Friday 19 October 2012

Thursday night

Got another B in a paper this seems to be a ceiling for me! Have another nice chat with my parents. Felt so rough, just tired and not good! Either way I went home after all my classes. In fact I walked home with Hannah and took some pictures of the fall, the pretty trees and the such like.

I got home did some work, and chilled, got some food and then got ready for going out! Girls night out! So much fun, we played a game where you give an either or option and hands up means the first choice and hands down the other choice. Those in the minority, drink. It was so much fun. We got to square and we all split of, this wasn't the plan but hey ho I guess I happens. I met a guy called Phillip who seemed quite cool but it was just one of those random meetings on nights out.

I ended up looking after Sophie, staring at guys that were getting a little too friendly and holding giving her hugs and generally keeping a hold of her. It was so stressful I ended up on my own. I met Ian whilst I was out, he said Sophie was my problem which she was I admit that but at the same time he is bigger and stronger than I am he could have helped. In the end he did a little which was nice. Bless her. I felt awful because I was pulled away from her to help another friend.

My friend hadn't eaten all day and so everything was coming back, we slowly got her back in a free church taxi which was good and we got her into her apartment and made sure she was alright and we left her with her flat mate. Fortunately by this point she was getting better thank god.

So much drama happened, people were all over the place. i like looking after people as much as the next person but two people in one night I am knackered!

Tomorrow is another adventure 

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