Sunday 19 August 2012


I went to meet the rebels today and waited over an hour to meet the head coach! But at least now I can say I have met coach Hugh freeze. I didn't have time to meet the rest of the team it was so busy! The IPF was huge and just amazing the facilities there are just incomparable! Ad would be so jealous! I have two posters signed by him though so I am happy! 

Then I went to walmart and brought some proper food to cook when I am hungry in the evenings,I know probably the best idea. Haha. I had to be so conscious of what I was buying because of the lack of kitchen appliances I have. But there is plenty of food where you don't need a can opener.

After coming home from this and dealing with the crazy Saturday buns timetables. It was madness I unpacked everything and went down to the pool to join Jordan and some other guys. I was the only girl. I ended up trying to play water basketball with a load of jocks. They just called me the girl and didn't bother learning my name! I know seems really pathetic but it was quite annoying. But it was definitely an experience. 

Then it was time to get ready as there was a party to go to, I walked over to Rob's place and chilled until everyone started leaving for the house party - getting taxis and the such like and then I went home, ate some junk food and chilled for the st of the evening before getting ready for bed. Only problem was that I kept waking up and coughing and wretching and occassionally being sick! It wasn't good but I felt fine, I don't feel sick at all ! 

Anyway not a very exciting day but still it was a nice day even though the sun wasn't out. Tomorrow is another adventure! Better weather and a tan here we come. 

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