Tuesday 14 August 2012


So today started out with a good breakfast as always and a late taxi! Wonderful news! Either way - arrived at university trails at 10am before everyone arrived - got checked in and got my keys and that was that. I checked out my flat, it is lovely got a kitchen, living area, and two bedrooms to a bathroom. The bedrooms are big enough. The welcome pack had all sort of stuff in it, my student id, a map of campus and of the town, schedules for this week. Nice to  have to be honest with you. Well I am all unpacked and there is still room left over.  The linen pack they gave me is very starchy and no very comfortable the dish pack they gave us is all plastic and kinda nasty but I guess it will do for 16weeks. I am gonna buy a blanket and a pillow tomorrow at walmart to make it nicer I think not to mention more homely. 

Either way I was all excited thinking I was going to be fine and then I had to say good bye to my dd. I don't think I have cried more in my life! Everything was fine until he said "see you in December" and it just hit me that I am all alone. I then couldn't stop crying, I called Matthew and being the angel that he is, he helped calm me down. Then I kept getting messages and calls from the morris clan which were well meant but ended up making me worse. In the end I had to leave the flat, my flat mates still haven't arrived yet and I was going stir crazy. I went down to the club house and sat and chilled where people were just to be around them and ended up crying again and again. The people there were lovely but they could really do anything to help. I just wanted to go home and even now at the moment I still kinda do. I miss my family I miss my friends all being at the end of a text or the phone it's really strange and I don't like it. Everyone keeps saying that I will get used to it and to give it some time but my head is just spinning about, 

My friends have been really supportive and have been there for me! I am so appreciative of their help! I just wish they could be here, and we could be doing this together. Olivia set me off as well - her Facebook messages to me are some of the cutest things and just set me going they really do. I don't think I have any tears left p. 

After all this crying, one of the outreach girls took me to her office and me and another lady did some setting up for her for tomorrow - with the beginning of orientation. It was really nice to talk and chill and get all this stuff off my mind. Then some of the girls went out for dinner and let me go with them. We went to Ajax it was traditional Mississippi food and was amazing! We went with some south Korean girls who were also lovely but they were all like best friends before coming here so it is kinda odd some people knowing others and then those like me who know no one. 

My bites are still killing me! My aunt deb is really helping to get me set up, texting me, making sure I am okay and everything no to mention telling me all this medical stuff I need to get just in case. She is a gem! Although my shopping list for tomorrow has just doubled haha. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

1 comment:

  1. the title to this should be "never alone" because you're not harriet, we are all behind you =)
