Tuesday 16 October 2012

Mad weekend

Okay so again been so busy I haven't had time to update you on what's been going on.

Classes went really well, I stayed on campus until like 4ish after classes and manged to finish the first drafts of both my essays that are due in is coming week. I went home with the intention of doing more work, unfortunately after having my dinner to got severely distracted and ended up not doing any. So kinda wishing I had gone and seen the parade and Joe play his guitar even if it was just for one song. Either way I then got ready for the party that night. The apartment was empty so it was quite nice to play my music get ready you know the usual stuff. Joe, Ian and Markb(Ian's friend) then picked me up and we drove to Ian's it was a really good night, with musica nd meeting loads of new people. Joe and Ian played guitars together which was really good, they were awesome and this girl started to sing along with them. I also saw a new version of beer pong, which is good. Patty, Anja, Joe and I all got a taxi back together around 2:30am it cost us $10 each but we did stop at chicken on stick which was good. I wish we had them in England, I got in and went to update Facebook but I just crashed I was dead to the world. I woke up the next morning and was ready for the game within the hour. Impressive!

Saturday: It was a good game as well, I stayed til the end got a new cup and tried a soft pretzel it wasn't quite like the ones I get back home but still it was pretty cool. I walked home alone because the others we wanting to go the grove and I wanted to do some work. I got a little done. Then I got an email, I had foolishly signed up to do this online alcoholedu course before I knew it was a load of bollocks. This email said that I was overdue on one of the parts. So I had to go down to the computer room and managed to skip through this quickly and passed. It was so tedious and boring I can not believe I had to do it! So stupid! I also found out that day that Hannah and Gaby are going away for my birthday, so no English people are here at all, well almost. to be honest I was a bit upset but to be honest there was no much I can do about it. Most of them had no control over these plans or they were prearranged. I am kinda worried I am pushing the girls away, they seemed to have formed a tight nit group and I don't seem to be part of it anymore. I know I shouldn't worry but I do. I talked to Gaby about it for a bit, but still I seem to miss out on things they do together. Oh well. I came back to my apartment and I crashed again I literally slept for 12 hours! Hannah text me about going to Alice's and I didn't get the text til this morning.

Sunday: well today has been interesting. I have talked to matt for a fair while today which was nice. I am not going to get to talk to me for a few days now because I have so much work to do, so it was good to talk today. I haven't been to the gym the whole weekend which I am worried about! I like going to the gym it makes me feel good but I have been awful these past couple of days. I need to go tomorrow evening I think after all my work is done just go in the evening, and then shower and sleep. I think that's the plan. We will see p. anyway back to today, I order pizza with Patty, Manuel and Lohrie, and we sat and watched the last half of Harry Potter: the Deathly Hallows part 2 and we watched Red Riding Hood. Which is a great film! It was really good. I managed to pass some of my sweets on as well, I have found a bowl, washed it out and now have filled it full of some sweets which seems to be going down well. It has been a really good day I have got some work done as well. I have talked to Annie and a little to my parents. I can tell you now that the rest of this evening will be spent doing reading and work for this coming week. Hope you all had a good weekend.

Tomorrow is always a new adventure. 

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