Wednesday 29 August 2012


Standard day of lessons and library and swimming. I swam for 30 minutes this time and I felt so good after it was insane! I need to keep doing this! Stress relief and exercise. Perfect combination!

I got to all more to Taylor today! Turns out he has all the books for our courses together so therefore I think I am going to be using his copies when I can to catch up on my reading. He is a lovely guy, his British accent and pronunciation of things. It was just hilarious! He has invited me to the frat party on Friday, it is his frat apparently so could be interesting.

To be honest not a lot happened today, I went home after classes and more studying in the library and  did my washing tidied my room majorly. Then I went over to Catherine's and watched teen mom with cake!! It was a lovely day. I didn't participate too much in class which wasn't so good but its all good in my life right now.

Good friend, great family, and a gorgeous boyfriend life is good!
Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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