Sunday 19 August 2012


Well to be honest today has been awesome - skyped matt and the parents!!  I am missing them so much I think it is hitting matt hard at the momet that I am not just am hour and a ad away. It is killing me but I am really worried about how much it is hurting him. I just want to make him okay about it all and make him believe that I will be home before he knows it.

I spent the whole of today by the pool, relaxing, reading, listening to music and swimming. It was awesome! Great. Company and sun and water and everything! Only a few things could have made it better.

Meeting with the student advocate was painless and to be honest quite helpful. Just chilling, figuring out classes tomorrow. Where to go etc. I am so glad I have made so many friends both english and those of other cultures. It is so awesome! I am so nervous and yet excited about starting classes. I just want to get started!

Sorry for the short posts recently but to be honest, I haven't been really.busy.

Tomorrow is another adventure!!! 

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