Tuesday 16 October 2012


Well I can definitely say monday went well.

I got on to campus and worked on my essay and then had classes that all went really well. Grabbed some lunch with Alice and Catherine discussing all sorts, and it was really funny at times to be honest. I have made some good friends out here sharing stories and everything. its just a shame my apartment is so far away so i cant spent a lot more time with them.

After this i went to the library and did some more work and many distractions arose as well, updating Stephy and the such like. I was there until 3ish and then came home had some food and then guess what?


I did some more work, reading over my notes for the Middle Ages class to make sure I understood what was said and if i had any questions, and during class i think that i am not getting down enough of what he is saying and i am not understanding it at all. In all honesty I might not be but I am getting plenty of information down that is for certain. I then started reading for the paper that is due in that module.

After saying I wouldn't get to talk to Matt until Wednesday, we managed to have a decent conversation as long as the internet held last night. Steph was in company a lot of the time too, which was nice. Getting to talk to both of them, surprisingly i was still able to get a lot of work done despite talking to them. I need to talk to my parents more to be honest - it getting shameful. They stayed up until like 4 am their time! I couldn't believe it, but it was nice to be able to see Matt fall asleep on me. Bless him!! so cute!!

I forgot to mention, Alphonso called me during the night as well, he wanted help with his Spanish work so I had to post on the International group if there was anyone that could help, I managed to find a few people that said they could help him out next time. Unfortunately you have to be able to see it, so it was difficult late at night to get someone to help.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

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