Monday 22 October 2012


I felt more awake today then I did On Thursday when I had had ten hours sleep. But in any case it was a good day, started off standard with my coffee and heading to class, three classes handing in a essay and then lunch as per usual. 

After this however I met up with Jasmin for coffee which was lovely. I havent really seen her since New Orleans so it was awesome to chat and have a catch up and the rest of it. We ended up talking about Supernatural which is strange not a normal topic of conversation really but apparently it is in its 8th season and all sorts of shit has happened. That is too many episodes to catch up I'm afraid. Either way we put the worlds to rights and I introduced her to my professor about this 50 years of integration article that she is writing for her journalism course. I felt so horrible plugging her for it, but I thought it might be useful for her. 

I managed to talk to Ava who was okay in the end although didn't do a lot and Sophie missed all her classes that day too. Oh dear oh dear. Carnage was the word used to describe Thursday night and it so was. I was horrible! I was screaming at people and everything. 

After this I came home and chilled for a while and did some work as per usual for me to be honest with you. Around 7ish however I went over to Catherine's and we watched The Fighter with Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale, it is a really good film although I got way too involved in it. After the film we just sat up listening to music and talking. I have to say Catherine has amazing taste in music and I have names of a few more bands I need to look up and listen to. 

I then went home and straight to bed, trying to blog on time recently has been pointless the Internet has just been too poor. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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