Friday 26 October 2012


The reason for this title is because, the weather plummeted today and decided to become English weather, cold wet and miserable. So I decided to go out in sandals, three-quarters and alight jacket. I do not know what came over me.

At the classes were realtively warm, at least I did get warm throughout the day at intervals. To start today off I woke up with two texts, one form jasmin asking if I was out, and one from Ian saying Shut up. Mmm interesting random text to send at 3:43am well he wasn't in class today so I couldn't question him on it. Neither did I text him back.

Anyway after classes today I went to Starbucks and grabbed a snack, skyped my parents for a little while again. Oh and in the morning whilst having a bagel and a hot chocolate I skyped matt for 20 mins. Was good to talk to peeps. It interesting how when I was at uni and he wasn't we would Skype so much more and I would get funny about it, now we skype less and I don't make any issue because we are both busy people. Oh oh oh, one thing I have forgotten to tell you, on Wednesday night when I was studying with Gaby and Hannah, when I went back to my apartment they  came down with me and filled up their water bottles at the fountain in the clubhouse! This wouldn't be extraordinary if it was just one bottle they filled up three each! and carried them in a bottle carry case, like you would soda bottles or wine bottles in fact! It was hilarious!

Moving on, around 1:30 I went to Barnes and noble and brought a long sleeved top, I know I shouldn't be spending the money but I needed it! It was so cold! I was so stupid to go out dressed like that. I would never do that in the UK why do it out here?! 2pm all the girl met up, apart from Sophie she was feeling too good, we went to the South Depot! Taco Shop. Alongside a few other I made my own nachos, with steak and salad and rice it was really good and really feeling! I haven't eaten this evening because of it. It was really nice to talk to the rest of them and catch up on all the news. Immu has already asked that we don't jam tonight because she had so much work to do before a party later this evening.

After we had eaten, Catherine, Aimee, Hannah and Gaby all got the bus back, Alice, gill got a lift with Ava and Immy and I went to high point for an hour and a bit. It was nice, I got some work done. Had a very milky hot chocolate. But it was nice. We then got the bus back to campus in order to get the last bus home.we got the red route - detour much!! We saw a lot of the outskirts of oxford. Wow! Just wow! We still managed to make the last bus home which was good.

I had got all comfy and warm in bed when Hannah tempted me over with a film and popcorn to chill at her place for a bit, it was really good. I turned up and they were watching a thing on Gang Crime in. Liverpool with Ross Kemp, Rob was there as well. Rob left after the Internet decided not to work and we began the discussion of film choice. We tried to watch The Help - but to no avail the Internet just wasnt playing the game, so instead we watched Forrest Gump which Hannah had never seen! It was awesome! Caramel and Butter Popcorn with an amazing film.

The walk home seemed slightly warmer. I think it was the wind if the wind didn't blow so harshly then it would be an alright temperature, but that is what makes it so cold!

Oh well all tucked up in bed and ready to sleep .

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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