Thursday 4 October 2012

two days

I have had a mental two days.

Tuesday: Swimming didn't go so well, i only managed 42 which kinda sucked! i lost count! anyway studying with Sarah went well that day. we got a fair bit done, but its hard to revise when you don't know what to expect and aren't really sure of what to revise in the first place. I got my Equiano paper back that day too I got a B. I was really really impressed with myself and proud! in all honesty not a lot happened on tuesday.

Yesterday was slightly more exciting, well the days wasn't really. I went to class, the mid term went really well and i saw my last professor and he said he is going to mark with consideration of the conversion grades from my Home university which is good. I got to quickly talk to Matt and my parents that day which was nice. In all honesty its hard to remember what i do from day to day unless i type it up that night.

I know last night i went to an awesome gig, i have spent most of my afternoon uploading videos from it. My friends Joe and Ian were playing which was good to get to see them in the lime light. Unfortunately because of my midterm this morning, I was unable to see Ian play. But i am sure i will see him some other time. I think there were more Europeans there than Americans. I had a shot called Teenage Pussy! A guy from Louis and Greg's frat brought it for us. He used to be quarter back and to be honest i am not surprised, he looked like a glory boy.

right well my last midterm went okay. i spent the morning with three guys from SAE that were having trouble with this Reformation stuff. I have to admit it was good to see how others are coping with this module. They seemed to be finding it tough, but i guess if you are American History Majors then this was always going to happen. I left early, waited for them to get out and talked a little bit to them about how they felt it went. I then managed my 52 lengths in the pool. Lunch with Molly was nice we went to this Buffalo Wild Wings place that had every sport you could think of playing almost. Very few screens were playing the same things. it was good food though. We chilled in her room from a little while and looked at this Pintest thing - it is like Tumblr but better!! it is really good. you make your own boards of photos and sayings. just like my sisters wall at home, she would love it.

Last class of the day took more notes that usual and kinda slept through it. I am now sat in the library all videos uploaded, Patty's assignment read and bettered disney music in my ear. Tired as hell! and plans of Karaoke tonight! I am going to need some serious sugar or coffee or something to get me up and going.
I need something!

anyway. I will up date tomorrow what happens and all my adventures

Internet in my appartment is too slow when i am this tired.

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

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