Monday 8 October 2012

Sunday = Film day

Opps I guess this didn't post yesterday - stupid Internet.

Well today I have watched, The Mummy, Chronicles of Narnia: the lion the witch and the wardrobe, Hercules and the end of Anastasia! I know everyone reading this will think - well isn't she out there to work and I have done a little work today. But in all honesty I just wanted to do some stuff for me. I went to the gym as well today - only to ruin it by the ordering dominos. I know I shouldn't have but I really felt like it. 

Anyway it was nice to spend some time with Patty and Lohrie! I have the best flat mates! They are such brilliant people. I have to admit I haven't learnt much German but it has been interesting comparing English, German and American culture. For example, today we ended up talking about negative publicity. As we noticed in American adverts that they mention other brands explicitly and show how this brand is better.  It was crazy! It just isn't done in the EU! 

Either way it has been a pretty awesome day even if little work has been done, having a few days to chill I know will have given me the fuel to do some late nights this week and to get all my work done ready for next week. It's been really good to spend time with the flat. Even though Hyein wasn't really there because she got back from Jackson in the evening. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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