Thursday 18 October 2012


Hit by overtired-ness again, not ill this time though, just in off mood.

Classes were pretty standard, I still don't have a lot to contribute in the Middle Ages class which I need to improve on, having the book for reading will help now though.

I went straight home after classes today I was so tired and I thought I would get more work. Matt and I had had a slight dispute before I went into class so we had a very interrupted chat the internet did not help our situation. Anyway moving on, my dad had managed to sort out my flights for thanksgiving and I have now sorted out my transfer. So I just have to organise, packing and getting there now. My first trip alone on a plane - exciting!! I know after this trip nothing is going to phase me, I can do anything.

I was in bed by 7 last night I was that tired, I watched a film and generally tried to relax, had to meditate again. I kept waking up though, a storm hit at around 10pm, wind, rain and thunder and lightening Hyein got a little scared as we both came out of our rooms. I had to close the window in Patty's room. It was really going for it, but this morning there was no rain only slight evidence that it had rained. Weird huh? I just put my ipod in and let Michael Buble sing me to sleep.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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