Tuesday 30 October 2012

The Dark Side of Chocolate

This morning I had my bagel as usual and sat in starbucks and Skyped Matt, it is sad that work is picking up and so it is getting harder and harder to have nice long chats. I am happy that we are getting to talk at all to be honest.

Well, classes went today, found out that one of my classes on friday is cancelled however she is  really here and is going to show a documentary to give us 2 points extra credit! (yeh i dont know what that really means but sounds good)  So I am so going to that! After my classes today I went and had lunch with Alice, Sophie, Alex and Wijnand. It was good, we talked about all sorts. When they all went to class I then went to the Yerby centre to sign up for the Halloween Party.

 I then went straight to the library and continued to work on my two essays due in this week. I also caught up on my TV, and corrected my essays. I heard back from my professor about one of my drafts and she was extremely helpful! Although I had to completely restructure my work; however, she gave me a new way of looking at the question and other questions like it. So that took up most of my time. I was there for about 5 hours and then I decided that I needed to leave it for a day. I went to meet Immy and Buki, with IJM (International Justice Mission) we watched a documentary, The Dark Side of Chocolate. Child Labour and the such like being involved with large companies such as Nestle and their production of their chocolate. It was incredibly interesting, and I found it heart wrenching. In some cases I was slightly skeptical about, just that the child that was saved was being sent home, however we dont know if those children are in abusive families or the reason they went away. Either way, this documentary really made me aware of the truth behind the majority of the production and the products from Africa and other Third World countries. I am sure, there is problems in Asia in the production of mobile phones etc. the list of human exploitation is limitless. It is scary when you think about it.

Oops - Tangent!!

After the showing, fair trade chocolate was out and hot chocolate was available for us for free! It was really nice it has to be said! We then stood around talking to different people. I got involved in a conversation with a professor of Political Science which was really interesting, we talked about TED and Yale Online Courses and slavery around the world and the ignorance of it. Immy and I then got involved in talking to a gentleman called Will who was lovely, now we discussed everything from politics to history to love etc. It was really good. We were getting a ride of Buki therefore we had to wait for her, baring in mind the showing ended at like 8pm ish, we didn't leave until like10pm! it was great - so much talking!!

From here Buki took us all home and even dropped my back at my building. From here I talked briefly to Patty about her weekend, which didn't seem to live up to her expectations. I was so tired, I went to bed. I wrapped all nice and warm in a hoody and trying to get warm before dropping off to sleep. 

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