Monday 22 October 2012


Well today I turned 20 how scary is that to begin with! 

Anyway today I have not done any work under order of Hannah. I spent most of morning on Skype to my parents, matt and other family, my cousins for example, Helen and Jennifer. It was really strange seeing them with curtains drawn and lights on when I was in pj's in the middle of the day. I open Leanne's present, which was amazing! A friendship survival kit which will probably help a lot getting through the next couple of weeks. She also got me a photo album to put all my memories from this trip in and a diary because she knows how organised i am. She knows me too well. I got to talked to her over email as well today which was really nice. Sam also emailed me out of the blue because i met him a year ago today, just seems really strange that it was only a year ago. So much has happened since then. 

After breakfast and all these conversations, I managed  i get up. I didn't go far, to the pool!? It was beautiful weather, blue skies and sunshine how could I not go and enjoy it! Got some tan lines! I am a lovely colour just got to keep it haha.  After a few hours chilling and enjoying myself boasting to back home. I went home and read some of my book and kept Facebook refreshing. Too many notifications! 

I got ready and went and sat watching the Nightmare before Christmas. I miss all my Jack Skeleton stuff! He is still an awesome character, I still love him and zero! Hyein then cooked two types of noodles for us, one was spicy that caught me at the back of my throat but I had to try them, but the taste was there, that was good. The non-spicy ones were a lot lovely! It was a great meal and for traditional Korean food! We split 2 cupcakes between us, Heyin ave me a little bag of chocolate as a gift and Lohrie and Patty paid for my cinema ticket! 

Molly picked us up and took us to the cinema whilst stopping at an ATM for Lohrie and patty. We made it in time for the film. No silly adverts for products or anything just ones for films and there are some good ones coming up like Lincoln and Broken City. I am hope I get to go to the cinema more whilst I am here. I would love to see Bond while i am out here too! It's significantly cheaper out here as well! Love that exchange rate. 

Right review of Taken 2. 

It is a really good film I loved it! The story line was good, I loved the part that Kim played, I think that was really good. The script in some bits was much to be desired,  "Kim, go, come on, faster" - Brian "no I can't do it" - Kim for a fair few minutes. It got kinda repetitive. Plus the unlimited ammo which taken was quite good with in the first film. They also reused a piece of footage, it was exactly the same both times they used it which was quite annoying. The fights were all stylised and in some cases you cold tell they were scripted fights. But the majority were brilliant! It had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I really enjoyed it, however you have to watch the first one to understand the significance of some parts. It was awesome! I loved it! 

Patty said she wanted to marry Liam Neeson and although I love him, I don't think I could marry him but I would want to be his daughter, he would be a really cool dad. So I am going to be patty's daughter. Hahaa.

After the movie, Molly picked us up again bless her and dropped Lohrie off at her friends house and then took us home. Just led in bed chilling to finish the day off. Been a great birthday has to be said! - 20 years young! 

Tomorrow is another adventure 

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