Friday 5 October 2012


I have to admit today has been an odd day. But first an update from last night.

Karaoke was fun, the British were awesome! Haha, I had a guy Hit n me again, which I should apparently take as a compliment however I am not quite sure. 'cowboy Derek' - interesting right?

Anyway, we moved from here to the square where although being assured I could get into one particular bar I couldn't because I was underage. So I came home with Louis, Catherine and Hannah. Straight to sleep - early wake up, missed matt for our Skype date. However later we had a lush long chat and we talked and few deep things which was nice. I was sad to hear that Skyping is going to get even more difficult because of his schedule at uni but I am sure we can book a time for a Skype date at the very least once a week. I talked to my mum a bit as well which was also good. The odd thing about today was I went through periods of being really tired and irritable and times of being perfectly fine. It was really strange. I mean I felt tired sure but I was still feeling fine. Really bizarre feelings it must be said.

After having a long lunch I took the bus home and I have literally spent the afternoon and evening with ing film and relaxing and just generally chilling out. I haven't so much gone through periods of tiredness but gone through times of depression. Just things have hit me a little. I feel as if there is a mountain of emotion on me - again because I am so tired. I have watched the secret window pretty much in full and unstoppable also in full. And then part and bits and pieces of other films. I am just missing having someone to curl up on the sofa with, to be honest I felt a little lonely. So much so I swept the kitchen and dining area and wiped the table down I didn't get as far as the kitchen but I will clean that out next time. I swept the hallway and did the bathroom. I needed to do something with my mind. I should have done work but I am doing to get myself organised tomorrow and stature that. I also made a shopping list for Monday's trip to Walmart! I needs to be done I have no food.

I'm going stir crazy! Cabin fever as it were.

I joined patty and Lohrie (Laura) for dinner which was lovely, it was just salad and garlic bread but it was really good and I enjoyed it. Then some mo relaxing and now just sat led in bed ready to read my book and get a good nights sleep before the antics of tomorrow.

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

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