Monday 22 October 2012

Day of work.

Mmm today has been very productive. I have done work, a lot of it actually! I have talked a little to my parents and to Matt. I have been to the gym also. All of which has made me feel really good about myself! Getting the work done has really helped, in hindsight I could have done probably a lot more but hey ho. 

I am not going to explain all the work I did because 1 I can't remember and 2 that would make for a very boring blog post. 

For dinner, Sophie, Catherine, Ava and I all went to Soulshine. It was really good I only had an 8" Mississippian pizza which was lovely I didn't manage to finish though which is shameful. But to be honest no one finished their food and for $10 it was pretty good. We ended up sharing stories about Thursday night. No one really knows what happened to us all, it was just like all of sudden. 

After food we went to Proud Larry's for Immy and Buki's gig. We stayed for them playing, it was a massive contrast to the band that played after. They played a lot of the songs that they had played on Tuesday night whic was nice and I got some recordings of it although I don't think my camera got all of the song each time. It was retarded. I have 92 pictures on there that can be viewed or deleted it is really strange but I am going to put everything from there on facebook on Monday and then clear the memory card. I tried putting everything on my wireless device but the memory is going that as well.  But oh well. We will see how it goes - more on this at a later date. 

Either way once Buki and Immy had finished and the next band came on we decided to go home and so Ava bless her came and picked us up! She looked so comfy in her trackies and hoody! She then dropped us all off at our individual buildings! So home I am all tucked up in bed and ready for sleep. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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