Saturday 11 August 2012


So I flying today was fun. I slept well surprisingly. Could just have been the amazing bed I was in. Once up dressed and ready the whole family dropped me and dad off at the airport. We had already checked in online so it made the whole time a lot better, I was in charge so I could do it on my own when I am coming back. It was fairly painless and easy to be honest. I had to find all my visa documents to show to the women in order to finalise check in. So after buying a few bits and pieces like water and headphones that we needed in the airport we headed to our gate. I was happy to call Matt and let him know i was in the airport and on my way to the greatest adventure i have yet come across. To be honest we weren't waiting too long until we got to the gate and when we got to board. From then it was pretty much like any other flight I have been on to the states. The in flight film to begin with was The Lorax, in all honesty it wasn't the best film I have ever seen. Food was standard, but I was thankful to have something on my stomach. The only issue it keeps hitting me the enormity of this trip. Mum said me not to worry about this factor but however it is hard not to worry about it! Dad is on holiday for 4 days and I am there for 4 months - I mean 16 weeks. It is scary not matter what anyone else says. I am quite impressed with myself how few tears I have shed for this so far. I think the 14th will be bad. Both dad and I will be awful. I take that back the traveling got to me and so did the lack of sleep, although I must say I managed to get half an hour on the plane and was very impressed with myself. But still when I was in chicago airport I kept crying. After walking around trying to avoid the hellish prices of food and drink. Crazy!! Never want to do that again -$5 for two bottles of water! 

We managed to get on our late plane and get into the air - looking out the window there is soo much green stuff!!! It is all countryside around here! Either way we arrived in Memphis relatively quickly and then got in a taxi. All was going okay, the taxi was a rickety old Honda and so slightly scared me. It took all my effort to get into the back seat. I couldnt hear what the driver or what dad was saying half the time so I ended up falling asleep. I kept drifting off I don't know for how long. All I know that when I woke up we were pulled over checking where we had to be going. Worrying I know. Htolkien us on a little trip around the campus as well that was lovely! The campus is so big and every building is big as well! It is just incomparable! Even the football stadium holds 150,000 people! AMAZING! We found the b&b and got checked in and into our rooms at which we decided that the bed was calling!! 

Slept for 8 hours roughly and it is one of the softest beds I have ever slept in. Tomorrow is anoth adventure. 

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