Wednesday 24 October 2012


Okay so classes today went really well, and my swimming went really well, managed my 50 lengths as per usual. I didn't eat all my lunch it was just too greasy! Eurgh! So I skyped my dad and matt and they both told me to get lost because I was sat outside barnes and Noble in the sun with my sunglasses on topping up my tan.

I did get panda eyes though... I was so tempted to get a pink berry but I resisted. I have also be challenged not to have coffee for a week so I didn't have one this morning however I still sat in Starbucks and did some work which was very productive to be honest. I will have to go in there more often just to do work.

After my afternoon class I went straight home , I actually cooked a meal! I had a short of chips substitute, basically fried potatoes, chicken and veg. I was really nice it felt good to have some proper food. Oh a couple of things I have been thinking of, the 'uniform' has changed, it is now leggings and a big top. Although it changes with the weather it is still interesting. I have also noticed how the ROTC people are always well dressed! I mean always immaculate! Anyway moving on, after my dinner. I was watching x men first class and then talked to matt a little longer and I started writing my letters saying thank you. It as a lovely evening.

I went to bed relatively early and slept right through I must have been tired.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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