Sunday 12 August 2012


After I posted last night, I emailed Molly (my global ambassador - the student who kinda looks out for me here) and she came over and settled a lot of my fears and stuff and all my worries about accommodation and food and everything. She is awesome and I think we are going to get along great! Well at least I really hope we do!

Well today has been so interesting!! Still was up early which sucked - breakfast was awesome, egg, bacon, fruit, hash browns - they were different to what we have in England. None the less it was gorgeous and I defo ate my fill. Dad and I decided that we would meet Molly on campus to settle the rest of our fears and find out what else happens on campus and stuff. So we saw her and got talking and answered all our questions and everything we had issues with. It was so great to talk to her and get everything square in both our heads. I can definately say she settle my mind. Also getting to know her better can never be a bad thing.

Dad and I then took the 3 mile walk to Wallmart. We stopped by CVS and picked up a few pieces and we tried to get my camera sorted. I have managed to forget the plug for my camera thinking it would charge off a USB connector to the mains. It hasn't worked so now dad is having to ship the lead out to me - extremely irritating. No pictures for a while. :( oh well I am sure I will make up for it at some point. Oh and i got a cell phone sorted so i can talk to the friends i make out here - i have to say it was a lot more expensive than i thought it was going to be. So we walked there an back - total of 6 miles for those who hate maths. It reached around 95F today so that's around 35C. Crazy I know! I am not used to this heat and having to drink this much fluid.

We came home and chilled for a bit, I got to Skype Matt again which was lovely however he was so tired I had to make him go to bed even though I wanted to stay chatting for him for ages. His letter makes me cry every time I read it!!! I am missing everyone from back home at the moment, I think it is probably because I don't have anything else to think about and focus on. Plus Matt plus Annie and Hayley keep writing lovely messages on my statuses and on my photos which is really nice! Olivia is being lovely too, tell me all about her holiday and liking all my photos as well, it's so awesome! I feel so privileged to have such great and supportive  friends. I know that when I have an awful day they are gonna be there for me to keep me going. At the end of the day it is 16 weeks of pure adventure - 112 days for those who care.

We met Molly for frozen yoghurt which I had never had before and loved!! She showed us her condo, where university trails is, where my building is for history, where her dorm is, where her soriety house is, Eli mannings house is, a park were I can walk and study and stuff. It was just a trip around the local area. I have to say it was amazing. It was really nice to see the surrounding area and how is changes to being surrounded be trees. Just the differences between here and England are astounding. The real estate and what you can get for your money is soo different. Figuring out money is tripping me out! But it's all good just got to forget the exchange rate. Again Molly was brilliant she answered all our questions and worries and queries. She is a phenomenal student and woman! And one of the greatest people I have ever met. I really hope anyone reading this who is thinking about. Study abroad gets someone like her because she has made the initial transition soo much easier.

So dad and I have chilled on the balcony and written down some questions for my accommodation people and stuff like. I have to say it has been a day of discovery and learning new things. But tomorrow is another adventure. 

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