Wednesday 24 October 2012

Essay drafts

I have managed to stay away from the coffee for another day however i couldn't stay away from starbucks, i still went and sat down and had a little snack and did some work. Time went way to quickly however and soon enough i was going on to class. I had to wait outside for a little while, but soon the three hours went passed. I found out today that Laura has dropped out, which is not good!!  I texted her and apparently she is having family issues and can't afford the time at the moment, which is not good at all. I was surprised not to see Ian in class today because he had said hi to be earlier in the day.

Anyway i went for lunch and then waited outside the library for my skype call off my parents however, i was too impatient and therefore i didnt wait long enough. I went downstairs instead and got a computer and started work on my essay, i got a draft written 4 hours later. I had watched some Homeland as well in the background as usual. I dont think this season is going to be good as the last one. I talked a lot to Matt on facebook and I got into a deep email conversation with Leanne. She is proud of me and for her to say that makes me feel really special, she is one person who is really able  to see how much I have changed from my past teacher's pet self to my now confident and just different person now. I hope I get to see her soon.
I grabbed a drink and at snack from starbucks on my way out and decided to walk home again, this time it was a good idea i caught a glimpse of the team practising and also it  was just a lovely walk home. I saw Hannah by the pool and so checked my mail and joined her for a while. She was just reading the book for our assignment for next week. No mail for me this time. I went back to her apartment and borrwed her nail polish remover and took the rest of the chipped polish off my nails. which was such a relief, my nails are getting longer. I just need to stop biting them so they are all nice and lovely for going home.

I went back to my apartment for a while, grabbed an apple relaxed a little and then came back to Hannah and Gaby's, then just started the draft essay for the next week. I am glad i am getting this work done. anyway back to it.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

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