Friday 12 October 2012


This is the morning after because yesterday i was too tired to blog properly. 

Lessons went really well, I am able to more of a grasp of my favourite period of history and think i have finally chosen a smaller period of history that i am interested it. 

I managed 50 lengths of the pool, in 30 mins ish. I think if i keep to that target everytime i swim unless I increase my time i dont think i will reach 72 lengths in 30 mins, that is just too difficult. I went to the library in my break and got a little work done but not enough my mind was on other things i have to be honest.

after my afternoon class i went to the library again for about 2 hours and got alot more work done, i did a complete second draft of an essay and started writing another one. I stopped by starbucks on my way to getting the later bus however i ate and drank too quickly and my stomach couldn't stand it alongside being so over tired. Everyone keeps telling me that I need to stop working myself so hard and just take a night off but I can't afford it, I have done well in my midterms and I need to keep those grades if not improve them. this is my work ethic it may kill me in the short term but in the long term it makes me feel better about myself and it gets the work done. 

Anyway stood waiting for the bus i began to feel really unwell, after much worry and trying not to make myself sick. I decided to take my mind of it. Luckily Tony was there and he told me about his adventures about getting here, he knew two weeks before coming here that he had a place that is why he was two weeks late - it makes sense. However I cocked up by promising next time I will go out. Oops. 

I went home and literally talked to patty for a bit and ate some doritos and salsa and then got into bed. It took two hours to get to sleep, I watched a film, I read. My mind was still swimming with all the things that I need to do. Therefore my  last resort which needs to become a daily activity. I ended up meditating for 5 minutes. That was it I was off like a rocket. 

I slept straight through and really well. However I still feel the need to get a small coffee this morning to kick start me ready for classes today. 

Tomorrow/Today is another adventure - Bring It On! 

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