Monday 8 October 2012


Okay so today started really well, I got all my midterm grades back I am on target for three courses and slightly under for the other two but that is okay and I can deal with that. That I can handle. I know what I have to do and I am going to work my damned hardest to get those grades up.

Anyway my day from here got slightly worse. I went to Walmart - the dreaded trip. And spent way way way more than I expected, admittedly I brought a card for my phone and meat that I wouldn't normally buy but still it was a lot of money! And I got so worried about how much I was going to be able to afford the the next 8 weeks and how much I owed my parents that I kinda freaked out. Not to mention that when unloading the shopping my headphones broke so going to have to buy a new set on campus tomorrow - not happy.

At least my book had arrived, it was the wrong edition, so having to talk to my professor and ask if it is okay to use this edition. Coming up with a story to explain this situation was tough.

Okay then Annie gets a hold of me and says some money owed for the house all well and good, tried transferring it, they need to call one of the numbers that I have placed in, tried to change it found hat I would be a week before I could use said number. So going to have to talk to parents about that one. I have to say talking to Annie really helped put things into perspective. All she said was now you know how we all felt last year? And she is right I was very lucky last year having the influx of money that I did and I am going to suffer these next two years but that is what's called being a student.

I didnt really talk to matt today because I ended up watching Bruce Almighty with Lohrie and reading Patty's short story. I find it really satisfying being able to hep them. Although the language barrier doesn't always help like trying to explain what a leek was, I never realised how boring a vegetable it was. I also had a language barrier with Americans as well, they had no idea what stock was - all I wanted was a stock cube! We speak the same language how is this so hard. It turns out what I was looking for was broth. No one has used that term in England since the war I don't think. Molly had never heard of a leek before! Scary!

I have been emailing leanne this evening too. :) which I must say has been lovely ! I love catching up with her and her adventures. I have talked a little to my mum as well. All of them, Annie, Leanne and my mum have all helped me put everything into perspective today and made me realise I was making out such small issues to be mind blowing problems. Yes they are annoying but they are not apocalyptic.

Tomorrow is another adventure.  

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