Tuesday 23 October 2012

Mini party

Classes went as per usual, I didn't get distracted in them today though. I wrote notes the whole time which is good for me. I did however give into my coffee want in a morning, I was going to try and do a week without it but I don't seem to be able to go one day without just one thing with coffee in it. Strange.

Grabbed some lunch and then sat outside in the sunshine and did some work with hannah I skyped my dad and talked a little about essays and the such like,  just generally discussing stuff. It was good to talk to him, I didn't really get to talk to them yesterday. But it's all good. Hannah then went to Walmart and then I went down to the computers and did some work and caught up on Big Bang Theory and Merlin which was lovely and work on the essays due next week. Anyway i uploaded a load of videos and pictures up to Facebook. Finally my camera can be rid of those pictures that can't be played. I had to start a new album because the other was full. That means I have over 400 pictures in that album! I can't believe I have taken so many photos.

I decided to walk home however I wanted a snack, this was a very bad idea, this ended up coming back up when I got home. It was my own fault I decided to have a brownie. I sat with Lohrie and watched one day well part of it, I really need to watch the beginning of that film I keep coming in, at the same part each time. One to put on my list I think. I need to start actually writing down my lists I think.

My evening was spent with Catherine, Aimee, Alice, Gill, Hannah and Gaby they had thrown a kind of mini birthday party for me, with little cupcakes made a 20 on the table and a card singed by everyone, this is definitely going in my scrap book alongside my postcard from Jane! She sent me one from las Vegas, how lovely is that?!

Anyway I came home and chilled I watched Oliver and started writing some letters and then snuggled up in bed and fell asleep... Mmm comfy!!

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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