Tuesday 30 October 2012


I spent this morning working on my paper for this afternoon, it was due and therefore needed correcting one more time. I didnt go to starbucks, i managed to have a rather large breakfast. Okay my class this morning went well and even though I didn't finish the whole book for the reading assignment however I still managed to do okay on the quiz I think. But I guess we will see. Again I didn't get to go swimming, I had foolishly told Molly I was free from 11 when I should have gone swimming. But I didn't. 

Instead I went to lunch with Molly and Alice, we went to chili's, I had soup and half a sandwich with chips. The soup was lovely which crackers and the cheese it was really nice. The sandwich was okay, a tried taking just the chicken out because the meat is the important but it was just too spicy my mouth was on fire. But it was fine, it cooled off after a while. I am going to miss the free refills in every restaurant however. It was really nice to see her again and get to chat. She is hopefully inviting us to her sorority for lunch soon which will be lush! So looking forward to seeing the inside of her sorority house.   

Anyway I went to the library and read through my sources for the other paper that is due Friday. I wrote notes on them and I think that i am better pared to improve the paper now. Either way that was nice, I got to talk to matt on Facebook as well. He is getting a little stressed the work and it's all starting to pick up for everyone else as well. I do worry about people back home sometimes and I know I shouldn't but I do. Anyway handed in my paper and the class in the afternoon was interesting as always, however no one had done the reading because of the focus on the paper. But oh well we still got to chat about everything. 

Hannah, Gaby and I then went to starbucks and chilled and gossiped for a while which was really nice, funny stories were shared. Although Hannah and Gaby know some of the same people it was still funny for me too. We then got the bus back to trails and my parents birthday present had arrived which was awesome! A new outfit!! And a lush diary! Now I have two diaries! I have decided that one is for academic stuff - deadlines and meets and the such like and one is my social calendar like when I am seeing Matt or girls nights out etc. so hopefully I can keep them both going. I copied some of my address across which was good so I have a record of them in my new diaries. Although I a still skeptical about throwing away my old one for now. I was so excited! It was an amazing end to a great day. 

I then watched a few films whilst doing my reading for tomorrow and making the notes for it. Which was awesome! I got to watch Beetlejuice as well which is one film to watch before you die. I think I am going to have to change the list when I get home, make sure I highlight the films I have watched while I am out here and possibly add to the list of films to watch. I share dinner with patty and ate some pop corn and stuff. Anja came over at one point and we were gossiping for a little while but then I could tell they wanted to talk alone so I left them to it. It has been a wonderful day and I am looking forward to tomorrow. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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