Thursday 23 August 2012


Okay so classes were almost exactly the same as they were on Monday, apart from there was no easy syllabus to read, I had to fully concentrate on what the professor was saying and make rapid notes. At least this will get my hand back into the habit for when I go home. the lectures were really investing and they crossed over a little bit which was nice and I think it will really help when coming to revision if two or more things cross over that I can relate between and add more detail to.

After class I brought a massive piece of pizza and a drink for about $4 which is awesome especially because it was a huge piece of pizza! It was like quarter of a whole pizza! I then sat in the grove and chilled out , Alice came and joined me for an hour and then I was able toakype my parents. They were watching The Help, I love that film. It is so great that there is wifi all over campus so I can Skype my parents and Matt whenever I am free and they are online as well. There are a few people I need to Skype though! I am loosing contact with some of my friends and it is not good. Hayley gave me some bad news yesterday over Facebook, I was gutted that I couldn't be there for her, Skype would have made it easier but it is nothing like being on the end of a phone of being able to catch the train to go and see her and support her! 

I got some work done in the computer room yesterday but not having word on those computers really doesn't help matter. I don't think I will be doing work in there much more to be honest. I is small the computer screens are zoomed in. It's not a great work environment. I think I am going to do all my work on campus, where there is good Internet and stuff. Doing only research and writing of notes when I am at home, if I can get a good connection tothe wifi that it. The lack of connection has been really annoying me and I am certainly considering buying an Ethernet adapter now for my wireless device. 

Either way , I went back to trail and got some stuff done and tried to Skype Matt but becasue of lack of connection it was too late. I went to the free concert my Dierks Bentley in the grove on campus. I managed to get a ride there and therefore I got some good seats that everyone to come to me and join with me. It was awesome met someone new, Gage. He seemed pretty cool. The support group seemed a little bit out of place, they were more of a rock band and although they were alright I don't think ole miss responded to them well. However I must say I have managed to learn Hotty Toddy which I am well chuffed about. Every time someone said Are You Ready? It began! It was awesome the atmosphere was incredible! Even when the artist said it, we all chanted! 

Dierks was awesome! A lot more popular and definitely a country singer! He was amazing I think I have found another country artist for my iPod. Only things wrong with this concert were the people that I eventually got in front of, I got elbowed in the face, I have my personal space invading, my foot got peed on! These five guys were dicks! There seems to be two extremes of guys here, decent gentlemanly ones or the dicks! Either way a good time was had by all and I may have converted some of my friends to country music! 

We organized a taxi home, and I got slightly short but oh we'll, we made it home safely and due to lack of connection I am now having to blog instead of last night. Therefore today is another adventure. 

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