Wednesday 17 October 2012


Well again I asked questions in class that the professor couldn't answer which is always fun and was also able to contribute and answer some of this questions. I was only the one to do a paper on that book, I put the wrong code on the document though and I forgot to submit it online. So I will have to do that at some point.

I did my 50 lengths in 30 minutes I think next week I am going to push it to 45 minutes and do 72 lengths I was to do a mile before I leave. I am impressed how much I have managed to do actually. That should be possible. No in fact that will be possible I am going to push myself to do it. Anyway - I grabbed some lunch which probably nullified my entire workout as per usual and got to Skype my parents for like 2 hours! It was great I loved getting to talk to them. I think I have finally sorted what I am doing for thanksgiving which is a load of my mind. And just generally getting to update and getting to just chat.

After my next class, which I almost missed, I walked to the square to meet Immy, we had coffee until I started feeling ill! No matter what I said she insisted that we go home and I get some sleep and I will meet her later, so I did as I was told. And I did see her later. I went over around 8:30 and I played guitar and sang with her and Buki! They are playing a gig on Saturday and I was just there to listen, they have written their own stuff and it is amazing, I am going to try and record some of it on Saturday and make sure people know about these guys! They are awesome it's really easy listening too and the lyrics are really nice. We ended up eating ice cream and cookies. I joined in at my random harmonies on occassion which was a lot of fun. Towards the end we were playing good ole 90's music like 5ive, Steps, Vanilla etc. etc. it was a really good a lot of laughs and I really enjoyed it. I really hope I can go over there and play some more, admittedly I don't have my own material but I still love playing guitar and singing even though I have nothing on them.

I promise you I am not being modest, I have nothing on them!

Tomorrow is another adventure, 

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