Monday 27 August 2012


So standard morning getting up skyping mum, I got to Skype Annie though which was really nice. I miss my uni mates so much!

Classes pretty standard, again answering questions making myself known to whether it is just because I am the only student who has introduce themselves and is foreign in their class. Who knows? I talked more to Taylor and to Sarah today which was nice. Taylor tried and English had cent which was hilarious, he sounded like Michael Caine from batman, it wasnt too bad but it wasnt the best I have to say. I am glad I am getting to know people though. Will have to make more effort me thinks.

After class, I ate some pasta which was lovely and really filling, I think I will be having that again. It was really nice, just wish I had some pepper in it and some protein. There is some lovely food in the union and not too expensive. After eating I managed to go to the library and upload my photos to Facebook and got to do some work as well. It was great.

Then it was off to Walmart with Alice and Aimee, it was good. Waiting for a bus and did a little bit of shopping I didn't really need anything at all. I got some scissors though and I got to go to Rebel Rags and brought some t- shirts and a dress. It was good to get some ole miss stuff, I could spend so much money in there it is scary. I am going to have to do a massive trip there to pick up stuff for people back home and to get presents for everyone. They have given my some ideas for presents and stuff though. Plus everything seems cheaper than in the the campus shops or any other college shops.

Molly came and picked us up from Walmart which was nice of her and she took us for Sonic, I had an ice cream sundae which was great. I have found I am drinking a lot more since being out here than eating which I guess is a good thing. Howev when we can back she dropped us at the wrong building and then when we unloaded the car and carried it up the stairs we ended up taking it into the wrong apartment I don't even know how we managed it! I just got confused with the positions of the apartments. It was mad! We then had to carry all their shopping across the complex from 8 to 13 it was hilarious and after checking the post we had even more to carry! I was thinking about going to the gym but I don't think I am going to need to today because I have been on my feet and a lot and walked every where and up and down stairs.

I am loving being out here though, the food is good, and the people are awesome I am definitely settling in and the time is starting to fly by.  Message to my friends and family worrying about me and storm Isaac - please don't worry. I will be fine, it shouldn't hit me too bad! But don't worry I will let you know if anything is happening to me.

Between the three trips carrying the shopping from mine to Alice's and Aimee's apartment I just chilled and relaxed and got to cool off. It has been soo hot today!

All in all it's been a good day and chilling is on the agenda for the rest of the evening I think. Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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