Saturday 6 October 2012


Well plans changed a lot for today.

I wanted to go to the gym ths morning but I couldn't because Lohrie had my trainers and therefore I didn't know when she was going and it felt wrong to take them back when she wanted to go.  Anyway I got to Skype matt for a while this morning, even though he was meant to be doing stuff, I am glad he took out some time out to talk to me. I got ready for the game changed my outfit a few times, by the time I was happy and I got Sophie's, plus had changed, so I thought I would walk on my own and see them there. Then it started to rain. So none of us went, which was a shame. But I watched the game on the tv instead. Because of this change I got to talk to my parents. Well. Although the Internet connection was appalling and it kept cutting out we got to talk about some things and it was really nice. It is good to get the gossip from back home.

The game was good, we were winning for the first three quarters until the last 2 minutes then it just fell apart and they got through. I do not know why we were playing a 3 man D line when they are playing 5 on the O line - impractical in my opinion. Although my dad will tell me different. Watching football has let me understand it more and I am able to explain it to others as well. I am learning the hand signals and what each thing means etc. still it was a decent game but our defence seemed to fall apart, it just wasnt right, from my untrained eyes anyway. In my opinion we needed to do moe short quick passes they were getting through and getting short yardage. but I am only a student no pro football coach.

Moving on. I actually cooked dinner for myself tonight, it was just pasta but still, at least I tried. :) I am going to get more food soon and make more meals. I think it would be better. Only if I m any case I have to eat at a weekend at some point. Either that or I need to drink more and a lot more. I am sure I will figure something out.

Time to get on with some work before a nice long sleep.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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