Thursday 25 October 2012


I didn't go swimming today which I knows regret but I did manage to put joe's videos onto YouTube and I did get some work done. I had a subway for lunch whic was storage different to the UK and I am still having communication issues, people are obviously grinding it hard to understand me! It's getting annoying sometimes. But I guess it comes with coming to a different country,  you just don't expect it when they speak the same language as you. I was told again I had a beautiful accent. Well thank you!

I got to Skype my parents for a while which was nice. It felt like they were trying to get rid of me, I had a class at 2:30 and yet still at 1:15 they were saying haven't you got class. Anyway it was still nice to talk to them dealing with their banter again. Nothing has changed. I am glad to hear it!
I haven't really spoken to matt for the last couple of days, we have talked on Facebook but that's about it. By its fine, im sure we will find time for each order. It's just tough because we are both getting so involved in uni and social lives and the such like. Oh well part of the experience.

After classes today Hannah and I stayed on campus and grabbed some dinner, including Pink Berry. We then walked to the local middle school and attended a lecture that was being given by one of our professors. Dr. Deidre Copper Owens, she is a great orator and similar to me in that she speaks with her hands. For turning up she gave us some extra credit, which is always nice. Extra help in getting a good grade. Anyway it was extremely interesting it sort of incorporated all the things she has been saying in her classes to us. We also got to meet her husband which was good.

After this we grabbed a taxi home which was late so we gave them no tip whats so ever. We paid our fare. They were lucky they got all of it to be honest. I then came upstairs I have a little food and done some studying all ready for tomorrow I think. Just 200 pages to read for Tuesday so this could be interesting.

Anyway tomorrow is another adventure, 

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