Wednesday 10 October 2012

4 hours

Three hours worth of classes and then four hours in the library today!

I have to admit I should have done more work I nthe library than I did, however I have never seen so many British students in the library at any one point before. Everyone kept coming over and saying hi. I got to skype matt this morning and also managed to do the day without having a morning coffee which I think is a good thing I don't want to get addicted. Although I admit I had a cold coffee this afternoon when heading to get the bus back to trails.

Anyway back to the library. The Internet had been acting up all day which was disappointing which meant trying to do stuff was sometimes difficult. Like when I was talking to Annie earlier as well, it kept cutting out, I was only fb chatting to her but still it was annoying! Once I was on a computer though I was fine. Somehow I managed to find a distant relative of mine Rui! So I managed to have a little catch up with him and found out he is living really near me back home, how strange is that. But still was lovely to catch up and find out what he is doing in life. Was definitely interesting to find out that they still have a photo of my sister and I on their fridge. Very endearing though. Rui and Rebecca very inspirational people. I got chatting to some other people as well which was nice. It was just nice to get to talk to people normally. Unfortunately because of this and some other distractions I didn't get all the work I wanted to get done.

I managed to get myself on pinterest! This is not a good thing time goes too quickly looking at things on this site! Too good a procrastinator! I just hope a late night session tomorrow will help me get caught up if not I am going to be on Campus during the weekend too. Normally I am so good with getting work done but today I seemed to have sessions of it, not good really.

Oh well there is always tomorrow
 Tomorrow is another adventure though. 

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