Wednesday 29 August 2012

Camera charger

So what's was different about today... Classes were the same taking rapid notes during class asking and answering questions still having trouble in one of my classes but I am sure when we move out of the christian empire it will start to make sense to me. All my other modules are seeming to cross over which is nice and means and I can add more to those classes as well.

After my classes and lunch today however instead of just going home or only going to the library for a bit. I was in the library for 4 hours doing work, amongst other things. I got to talk to some friends and catch up which was nice. But I did get another paper done tha tis due for next week. Now i just have to figure out printing, shouldn't be too difficult right. Got to talk some more to Taylor today. Two Skype sessions with matt which was also good, I got to talk to his mum as well which was good. Steph and all the Germans are in the uk now, so I got a very quick chat with them. I do miss home and everything that is going on but at the same time it is nice seeing it from the outside. Matt says he wants to live this with me and so wants to meet all my friends, I don't know how this is going to work but we will see. I talk about him enough to be honest.

After these 4 hours in the library doing readings and papers and notes etc,we had a mandatory meeting to go to about paying fees. I turned up and got some sheets of paper, all well and good but these included the presentation she was going to give. Either way Catherine and I left. I was not going to sit through a presentation that I had already been given. Seems just too stupid, even talking to people after, they wish they had left with us and they said it was pointless as well. I have accepted my scholarship earlier this evening so that will reduce my bursar incredibly. It is still a fair amount of money to come out here and do everything. My trips have yet to be added to my bursar among other things I am sure.

Either way Catherine and I came back to trails and I checked my mail, I found that I had two packages, one was my camera charger, I slightly over reacted to seeing the package come out but I had been waiting for it for a week and a half! I was so happy to see it at that moment in time I swear! So so so happy! I also got a comfort package from Deb. I opened them both whilst watching the US Open, Robson vs. Clijster ( not sure about spelling there.) I found in the one from England, a letter from my parents that had me in tears and some broken chocolate. In Deb's package I had kisser steph kisses, beef jerky, coated pretzels, sour wands,cost it notes, desk organiser thing, pencils, pens! The list goes on and it just crossed a load of things off my list to get in Walmart next time i went. These were just why I wanted and needed today!

So perfect, then to come back to my apartment, chill organise myself, hang with laura and Patricia and Hyein! A really good day!

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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