Monday 29 October 2012

Fun weekend.

Saturday, I went to Walmart in the morning, grabbed some supplies for my party in the evening and some food supplies for myself as well. It was pretty painless and I got back in time to do some work and watch a film. I took my book down to he gym and did some of my reading whilst on the treadmill. It was a great way to do work I have to say. Then came back watch some more films and started getting ready of the party. Gaby then messages me of facebook about going to a Halloween party after mine so I had to get charged which was interesting. I looked better than I thought I would.I didn't get to go out, I just went to bed, but from reports it doesn't sound like I missed a lot. Which makes me feel a little better for not going.

I slept for 11-12 hours! Unbelievable! Sunday then was completely uneventful, I just watched films all day I was not feeling great so I couldn't eat a lot but it's fine I coped. I went straight from the sofa to my bed, I only read a little of my book. But to be honest I deserved a relaxing do nothing day. I watched Brewsters Millions, Life as we know it, Monster House and Sorcerers Apprentice, plus other. They are the main ones.

Hope y'all had a good weekend.

Anyway tomorrow is another adventure. 

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