the next morning because I could not keep my eyes open enough last night to write this.

The day was pretty usual, I did my swimming and classes. I met Catherine by chance at lunch, who then had a mini fit when she saw Obama sticker going round - so she needed to find them and have one! I have to say it was interesting walking round a Romney state with a Obama sticker on your chest. Hannah and Gaby then came and got me from the library for class.

I then went home, chilled, cooked some dinner but then I went to Catherine's for the election coverage. In hindsight I wouldn't have gone over at 6:30pm. I watched close to 5 hours of coverage including the daily show it was really good though. Eating popcorn and getting all excited and nervous. There were times it looked like Romney was going to take it my a slight margin. But as each state was coming predictions were being made both in the senate and for the presidency. It was really interesting I learnt a lot. It was really nerve racking! But even after they had projected that Obama would win, Romney would not concede. They disputed various states results and trying to get more votes. However it is futile! 303 to 206 Obama wins a second term. It was close at times but as soon as the west coast came in, I don't think it was possible for Romney to get back.

Anyway I went back to my apartment, did a really say walk to keep warm and curled up in bed and slept like a log.

Tomorrow is another adventure 

Sunday 4 November 2012


This post is called opposite because it was opposite of yesterday. Today was really productive. 

I was up early this morning grabbed a little breakfast talked to my mum and matt for a little. I then headed down the gym with my book. This is still a great idea! I got the reading I wanted to get done whilst I was on the treadmill. I also did the cross trainer and my 100 sit ups. So I felt good when I came home. I then watched part of Garfield before grabbing some better breakfast and a shower. I watched then end of that film and then found P.S I love you. I love this film. Hyein invited me to join her for lunch and I am so glad I did, it was really nice and just enough spice for me. Noodles again - it was lovely! I learnt a lot about Korean culture, like there is almost no PDA ( public displays of affection) almost at all. A hug in some situations is okay but this is between couples!! Nothing allowed normally. I also didn't quite grasp that apparently if people are caught crossing the river then they are automatically shot! Hyein has met one student who made it across and they said it was very stressful. They are also ruled by a president,  a similar system to the US but not we quite as large of course. 

It was a really nice lunch! She then left for campus to do her work. So I was able to Skype matt and type to my sister and mum as well. Which was really nice. And people kept coming in for the internet again. I wish they would just get in sorted once and for all, its starting to get annoying. Mind you i am nor using my buildings internet because of all this issues. Although i felt kinda bad I was also handle to do some work whilst talking to matt which was good. He was able to read through his cv with me. I don't know if I helped a lot though. Anyway the Internet started playing up so we had to end the conversation. But it's fine, I watched gladiator and  west side story whilst I was going through my notes. I have been through and highlighted every module bar 1 so I am well ahead ready for revision.  Which feels good to be honest.

I watched the end of west side story all curled up in bed and sleepy. Ready for this week to be gin. I can't believe I have been with matt 5 months now - my longest relationship, and I am heading home in a month. Too much to happen before then though. 

Tomorrow is another adventure.  

Saturday 3 November 2012

Unproductive day

Okay so I woke up late today and decided it was too late to be going to the gym. But it's fine, I have breakfast and watched some films before texting people and converging at the pool about midday.

It was glorious weather , the occasional cloud covering the sun and a breeze occasionally as well. But it was still nice and hot and just wonderful! I had a really god day, I read a little of my book. And listened to music sharing stories from the night before. Hannah skyped her parents from my iPad and I talked to matt a little after his shift at work. It was short lived because I went back to my apartment and then he was getting ready to go out, from tepee messages I have got later this evening I think they had a good night out.

Anyway I came back grabbed a little food, watched the The Stepmom - therefore ended up in tears. And afterwards I found The Girl. It is a decent film. Toby jones played a realistic role as Alfred Hitchcock and Sienna Miller is great in it as well. It would be interesting to read the book it was based on. I would like to understand its origins and see if Hitchcock was really like that. But I guess men back then were all obsessed with having domination, and women had to be submissive and yet strong minded.

I had a quick shower and after that film finished I did a little work. Noting books and articles to read for my up and coming research papers. I shouldn't have an issue finding information only thing I have to make sure I can find evidence for the arguments I want to make. I was already for Catherine's so I headed over and we ordered pizza, by we I mean, Sophie, Hannah, Gaby, Catherine and I. We ordered Papa John's, it was delicious and in some ways better than Domino's and definitely cheaper. We then managed to watch The Help, and Catherine and Hannah made some cookies so we had snacks as well. It was really good. It was lush night. As I was walking down to Catherine's I took a video of the cloud lighting up with lightening, I knew I storm was coming and it hit about half way through the film. So we went outside to see it but went the thunder was loud and it seemed really close I got a little scared but my fear is nothing like it used it be. I am becoming more fascinated and interested by it.

Anyway we watched the film and then we all departed straight afterwards. I think we were all tired even though the clocks go back tonight. Sophie and I discussed what differences and similarities in what we have experienced in Mississippi to how it used to be, especially with the election coming up as well. A very controversial subject I know.

Anyway home ward bound, sitting in my window my blind still open, with the lines of my hands and on my bed just listening to music and writing down my events for today.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Fun times

Okay so today started well, my classes went well, handed in my essay watched an interesting documentary. I then grabbed a wrap from POD and headed to the library stopping by Starbucks to pick up a treat for after I had done my work. I ended up meeting Hannah and Sophie and Wijnand, Hannah and Sophie were stressing about course registration for the spring term. They found out they couldn't do it because of per requisites etc. which is stupid. So we had to go to the history office to sort the courses out. 

They got some of their courses sorted but because they wanted to do some other courses from other departments we have to go to them and get them sorted as well. Some departments were really helpful to them and got them sorted however there was a one that was not really helping, I don't think she understood the situation. But in all honesty I don't think they were used to exchange students being involved in programmes. 

Anyway Hannah and I got it sorted and then stopped by the library to find some book for her classes. It is a maze!! However I did get to move shelves where they had been closed, it sounds so simple and yet it was so exciting. I don't get to do it at home it's cool. We got on the bus to go home and saw Jennie, Sophie and Aimee. Back to trails and then we went to the pool however it ended up that the sun went behind the trees. We then went and sat on the volleyball court and pretended we were at the bleach! It was hilarious we got a few funny looks though. 

We then went back to our apartments and got ready for the evening. I grabbed some dinner and watched a film and then did a little work before getting ready. I wore the new outfit my parents had got me. We all met at Sophie's and went from there. We stopped by Stefun's before we went to the Levee. The levee was good. Everyone was getting drunk though, Catherine and I were sober. It was an alright night. I ended up spending almost the whole night talking to a guy from one of my classes. He is really nice and I have never talked to him before. But it was really interesting. He offered us a lift home but I couldn't find everyone so I had to say no. Which in hindsight I wish I had just said yes. I would have been easier. 

Anyway we collected everyone and had a panic when Hannah disappeared with Gaby's keys. But it's all good, we managed to get them off her and then headed home. I then went straight to bed. I wasn't in the mood to go back to Stefun's 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Thursday 1 November 2012

November Begins

I resisted coffee this morning until after I had read through my essay. I got most of the way through but then had to go to class. I grabbed a snack on the way though which was nice. Although I need to stop doing this - spending too much money on it.

Moving on class this morning went well despite getting distracted towards the end of it. I managed to go swimming yay! So so happy about this it really helped chill me out. I could telli was staring to get a little aggravated and touchy. 50 lengths later I was feeling good. Steve invited me on a back packing trip in the grand canyon which would have been insane but unfortunately it is on the 10th December and I have to go home. Oh well.

After this I went and grabbed a wrap and some crisps from POD (provisions on demand) which was good actually quick easy and healthier that anything esle really. I need to start having more salads and the such like. I am having too much greasy food.

I went straight back to the library and waited for a computer talking to Joe and Alex as a distraction. I then got on with checking my essay but was however distracted by Hayley talking to me on Facebook. She was telling me some bill troubles from back home. Which stressed me a tiny bit, but it's fine we managed to get it all sorted which is awesome, my heart was in my mouth!! Luckily my parents were online so I was able to get some of the information off them. They are determined to go onto the joint account, which is fine I understand where they are coming from. I know I will be able to help more as soon as I get back in the same country at least. So I didn't really get to check through my essay properly. Luckily after my after noon class Gaby let me use her laptop for a little bit so I could correct some of it.  Before I carry on I have to tell you about my afternoon class - it was so hard because we were split into groups and we had to talk about different questions that were on a sheet about a book that no one in the group had read. Luckily I managed to find a summary type thing of the trial we were studying online so we were able to get some stuff down and say something but it was really difficult. At the same time it was hilarious because none of us knew what we were on about.

When we got back to trail, and i wa borrowing gaby's laptop I managed to get through half of it before Gaby needed her computer back for Skyping her boyfriend. Hannah had a little scare with her laptop but luckily my old laptop used to do it all the time so we were able to sort it out. Both by just pressing buttons mainly. 

I then went home and cooked my dinner, I managed to set off the fire alarm 3 times. Hyper sensitive much. I had two doors open and a blanket ready to waft the fumes away it was really odd. The sound was awful it scared Hyein a little I think. Mind you it scared me never mind anyone else!, I was just cooking and it shrieked at me! At least we know it works. I then sat down and watch ridiculousness for a bit and then I got to Skype Matt!! We have decided to Skype at least once a week, and a nice long chat too. Just so we can talk about all sorts of stuff. The distance is making this really really hard, and I think have just lost sense of each other if you get my meaning. Like when we kate together we understand each others jokes and facial expressions and stuff help but over facebook and even sometimes Skype it is difficult and doesn't help in some situations.

I can't believe it is November already!! Apparently something like 37 days to go!!! Where had the time gone!! Two weeks until thanks giving and then finals and then flight home. This is too weird!! I'm not ready for it to be over quite yet. And luckily it isn't I am going to enjoy the present and let time fly or be slow what ever it wants to do.

Tomorrow is another adventure after all.