Saturday 18 August 2012


Well I have to say today has been stressful. Trying to organise modules and the such like. Classes start on Monday therefore they had to be organised today! It doesn't help that another tropical storm hit last night, thunder and lightening, and torrential rain! I got so scared, it is time like this when I thank god for time differences. I was able to Skype my mum and sister because it was morning there  They were able to talk to me and calm me down and get me to go to sleep. I still only got about 4 hours sleep which meant I was horrible and grouchy all morning until I was able to get back and go back to sleep for an hour. 

Trying to get modules sorted and arrange stuff when you are that tired is so counter productive. I think a life lesson has been learnt, get some more sleep! Nothing is so important that you have to miss sleep over it. At least I managed to get my chest X-ray done and find out where the Lester building is. I have to say trying to get modules sorted was really complex! You have to save courses to your favorite before you can register for them and that's if the site lets you register at all. I was luck, I managed to get a hold of the history department to get try and sort out my modules and I have to seay they really helped me! I got to read the syllabus which meant I could make educated decisions on which modules I really wanted to take. The lady managed to get me into two classes and the waitlist for three classes so it is not so bad I will just have to turn up on the first day of that class and introduce myself and see what the professor can do, if they have any spots at all. I think I will be fine once classes start time will start to pass a lot quicker as well. Once I got back to my flat I was able to sort out my room and as it were sort out my mind. It was really nice to get organized. I watched legally blonde as well which gave me the motivation to get going. 

At the end of the day, if the person you normally go to for help is unavailable at the time, try and different avenue, I must have asked about 6 different people the same question today in order to get to an answer which although may be aggravating at least you are getting it sorted and organized. You can't just give up on one way off getting information you have to try very avenue. It take determination and guts but at the end of the day that is what is needed in every day life as well together by. So although the modules choosing process is quite complex and difficult to maneuver, it is worth asking departments and oth people if they can help you. I have found that as long as you are polite and willing to ask the questions then people will respond well to you. Unlike the email I sent earlier today, i was very angry and upset and in hindsight should have been more politically correct with it and been more polite with the phrasing. I have no aplogised for my tone and helped hi. Understand my situation a little better. So I guess we will have to wait and see what happens. 

I am very happy that I managed to Skype Matt for a while and I also got to Skype my parents it was good to update them about all the things that have been going on especially with the complications when it comes to the modules! I am looking forward to starting now, I was to get going IFAD get into the swing of things this limbo moment is not good and I do not like it!! 

After getting myself sorted I chilled by the pool with a few of the English girls which was nice and got to sun bathe a little as well before it started to get a little cold to be outside which seems ironic in such hot weather. But in any case coming inside having a shower and watching legally blonde definitely put me in the right mind set to get sorted and finish the day off well. 

I forget whether I have told you about my flat mates, Laura and patricia (both Germans) and Heyin who is south Korean. They are lovely and their English is really good which puts me to shame because I don't know or know very little of their language or culture so I am hoping they can teach more so I can broaden my horizons and be a better individual. Every country is different and it is good to learn about other countries, Patricia said I sounded like Kate Winslet the other day which was really nice of her. I am definitely looking forward to living with them, the seem really lovely people and I just hope I can be lovely back and to have made new friends. I am taking a class with Patricia so that should be lots of fun! I just want to start now. Everyone is the same I think, well all those who have sorted their modules in any case. I think it is going to be a good idea to email the professors and see what can be done, just to make myself known .

I tell you what I am so happy I have organized a phone it is making everything so much easier and so much more smooth like Jordan is able to text me of any parties that are going on or a gathering, I need to know the same with Molly. It is just so much easier and makes everyone's life a lot easier I think. I know that for sure! My cough is slowly getting better the drugs auntie deb asked me to get are obviously kicking and starting to work which is just wonderful! 

I am ready for tomorrow's adventure. 

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