Wednesday 31 October 2012


Okay this holiday is mad!! People walked around campus in some costumes today! I could not believe it! Nothing austentatious, simple things but still. Classes went by quickly as usual, frantically writing down things at some point. Just so much information to get down, you know never know what is going to be useful in these modules.

Anyway I grabbed some lunch quickly and proceeded to my hole - i.e. the library. Where I began work on my essay due for Friday, I have completely resturctured it and it reads a lot better but I had done deeper analysis from re reading the sources and therefore had to add this in. I have managed to spread a 5 page paper to 6 pages and is just over 2000 words. So my research papers coming up are only going to be 3000 words ish, which should be relatively easy. I am quite proud of this essay but I guess a few more reads and we see how it goes. I typed a little to matt and my parents. Matt is getting caught up in work and social life so it's hard sometimes to talk to him. It was nice to chat a little to my parents though. Around 3ish I left and had a quick chat with Sophie and went to the bus stop. I met Ian and DJ who had just come out of Spanish and were therefore a bit tight and upset about it, I don't think they enjoy Spanish very much.

I got back and chilled, grabbed a very early dinner because I thought I was going to the international party, which I did end up doing, even though the English gals and guys weren't there. I got ready because my flat was filling up with people all dressed up and ready. I was watching the haunting at the time as well so I was kinda getting in the mood to get ready and the such like. So I had a shower and got ready - simple as. Being a zombie is so simple and yet effective if you do it right. I whited my face and neck out and made myself cry blood, put blood all down my arms and legs and made my eyes black assets. It was awesome. Patty, Anja and Lohrie went as Bavarian girls which was brilliant, fanny turned up in a blue morph suit with a mask and sneaks on it was awesome! Everyone looked so good! At the international party, which was a waste of time, I managed to scare a lot of Koreans and some of my other friends too. I had lots of photos taken of me with people and some pics which I photo bombed with my Zombie face! Jasmin was a zombie too so we went around as a pair.

Afterwards I came back to trails, grabbed Ava's camera from my apartment and then went to Alice's! It was a great party? There was punch and jelly and sweets and decorations everywhere it was awesome!! I have taken so many photos of the different costumes and of everyone! I think I got a pics of everyone infant I am pretty sure I did. Either way it was a great party, great music and everything! They all left for the Square and with my hair back combed and white face I didn't think i was ready for the square to see me, let alone anyone on the square. You think I am joking about my hair, I blowed dried it, the got my flat mates to rough it up under a towel and then I kept roughing it throughout the night. It was huge and fluffy!! 

I came home when they left, just getting warm in bed and washed off all my make up and trying to tie my hair back - shower tomorrow morning is going to be needed. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Tuesday 30 October 2012


I spent this morning working on my paper for this afternoon, it was due and therefore needed correcting one more time. I didnt go to starbucks, i managed to have a rather large breakfast. Okay my class this morning went well and even though I didn't finish the whole book for the reading assignment however I still managed to do okay on the quiz I think. But I guess we will see. Again I didn't get to go swimming, I had foolishly told Molly I was free from 11 when I should have gone swimming. But I didn't. 

Instead I went to lunch with Molly and Alice, we went to chili's, I had soup and half a sandwich with chips. The soup was lovely which crackers and the cheese it was really nice. The sandwich was okay, a tried taking just the chicken out because the meat is the important but it was just too spicy my mouth was on fire. But it was fine, it cooled off after a while. I am going to miss the free refills in every restaurant however. It was really nice to see her again and get to chat. She is hopefully inviting us to her sorority for lunch soon which will be lush! So looking forward to seeing the inside of her sorority house.   

Anyway I went to the library and read through my sources for the other paper that is due Friday. I wrote notes on them and I think that i am better pared to improve the paper now. Either way that was nice, I got to talk to matt on Facebook as well. He is getting a little stressed the work and it's all starting to pick up for everyone else as well. I do worry about people back home sometimes and I know I shouldn't but I do. Anyway handed in my paper and the class in the afternoon was interesting as always, however no one had done the reading because of the focus on the paper. But oh well we still got to chat about everything. 

Hannah, Gaby and I then went to starbucks and chilled and gossiped for a while which was really nice, funny stories were shared. Although Hannah and Gaby know some of the same people it was still funny for me too. We then got the bus back to trails and my parents birthday present had arrived which was awesome! A new outfit!! And a lush diary! Now I have two diaries! I have decided that one is for academic stuff - deadlines and meets and the such like and one is my social calendar like when I am seeing Matt or girls nights out etc. so hopefully I can keep them both going. I copied some of my address across which was good so I have a record of them in my new diaries. Although I a still skeptical about throwing away my old one for now. I was so excited! It was an amazing end to a great day. 

I then watched a few films whilst doing my reading for tomorrow and making the notes for it. Which was awesome! I got to watch Beetlejuice as well which is one film to watch before you die. I think I am going to have to change the list when I get home, make sure I highlight the films I have watched while I am out here and possibly add to the list of films to watch. I share dinner with patty and ate some pop corn and stuff. Anja came over at one point and we were gossiping for a little while but then I could tell they wanted to talk alone so I left them to it. It has been a wonderful day and I am looking forward to tomorrow. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

The Dark Side of Chocolate

This morning I had my bagel as usual and sat in starbucks and Skyped Matt, it is sad that work is picking up and so it is getting harder and harder to have nice long chats. I am happy that we are getting to talk at all to be honest.

Well, classes went today, found out that one of my classes on friday is cancelled however she is  really here and is going to show a documentary to give us 2 points extra credit! (yeh i dont know what that really means but sounds good)  So I am so going to that! After my classes today I went and had lunch with Alice, Sophie, Alex and Wijnand. It was good, we talked about all sorts. When they all went to class I then went to the Yerby centre to sign up for the Halloween Party.

 I then went straight to the library and continued to work on my two essays due in this week. I also caught up on my TV, and corrected my essays. I heard back from my professor about one of my drafts and she was extremely helpful! Although I had to completely restructure my work; however, she gave me a new way of looking at the question and other questions like it. So that took up most of my time. I was there for about 5 hours and then I decided that I needed to leave it for a day. I went to meet Immy and Buki, with IJM (International Justice Mission) we watched a documentary, The Dark Side of Chocolate. Child Labour and the such like being involved with large companies such as Nestle and their production of their chocolate. It was incredibly interesting, and I found it heart wrenching. In some cases I was slightly skeptical about, just that the child that was saved was being sent home, however we dont know if those children are in abusive families or the reason they went away. Either way, this documentary really made me aware of the truth behind the majority of the production and the products from Africa and other Third World countries. I am sure, there is problems in Asia in the production of mobile phones etc. the list of human exploitation is limitless. It is scary when you think about it.

Oops - Tangent!!

After the showing, fair trade chocolate was out and hot chocolate was available for us for free! It was really nice it has to be said! We then stood around talking to different people. I got involved in a conversation with a professor of Political Science which was really interesting, we talked about TED and Yale Online Courses and slavery around the world and the ignorance of it. Immy and I then got involved in talking to a gentleman called Will who was lovely, now we discussed everything from politics to history to love etc. It was really good. We were getting a ride of Buki therefore we had to wait for her, baring in mind the showing ended at like 8pm ish, we didn't leave until like10pm! it was great - so much talking!!

From here Buki took us all home and even dropped my back at my building. From here I talked briefly to Patty about her weekend, which didn't seem to live up to her expectations. I was so tired, I went to bed. I wrapped all nice and warm in a hoody and trying to get warm before dropping off to sleep. 

Monday 29 October 2012

Fun weekend.

Saturday, I went to Walmart in the morning, grabbed some supplies for my party in the evening and some food supplies for myself as well. It was pretty painless and I got back in time to do some work and watch a film. I took my book down to he gym and did some of my reading whilst on the treadmill. It was a great way to do work I have to say. Then came back watch some more films and started getting ready of the party. Gaby then messages me of facebook about going to a Halloween party after mine so I had to get charged which was interesting. I looked better than I thought I would.I didn't get to go out, I just went to bed, but from reports it doesn't sound like I missed a lot. Which makes me feel a little better for not going.

I slept for 11-12 hours! Unbelievable! Sunday then was completely uneventful, I just watched films all day I was not feeling great so I couldn't eat a lot but it's fine I coped. I went straight from the sofa to my bed, I only read a little of my book. But to be honest I deserved a relaxing do nothing day. I watched Brewsters Millions, Life as we know it, Monster House and Sorcerers Apprentice, plus other. They are the main ones.

Hope y'all had a good weekend.

Anyway tomorrow is another adventure. 

Friday 26 October 2012


The reason for this title is because, the weather plummeted today and decided to become English weather, cold wet and miserable. So I decided to go out in sandals, three-quarters and alight jacket. I do not know what came over me.

At the classes were realtively warm, at least I did get warm throughout the day at intervals. To start today off I woke up with two texts, one form jasmin asking if I was out, and one from Ian saying Shut up. Mmm interesting random text to send at 3:43am well he wasn't in class today so I couldn't question him on it. Neither did I text him back.

Anyway after classes today I went to Starbucks and grabbed a snack, skyped my parents for a little while again. Oh and in the morning whilst having a bagel and a hot chocolate I skyped matt for 20 mins. Was good to talk to peeps. It interesting how when I was at uni and he wasn't we would Skype so much more and I would get funny about it, now we skype less and I don't make any issue because we are both busy people. Oh oh oh, one thing I have forgotten to tell you, on Wednesday night when I was studying with Gaby and Hannah, when I went back to my apartment they  came down with me and filled up their water bottles at the fountain in the clubhouse! This wouldn't be extraordinary if it was just one bottle they filled up three each! and carried them in a bottle carry case, like you would soda bottles or wine bottles in fact! It was hilarious!

Moving on, around 1:30 I went to Barnes and noble and brought a long sleeved top, I know I shouldn't be spending the money but I needed it! It was so cold! I was so stupid to go out dressed like that. I would never do that in the UK why do it out here?! 2pm all the girl met up, apart from Sophie she was feeling too good, we went to the South Depot! Taco Shop. Alongside a few other I made my own nachos, with steak and salad and rice it was really good and really feeling! I haven't eaten this evening because of it. It was really nice to talk to the rest of them and catch up on all the news. Immu has already asked that we don't jam tonight because she had so much work to do before a party later this evening.

After we had eaten, Catherine, Aimee, Hannah and Gaby all got the bus back, Alice, gill got a lift with Ava and Immy and I went to high point for an hour and a bit. It was nice, I got some work done. Had a very milky hot chocolate. But it was nice. We then got the bus back to campus in order to get the last bus home.we got the red route - detour much!! We saw a lot of the outskirts of oxford. Wow! Just wow! We still managed to make the last bus home which was good.

I had got all comfy and warm in bed when Hannah tempted me over with a film and popcorn to chill at her place for a bit, it was really good. I turned up and they were watching a thing on Gang Crime in. Liverpool with Ross Kemp, Rob was there as well. Rob left after the Internet decided not to work and we began the discussion of film choice. We tried to watch The Help - but to no avail the Internet just wasnt playing the game, so instead we watched Forrest Gump which Hannah had never seen! It was awesome! Caramel and Butter Popcorn with an amazing film.

The walk home seemed slightly warmer. I think it was the wind if the wind didn't blow so harshly then it would be an alright temperature, but that is what makes it so cold!

Oh well all tucked up in bed and ready to sleep .

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Thursday 25 October 2012


I didn't go swimming today which I knows regret but I did manage to put joe's videos onto YouTube and I did get some work done. I had a subway for lunch whic was storage different to the UK and I am still having communication issues, people are obviously grinding it hard to understand me! It's getting annoying sometimes. But I guess it comes with coming to a different country,  you just don't expect it when they speak the same language as you. I was told again I had a beautiful accent. Well thank you!

I got to Skype my parents for a while which was nice. It felt like they were trying to get rid of me, I had a class at 2:30 and yet still at 1:15 they were saying haven't you got class. Anyway it was still nice to talk to them dealing with their banter again. Nothing has changed. I am glad to hear it!
I haven't really spoken to matt for the last couple of days, we have talked on Facebook but that's about it. By its fine, im sure we will find time for each order. It's just tough because we are both getting so involved in uni and social lives and the such like. Oh well part of the experience.

After classes today Hannah and I stayed on campus and grabbed some dinner, including Pink Berry. We then walked to the local middle school and attended a lecture that was being given by one of our professors. Dr. Deidre Copper Owens, she is a great orator and similar to me in that she speaks with her hands. For turning up she gave us some extra credit, which is always nice. Extra help in getting a good grade. Anyway it was extremely interesting it sort of incorporated all the things she has been saying in her classes to us. We also got to meet her husband which was good.

After this we grabbed a taxi home which was late so we gave them no tip whats so ever. We paid our fare. They were lucky they got all of it to be honest. I then came upstairs I have a little food and done some studying all ready for tomorrow I think. Just 200 pages to read for Tuesday so this could be interesting.

Anyway tomorrow is another adventure, 

Wednesday 24 October 2012

Essay drafts

I have managed to stay away from the coffee for another day however i couldn't stay away from starbucks, i still went and sat down and had a little snack and did some work. Time went way to quickly however and soon enough i was going on to class. I had to wait outside for a little while, but soon the three hours went passed. I found out today that Laura has dropped out, which is not good!!  I texted her and apparently she is having family issues and can't afford the time at the moment, which is not good at all. I was surprised not to see Ian in class today because he had said hi to be earlier in the day.

Anyway i went for lunch and then waited outside the library for my skype call off my parents however, i was too impatient and therefore i didnt wait long enough. I went downstairs instead and got a computer and started work on my essay, i got a draft written 4 hours later. I had watched some Homeland as well in the background as usual. I dont think this season is going to be good as the last one. I talked a lot to Matt on facebook and I got into a deep email conversation with Leanne. She is proud of me and for her to say that makes me feel really special, she is one person who is really able  to see how much I have changed from my past teacher's pet self to my now confident and just different person now. I hope I get to see her soon.
I grabbed a drink and at snack from starbucks on my way out and decided to walk home again, this time it was a good idea i caught a glimpse of the team practising and also it  was just a lovely walk home. I saw Hannah by the pool and so checked my mail and joined her for a while. She was just reading the book for our assignment for next week. No mail for me this time. I went back to her apartment and borrwed her nail polish remover and took the rest of the chipped polish off my nails. which was such a relief, my nails are getting longer. I just need to stop biting them so they are all nice and lovely for going home.

I went back to my apartment for a while, grabbed an apple relaxed a little and then came back to Hannah and Gaby's, then just started the draft essay for the next week. I am glad i am getting this work done. anyway back to it.

Tomorrow is another adventure.


Okay so classes today went really well, and my swimming went really well, managed my 50 lengths as per usual. I didn't eat all my lunch it was just too greasy! Eurgh! So I skyped my dad and matt and they both told me to get lost because I was sat outside barnes and Noble in the sun with my sunglasses on topping up my tan.

I did get panda eyes though... I was so tempted to get a pink berry but I resisted. I have also be challenged not to have coffee for a week so I didn't have one this morning however I still sat in Starbucks and did some work which was very productive to be honest. I will have to go in there more often just to do work.

After my afternoon class I went straight home , I actually cooked a meal! I had a short of chips substitute, basically fried potatoes, chicken and veg. I was really nice it felt good to have some proper food. Oh a couple of things I have been thinking of, the 'uniform' has changed, it is now leggings and a big top. Although it changes with the weather it is still interesting. I have also noticed how the ROTC people are always well dressed! I mean always immaculate! Anyway moving on, after my dinner. I was watching x men first class and then talked to matt a little longer and I started writing my letters saying thank you. It as a lovely evening.

I went to bed relatively early and slept right through I must have been tired.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Mini party

Classes went as per usual, I didn't get distracted in them today though. I wrote notes the whole time which is good for me. I did however give into my coffee want in a morning, I was going to try and do a week without it but I don't seem to be able to go one day without just one thing with coffee in it. Strange.

Grabbed some lunch and then sat outside in the sunshine and did some work with hannah I skyped my dad and talked a little about essays and the such like,  just generally discussing stuff. It was good to talk to him, I didn't really get to talk to them yesterday. But it's all good. Hannah then went to Walmart and then I went down to the computers and did some work and caught up on Big Bang Theory and Merlin which was lovely and work on the essays due next week. Anyway i uploaded a load of videos and pictures up to Facebook. Finally my camera can be rid of those pictures that can't be played. I had to start a new album because the other was full. That means I have over 400 pictures in that album! I can't believe I have taken so many photos.

I decided to walk home however I wanted a snack, this was a very bad idea, this ended up coming back up when I got home. It was my own fault I decided to have a brownie. I sat with Lohrie and watched one day well part of it, I really need to watch the beginning of that film I keep coming in, at the same part each time. One to put on my list I think. I need to start actually writing down my lists I think.

My evening was spent with Catherine, Aimee, Alice, Gill, Hannah and Gaby they had thrown a kind of mini birthday party for me, with little cupcakes made a 20 on the table and a card singed by everyone, this is definitely going in my scrap book alongside my postcard from Jane! She sent me one from las Vegas, how lovely is that?!

Anyway I came home and chilled I watched Oliver and started writing some letters and then snuggled up in bed and fell asleep... Mmm comfy!!

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Monday 22 October 2012


Well today I turned 20 how scary is that to begin with! 

Anyway today I have not done any work under order of Hannah. I spent most of morning on Skype to my parents, matt and other family, my cousins for example, Helen and Jennifer. It was really strange seeing them with curtains drawn and lights on when I was in pj's in the middle of the day. I open Leanne's present, which was amazing! A friendship survival kit which will probably help a lot getting through the next couple of weeks. She also got me a photo album to put all my memories from this trip in and a diary because she knows how organised i am. She knows me too well. I got to talked to her over email as well today which was really nice. Sam also emailed me out of the blue because i met him a year ago today, just seems really strange that it was only a year ago. So much has happened since then. 

After breakfast and all these conversations, I managed  i get up. I didn't go far, to the pool!? It was beautiful weather, blue skies and sunshine how could I not go and enjoy it! Got some tan lines! I am a lovely colour just got to keep it haha.  After a few hours chilling and enjoying myself boasting to back home. I went home and read some of my book and kept Facebook refreshing. Too many notifications! 

I got ready and went and sat watching the Nightmare before Christmas. I miss all my Jack Skeleton stuff! He is still an awesome character, I still love him and zero! Hyein then cooked two types of noodles for us, one was spicy that caught me at the back of my throat but I had to try them, but the taste was there, that was good. The non-spicy ones were a lot lovely! It was a great meal and for traditional Korean food! We split 2 cupcakes between us, Heyin ave me a little bag of chocolate as a gift and Lohrie and Patty paid for my cinema ticket! 

Molly picked us up and took us to the cinema whilst stopping at an ATM for Lohrie and patty. We made it in time for the film. No silly adverts for products or anything just ones for films and there are some good ones coming up like Lincoln and Broken City. I am hope I get to go to the cinema more whilst I am here. I would love to see Bond while i am out here too! It's significantly cheaper out here as well! Love that exchange rate. 

Right review of Taken 2. 

It is a really good film I loved it! The story line was good, I loved the part that Kim played, I think that was really good. The script in some bits was much to be desired,  "Kim, go, come on, faster" - Brian "no I can't do it" - Kim for a fair few minutes. It got kinda repetitive. Plus the unlimited ammo which taken was quite good with in the first film. They also reused a piece of footage, it was exactly the same both times they used it which was quite annoying. The fights were all stylised and in some cases you cold tell they were scripted fights. But the majority were brilliant! It had me on the edge of my seat the whole time. I really enjoyed it, however you have to watch the first one to understand the significance of some parts. It was awesome! I loved it! 

Patty said she wanted to marry Liam Neeson and although I love him, I don't think I could marry him but I would want to be his daughter, he would be a really cool dad. So I am going to be patty's daughter. Hahaa.

After the movie, Molly picked us up again bless her and dropped Lohrie off at her friends house and then took us home. Just led in bed chilling to finish the day off. Been a great birthday has to be said! - 20 years young! 

Tomorrow is another adventure 

Day of work.

Mmm today has been very productive. I have done work, a lot of it actually! I have talked a little to my parents and to Matt. I have been to the gym also. All of which has made me feel really good about myself! Getting the work done has really helped, in hindsight I could have done probably a lot more but hey ho. 

I am not going to explain all the work I did because 1 I can't remember and 2 that would make for a very boring blog post. 

For dinner, Sophie, Catherine, Ava and I all went to Soulshine. It was really good I only had an 8" Mississippian pizza which was lovely I didn't manage to finish though which is shameful. But to be honest no one finished their food and for $10 it was pretty good. We ended up sharing stories about Thursday night. No one really knows what happened to us all, it was just like all of sudden. 

After food we went to Proud Larry's for Immy and Buki's gig. We stayed for them playing, it was a massive contrast to the band that played after. They played a lot of the songs that they had played on Tuesday night whic was nice and I got some recordings of it although I don't think my camera got all of the song each time. It was retarded. I have 92 pictures on there that can be viewed or deleted it is really strange but I am going to put everything from there on facebook on Monday and then clear the memory card. I tried putting everything on my wireless device but the memory is going that as well.  But oh well. We will see how it goes - more on this at a later date. 

Either way once Buki and Immy had finished and the next band came on we decided to go home and so Ava bless her came and picked us up! She looked so comfy in her trackies and hoody! She then dropped us all off at our individual buildings! So home I am all tucked up in bed and ready for sleep. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 


I felt more awake today then I did On Thursday when I had had ten hours sleep. But in any case it was a good day, started off standard with my coffee and heading to class, three classes handing in a essay and then lunch as per usual. 

After this however I met up with Jasmin for coffee which was lovely. I havent really seen her since New Orleans so it was awesome to chat and have a catch up and the rest of it. We ended up talking about Supernatural which is strange not a normal topic of conversation really but apparently it is in its 8th season and all sorts of shit has happened. That is too many episodes to catch up I'm afraid. Either way we put the worlds to rights and I introduced her to my professor about this 50 years of integration article that she is writing for her journalism course. I felt so horrible plugging her for it, but I thought it might be useful for her. 

I managed to talk to Ava who was okay in the end although didn't do a lot and Sophie missed all her classes that day too. Oh dear oh dear. Carnage was the word used to describe Thursday night and it so was. I was horrible! I was screaming at people and everything. 

After this I came home and chilled for a while and did some work as per usual for me to be honest with you. Around 7ish however I went over to Catherine's and we watched The Fighter with Mark Wahlberg and Christian Bale, it is a really good film although I got way too involved in it. After the film we just sat up listening to music and talking. I have to say Catherine has amazing taste in music and I have names of a few more bands I need to look up and listen to. 

I then went home and straight to bed, trying to blog on time recently has been pointless the Internet has just been too poor. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Friday 19 October 2012

Thursday night

Got another B in a paper this seems to be a ceiling for me! Have another nice chat with my parents. Felt so rough, just tired and not good! Either way I went home after all my classes. In fact I walked home with Hannah and took some pictures of the fall, the pretty trees and the such like.

I got home did some work, and chilled, got some food and then got ready for going out! Girls night out! So much fun, we played a game where you give an either or option and hands up means the first choice and hands down the other choice. Those in the minority, drink. It was so much fun. We got to square and we all split of, this wasn't the plan but hey ho I guess I happens. I met a guy called Phillip who seemed quite cool but it was just one of those random meetings on nights out.

I ended up looking after Sophie, staring at guys that were getting a little too friendly and holding giving her hugs and generally keeping a hold of her. It was so stressful I ended up on my own. I met Ian whilst I was out, he said Sophie was my problem which she was I admit that but at the same time he is bigger and stronger than I am he could have helped. In the end he did a little which was nice. Bless her. I felt awful because I was pulled away from her to help another friend.

My friend hadn't eaten all day and so everything was coming back, we slowly got her back in a free church taxi which was good and we got her into her apartment and made sure she was alright and we left her with her flat mate. Fortunately by this point she was getting better thank god.

So much drama happened, people were all over the place. i like looking after people as much as the next person but two people in one night I am knackered!

Tomorrow is another adventure 

Thursday 18 October 2012


Hit by overtired-ness again, not ill this time though, just in off mood.

Classes were pretty standard, I still don't have a lot to contribute in the Middle Ages class which I need to improve on, having the book for reading will help now though.

I went straight home after classes today I was so tired and I thought I would get more work. Matt and I had had a slight dispute before I went into class so we had a very interrupted chat the internet did not help our situation. Anyway moving on, my dad had managed to sort out my flights for thanksgiving and I have now sorted out my transfer. So I just have to organise, packing and getting there now. My first trip alone on a plane - exciting!! I know after this trip nothing is going to phase me, I can do anything.

I was in bed by 7 last night I was that tired, I watched a film and generally tried to relax, had to meditate again. I kept waking up though, a storm hit at around 10pm, wind, rain and thunder and lightening Hyein got a little scared as we both came out of our rooms. I had to close the window in Patty's room. It was really going for it, but this morning there was no rain only slight evidence that it had rained. Weird huh? I just put my ipod in and let Michael Buble sing me to sleep.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Wednesday 17 October 2012


Well again I asked questions in class that the professor couldn't answer which is always fun and was also able to contribute and answer some of this questions. I was only the one to do a paper on that book, I put the wrong code on the document though and I forgot to submit it online. So I will have to do that at some point.

I did my 50 lengths in 30 minutes I think next week I am going to push it to 45 minutes and do 72 lengths I was to do a mile before I leave. I am impressed how much I have managed to do actually. That should be possible. No in fact that will be possible I am going to push myself to do it. Anyway - I grabbed some lunch which probably nullified my entire workout as per usual and got to Skype my parents for like 2 hours! It was great I loved getting to talk to them. I think I have finally sorted what I am doing for thanksgiving which is a load of my mind. And just generally getting to update and getting to just chat.

After my next class, which I almost missed, I walked to the square to meet Immy, we had coffee until I started feeling ill! No matter what I said she insisted that we go home and I get some sleep and I will meet her later, so I did as I was told. And I did see her later. I went over around 8:30 and I played guitar and sang with her and Buki! They are playing a gig on Saturday and I was just there to listen, they have written their own stuff and it is amazing, I am going to try and record some of it on Saturday and make sure people know about these guys! They are awesome it's really easy listening too and the lyrics are really nice. We ended up eating ice cream and cookies. I joined in at my random harmonies on occassion which was a lot of fun. Towards the end we were playing good ole 90's music like 5ive, Steps, Vanilla etc. etc. it was a really good a lot of laughs and I really enjoyed it. I really hope I can go over there and play some more, admittedly I don't have my own material but I still love playing guitar and singing even though I have nothing on them.

I promise you I am not being modest, I have nothing on them!

Tomorrow is another adventure, 

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Well I can definitely say monday went well.

I got on to campus and worked on my essay and then had classes that all went really well. Grabbed some lunch with Alice and Catherine discussing all sorts, and it was really funny at times to be honest. I have made some good friends out here sharing stories and everything. its just a shame my apartment is so far away so i cant spent a lot more time with them.

After this i went to the library and did some more work and many distractions arose as well, updating Stephy and the such like. I was there until 3ish and then came home had some food and then guess what?


I did some more work, reading over my notes for the Middle Ages class to make sure I understood what was said and if i had any questions, and during class i think that i am not getting down enough of what he is saying and i am not understanding it at all. In all honesty I might not be but I am getting plenty of information down that is for certain. I then started reading for the paper that is due in that module.

After saying I wouldn't get to talk to Matt until Wednesday, we managed to have a decent conversation as long as the internet held last night. Steph was in company a lot of the time too, which was nice. Getting to talk to both of them, surprisingly i was still able to get a lot of work done despite talking to them. I need to talk to my parents more to be honest - it getting shameful. They stayed up until like 4 am their time! I couldn't believe it, but it was nice to be able to see Matt fall asleep on me. Bless him!! so cute!!

I forgot to mention, Alphonso called me during the night as well, he wanted help with his Spanish work so I had to post on the International group if there was anyone that could help, I managed to find a few people that said they could help him out next time. Unfortunately you have to be able to see it, so it was difficult late at night to get someone to help.

Tomorrow is another adventure.

Mad weekend

Okay so again been so busy I haven't had time to update you on what's been going on.

Classes went really well, I stayed on campus until like 4ish after classes and manged to finish the first drafts of both my essays that are due in is coming week. I went home with the intention of doing more work, unfortunately after having my dinner to got severely distracted and ended up not doing any. So kinda wishing I had gone and seen the parade and Joe play his guitar even if it was just for one song. Either way I then got ready for the party that night. The apartment was empty so it was quite nice to play my music get ready you know the usual stuff. Joe, Ian and Markb(Ian's friend) then picked me up and we drove to Ian's it was a really good night, with musica nd meeting loads of new people. Joe and Ian played guitars together which was really good, they were awesome and this girl started to sing along with them. I also saw a new version of beer pong, which is good. Patty, Anja, Joe and I all got a taxi back together around 2:30am it cost us $10 each but we did stop at chicken on stick which was good. I wish we had them in England, I got in and went to update Facebook but I just crashed I was dead to the world. I woke up the next morning and was ready for the game within the hour. Impressive!

Saturday: It was a good game as well, I stayed til the end got a new cup and tried a soft pretzel it wasn't quite like the ones I get back home but still it was pretty cool. I walked home alone because the others we wanting to go the grove and I wanted to do some work. I got a little done. Then I got an email, I had foolishly signed up to do this online alcoholedu course before I knew it was a load of bollocks. This email said that I was overdue on one of the parts. So I had to go down to the computer room and managed to skip through this quickly and passed. It was so tedious and boring I can not believe I had to do it! So stupid! I also found out that day that Hannah and Gaby are going away for my birthday, so no English people are here at all, well almost. to be honest I was a bit upset but to be honest there was no much I can do about it. Most of them had no control over these plans or they were prearranged. I am kinda worried I am pushing the girls away, they seemed to have formed a tight nit group and I don't seem to be part of it anymore. I know I shouldn't worry but I do. I talked to Gaby about it for a bit, but still I seem to miss out on things they do together. Oh well. I came back to my apartment and I crashed again I literally slept for 12 hours! Hannah text me about going to Alice's and I didn't get the text til this morning.

Sunday: well today has been interesting. I have talked to matt for a fair while today which was nice. I am not going to get to talk to me for a few days now because I have so much work to do, so it was good to talk today. I haven't been to the gym the whole weekend which I am worried about! I like going to the gym it makes me feel good but I have been awful these past couple of days. I need to go tomorrow evening I think after all my work is done just go in the evening, and then shower and sleep. I think that's the plan. We will see p. anyway back to today, I order pizza with Patty, Manuel and Lohrie, and we sat and watched the last half of Harry Potter: the Deathly Hallows part 2 and we watched Red Riding Hood. Which is a great film! It was really good. I managed to pass some of my sweets on as well, I have found a bowl, washed it out and now have filled it full of some sweets which seems to be going down well. It has been a really good day I have got some work done as well. I have talked to Annie and a little to my parents. I can tell you now that the rest of this evening will be spent doing reading and work for this coming week. Hope you all had a good weekend.

Tomorrow is always a new adventure. 

Friday 12 October 2012


This is the morning after because yesterday i was too tired to blog properly. 

Lessons went really well, I am able to more of a grasp of my favourite period of history and think i have finally chosen a smaller period of history that i am interested it. 

I managed 50 lengths of the pool, in 30 mins ish. I think if i keep to that target everytime i swim unless I increase my time i dont think i will reach 72 lengths in 30 mins, that is just too difficult. I went to the library in my break and got a little work done but not enough my mind was on other things i have to be honest.

after my afternoon class i went to the library again for about 2 hours and got alot more work done, i did a complete second draft of an essay and started writing another one. I stopped by starbucks on my way to getting the later bus however i ate and drank too quickly and my stomach couldn't stand it alongside being so over tired. Everyone keeps telling me that I need to stop working myself so hard and just take a night off but I can't afford it, I have done well in my midterms and I need to keep those grades if not improve them. this is my work ethic it may kill me in the short term but in the long term it makes me feel better about myself and it gets the work done. 

Anyway stood waiting for the bus i began to feel really unwell, after much worry and trying not to make myself sick. I decided to take my mind of it. Luckily Tony was there and he told me about his adventures about getting here, he knew two weeks before coming here that he had a place that is why he was two weeks late - it makes sense. However I cocked up by promising next time I will go out. Oops. 

I went home and literally talked to patty for a bit and ate some doritos and salsa and then got into bed. It took two hours to get to sleep, I watched a film, I read. My mind was still swimming with all the things that I need to do. Therefore my  last resort which needs to become a daily activity. I ended up meditating for 5 minutes. That was it I was off like a rocket. 

I slept straight through and really well. However I still feel the need to get a small coffee this morning to kick start me ready for classes today. 

Tomorrow/Today is another adventure - Bring It On! 

Wednesday 10 October 2012

4 hours

Three hours worth of classes and then four hours in the library today!

I have to admit I should have done more work I nthe library than I did, however I have never seen so many British students in the library at any one point before. Everyone kept coming over and saying hi. I got to skype matt this morning and also managed to do the day without having a morning coffee which I think is a good thing I don't want to get addicted. Although I admit I had a cold coffee this afternoon when heading to get the bus back to trails.

Anyway back to the library. The Internet had been acting up all day which was disappointing which meant trying to do stuff was sometimes difficult. Like when I was talking to Annie earlier as well, it kept cutting out, I was only fb chatting to her but still it was annoying! Once I was on a computer though I was fine. Somehow I managed to find a distant relative of mine Rui! So I managed to have a little catch up with him and found out he is living really near me back home, how strange is that. But still was lovely to catch up and find out what he is doing in life. Was definitely interesting to find out that they still have a photo of my sister and I on their fridge. Very endearing though. Rui and Rebecca very inspirational people. I got chatting to some other people as well which was nice. It was just nice to get to talk to people normally. Unfortunately because of this and some other distractions I didn't get all the work I wanted to get done.

I managed to get myself on pinterest! This is not a good thing time goes too quickly looking at things on this site! Too good a procrastinator! I just hope a late night session tomorrow will help me get caught up if not I am going to be on Campus during the weekend too. Normally I am so good with getting work done but today I seemed to have sessions of it, not good really.

Oh well there is always tomorrow
 Tomorrow is another adventure though. 

Tuesday 9 October 2012

Good day

I got two midterms back today, I got a A in my reformation class and a A- in my slavery class. So I am pleased with them for sure. I only managed 46 lengths at the pool today, I didn't have enough energy to go any further - only 10 lengths short I know. Anyway I grabbed some lunch and asked to my parents a little.

I got a little upset at Matt today. I don't really want to go into it. It was petty and horrible and I was a dick. Period.

It was nice to talk to my parents I got some stuff sorted out and just being able to talk to them was nice but it made me miss home a lot. I know it's only 8 weeks left but still. I don't want to go becasue I am having a really good time but at the same time, I kinda miss some of the home comforts.

After all my classes I came home to a postcard from my mum! Yay! No parcels yet though. At this point I immediately started cooking dinner, I was cooking for the whole flat I needed to get started early. I cooked beef stew and baked potatoes. Everything came together nicely and I kept my cool I even have left over for Thursday's dinner. Normally I can freak out about cooking and I want to make sure everything is perfect. They all seemed to like it, soo I guess that is a bonus. Reinterates the point that I am missing cooking greatly! After dinner and some interesting discussion at the table, we watch a film with Cameron Diaz called the sweetest thing. It was a good film, typical chick flick but it was perfect to celebrate Hyein's birthday, and we had cupcakes and cookies and milk as well. It was a really nice flat evening together. I really enjoyed it.

Then come to bed, work is all over my bed when I was trying to sort stuff out earlier. I have no idea what I am doing for one of the research papers yet. I have no idea even what I am doing for thanksgiving and that is a month away. I think I am going to end up staying here the whole time - might be the best option. Bt I don't really want to do that. Oh I have also found out that Alice, Gill, Aimee, Domnhall, Patty and Lohrie and Ian are not here for my birthday weekend. So looks like I am either going to have to do it alone or with limited people or I do it the weekend after. I don't know what I want to do at the moment.

Right I need sleep to think logically about this all. I am getting too stressed and heckled up about these things I need to relax and chill out.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Monday 8 October 2012

Sunday = Film day

Opps I guess this didn't post yesterday - stupid Internet.

Well today I have watched, The Mummy, Chronicles of Narnia: the lion the witch and the wardrobe, Hercules and the end of Anastasia! I know everyone reading this will think - well isn't she out there to work and I have done a little work today. But in all honesty I just wanted to do some stuff for me. I went to the gym as well today - only to ruin it by the ordering dominos. I know I shouldn't have but I really felt like it. 

Anyway it was nice to spend some time with Patty and Lohrie! I have the best flat mates! They are such brilliant people. I have to admit I haven't learnt much German but it has been interesting comparing English, German and American culture. For example, today we ended up talking about negative publicity. As we noticed in American adverts that they mention other brands explicitly and show how this brand is better.  It was crazy! It just isn't done in the EU! 

Either way it has been a pretty awesome day even if little work has been done, having a few days to chill I know will have given me the fuel to do some late nights this week and to get all my work done ready for next week. It's been really good to spend time with the flat. Even though Hyein wasn't really there because she got back from Jackson in the evening. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 


Okay so today started really well, I got all my midterm grades back I am on target for three courses and slightly under for the other two but that is okay and I can deal with that. That I can handle. I know what I have to do and I am going to work my damned hardest to get those grades up.

Anyway my day from here got slightly worse. I went to Walmart - the dreaded trip. And spent way way way more than I expected, admittedly I brought a card for my phone and meat that I wouldn't normally buy but still it was a lot of money! And I got so worried about how much I was going to be able to afford the the next 8 weeks and how much I owed my parents that I kinda freaked out. Not to mention that when unloading the shopping my headphones broke so going to have to buy a new set on campus tomorrow - not happy.

At least my book had arrived, it was the wrong edition, so having to talk to my professor and ask if it is okay to use this edition. Coming up with a story to explain this situation was tough.

Okay then Annie gets a hold of me and says some money owed for the house all well and good, tried transferring it, they need to call one of the numbers that I have placed in, tried to change it found hat I would be a week before I could use said number. So going to have to talk to parents about that one. I have to say talking to Annie really helped put things into perspective. All she said was now you know how we all felt last year? And she is right I was very lucky last year having the influx of money that I did and I am going to suffer these next two years but that is what's called being a student.

I didnt really talk to matt today because I ended up watching Bruce Almighty with Lohrie and reading Patty's short story. I find it really satisfying being able to hep them. Although the language barrier doesn't always help like trying to explain what a leek was, I never realised how boring a vegetable it was. I also had a language barrier with Americans as well, they had no idea what stock was - all I wanted was a stock cube! We speak the same language how is this so hard. It turns out what I was looking for was broth. No one has used that term in England since the war I don't think. Molly had never heard of a leek before! Scary!

I have been emailing leanne this evening too. :) which I must say has been lovely ! I love catching up with her and her adventures. I have talked a little to my mum as well. All of them, Annie, Leanne and my mum have all helped me put everything into perspective today and made me realise I was making out such small issues to be mind blowing problems. Yes they are annoying but they are not apocalyptic.

Tomorrow is another adventure.  

Saturday 6 October 2012


Well plans changed a lot for today.

I wanted to go to the gym ths morning but I couldn't because Lohrie had my trainers and therefore I didn't know when she was going and it felt wrong to take them back when she wanted to go.  Anyway I got to Skype matt for a while this morning, even though he was meant to be doing stuff, I am glad he took out some time out to talk to me. I got ready for the game changed my outfit a few times, by the time I was happy and I got Sophie's, plus had changed, so I thought I would walk on my own and see them there. Then it started to rain. So none of us went, which was a shame. But I watched the game on the tv instead. Because of this change I got to talk to my parents. Well. Although the Internet connection was appalling and it kept cutting out we got to talk about some things and it was really nice. It is good to get the gossip from back home.

The game was good, we were winning for the first three quarters until the last 2 minutes then it just fell apart and they got through. I do not know why we were playing a 3 man D line when they are playing 5 on the O line - impractical in my opinion. Although my dad will tell me different. Watching football has let me understand it more and I am able to explain it to others as well. I am learning the hand signals and what each thing means etc. still it was a decent game but our defence seemed to fall apart, it just wasnt right, from my untrained eyes anyway. In my opinion we needed to do moe short quick passes they were getting through and getting short yardage. but I am only a student no pro football coach.

Moving on. I actually cooked dinner for myself tonight, it was just pasta but still, at least I tried. :) I am going to get more food soon and make more meals. I think it would be better. Only if I m any case I have to eat at a weekend at some point. Either that or I need to drink more and a lot more. I am sure I will figure something out.

Time to get on with some work before a nice long sleep.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

Friday 5 October 2012


I have to admit today has been an odd day. But first an update from last night.

Karaoke was fun, the British were awesome! Haha, I had a guy Hit n me again, which I should apparently take as a compliment however I am not quite sure. 'cowboy Derek' - interesting right?

Anyway, we moved from here to the square where although being assured I could get into one particular bar I couldn't because I was underage. So I came home with Louis, Catherine and Hannah. Straight to sleep - early wake up, missed matt for our Skype date. However later we had a lush long chat and we talked and few deep things which was nice. I was sad to hear that Skyping is going to get even more difficult because of his schedule at uni but I am sure we can book a time for a Skype date at the very least once a week. I talked to my mum a bit as well which was also good. The odd thing about today was I went through periods of being really tired and irritable and times of being perfectly fine. It was really strange. I mean I felt tired sure but I was still feeling fine. Really bizarre feelings it must be said.

After having a long lunch I took the bus home and I have literally spent the afternoon and evening with ing film and relaxing and just generally chilling out. I haven't so much gone through periods of tiredness but gone through times of depression. Just things have hit me a little. I feel as if there is a mountain of emotion on me - again because I am so tired. I have watched the secret window pretty much in full and unstoppable also in full. And then part and bits and pieces of other films. I am just missing having someone to curl up on the sofa with, to be honest I felt a little lonely. So much so I swept the kitchen and dining area and wiped the table down I didn't get as far as the kitchen but I will clean that out next time. I swept the hallway and did the bathroom. I needed to do something with my mind. I should have done work but I am doing to get myself organised tomorrow and stature that. I also made a shopping list for Monday's trip to Walmart! I needs to be done I have no food.

I'm going stir crazy! Cabin fever as it were.

I joined patty and Lohrie (Laura) for dinner which was lovely, it was just salad and garlic bread but it was really good and I enjoyed it. Then some mo relaxing and now just sat led in bed ready to read my book and get a good nights sleep before the antics of tomorrow.

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

Thursday 4 October 2012

two days

I have had a mental two days.

Tuesday: Swimming didn't go so well, i only managed 42 which kinda sucked! i lost count! anyway studying with Sarah went well that day. we got a fair bit done, but its hard to revise when you don't know what to expect and aren't really sure of what to revise in the first place. I got my Equiano paper back that day too I got a B. I was really really impressed with myself and proud! in all honesty not a lot happened on tuesday.

Yesterday was slightly more exciting, well the days wasn't really. I went to class, the mid term went really well and i saw my last professor and he said he is going to mark with consideration of the conversion grades from my Home university which is good. I got to quickly talk to Matt and my parents that day which was nice. In all honesty its hard to remember what i do from day to day unless i type it up that night.

I know last night i went to an awesome gig, i have spent most of my afternoon uploading videos from it. My friends Joe and Ian were playing which was good to get to see them in the lime light. Unfortunately because of my midterm this morning, I was unable to see Ian play. But i am sure i will see him some other time. I think there were more Europeans there than Americans. I had a shot called Teenage Pussy! A guy from Louis and Greg's frat brought it for us. He used to be quarter back and to be honest i am not surprised, he looked like a glory boy.

right well my last midterm went okay. i spent the morning with three guys from SAE that were having trouble with this Reformation stuff. I have to admit it was good to see how others are coping with this module. They seemed to be finding it tough, but i guess if you are American History Majors then this was always going to happen. I left early, waited for them to get out and talked a little bit to them about how they felt it went. I then managed my 52 lengths in the pool. Lunch with Molly was nice we went to this Buffalo Wild Wings place that had every sport you could think of playing almost. Very few screens were playing the same things. it was good food though. We chilled in her room from a little while and looked at this Pintest thing - it is like Tumblr but better!! it is really good. you make your own boards of photos and sayings. just like my sisters wall at home, she would love it.

Last class of the day took more notes that usual and kinda slept through it. I am now sat in the library all videos uploaded, Patty's assignment read and bettered disney music in my ear. Tired as hell! and plans of Karaoke tonight! I am going to need some serious sugar or coffee or something to get me up and going.
I need something!

anyway. I will up date tomorrow what happens and all my adventures

Internet in my appartment is too slow when i am this tired.

Tomorrrow is another adventure. 

Monday 1 October 2012


I am so tired so this one will be quick.

Got another B- in a midterm. All the rest of classes went fine. Felt ill so came home early.
Had a long discussion with matt which was nice and got to Skype my mum for a tiny bit as well. I have been a wreck today. Done some work.

I dyed Gaby's hair which was fun, I seem to be able to do my own hair so I hope hers turns out okay.

Came home watched some tv with Laura and patty add some more work. Then shower fed and then bed. I have written some letter and postcards home. All ready to send tomorrow.

Tomorrow is another adventure.