Friday 24 August 2012


Class today was really good, got to speak again in my reformation class, he is explaining such simple terms and asking some simple questions. It's really strange and so different. But he is a really cool professor, and makes some of the difficult topics really easy to digest. Yes even some bits that I don't understand. An American guy introduced itself after this class though - Taylor. He says he is in my middle ages class as well. I have made a new friend!! Haha, he must just be interested in European history, I guess I will find out when I next see him.

After this class I stood outside for a bit and talked to some other international students and discussed the teaching methods and practises compared to back in home countries and it was so interesting to discover that they were having a similar experience to me. Even though they are doing different classes. After this lovely chat, I went to the turner centre, to find out how recreational swimming is organised, I paid $5 for a locker that is now mine for the semester. Once finding this locker getting myself a towel, I got into the pool, I only managed 20 mins because I was meeting Alice at 12. But I think I will try and do at least half and hour twice a week of full swimming, then I have the stuff I do at trails as well. If I don't manage it twice a week then that's not so bad I guess.

I grabbed some lunch and then we heading to the square, we were going to walk but with my swim kit I really did not fancy it. So we went to Rebel Books and tried to get textbooks organised, they managed to find all of mine however I only wanted to rent some of them and I bought others. The total was a little high but I would get some of it back when I sold them back to rebels. I wasn't able o rent those books because my card didn't have a us address, everything was set up for the US students they have no way for 'legal aliens' to meet professors requirements! It sucks! I couldn't believe it, we tried every way, but to no avail. I had to buy them if I wanted them. I bought some still but not others, I said I would try other avenues for those. But at least I got some of them right....

Managed to persuade the driver to get us back to campus and who did I have to sit next to, none of other than the dean of students - Sparky!so we talked, and he asked me questions and my family and why I had chosen ole miss and stuff like that! It was great to get this close contact with an important member of staff. Especially when he said I could visit him anytime in his office in the union!

Once back at campus I got my head down and did some work, I got half of one assignment done before having to head off to my second class of the day. Relatively easy - watching a film and taking a few notes, I wrote down more questions I had than notes per say. It was a better representation of slavery than the Hollywood films. Sankofa was its name.

Library again was my next stop to do some more work, surprise surprise. I know I shouldn't shut. Self up in the library all the time but to be honest I want to get ahead of these assignments so they are ready before the due dates. Mainly so I have time to check them.

The evening was relatively uneventful, I got to talk more to Heyin and Patricia and Laura though which was good. I talked to them about their families and how they were finding it here and stuff like that. Heyin showed me pictures of her family and her boyfriend and stuff which was lovely. It's hard to believe she is older than me. Patricia and Laura I equally talked to for quite a while. It's interesting listening to their English and helping them in some cases.  They all seem really happy to have me as their flat mate and I am happy to have them. Heyin seemed excited about me wanting to learn some korean and patricia and laura seemed interested about Matt wanting to talk to them.

My Internet is so rubbish in my apartment I am not able to talk to my family as much as I would like anymore. Management suggest buying our own rooter or using the Ethernet cable - we were promised high speed wireless, why should we have to pay for a new rooter or for an ethernet connector.

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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