Saturday 25 August 2012


Memphis was the place of adventure today!

I got down to the bus nice and early and managed to get on the first one with all the other English students. Most of them didn't have too bad a hangovers, and some even said the party last night wasn't that good. However there were some we found out that didn't quite make it to the bus on time. Which is unfortunate. It was a good day.

First stop gracelands! The audio tour was whistles top and really wick p, seeing all the building and rooms where Elvis lived apart from upstairs - that is kept private out of respect. We saw his re rods, where he wrote songs where he played them. We heard the songs and the memories of his wife and his daughter. It was an awesome tour! I learnt that Elvis' grandmother outlived him and her son (vernon Elvis' dad).  Elvis and hits parents and his grandmother are all buried in the same place, there is even a plague for Elvis' brother. The wreaths and flowers that are laid there are wlovely and some people have really  put thought into presenting their love for the King! It was just so surreal thinking that he lived there for 20 years! I thank god that Laura had given me her camera. The outer walls of graceland are covered in writings about him and dedicating love for him etc. it was just an amazing trip to go on. What shocked my the most was the number f records and outfits hat they still have of his that haven't been lost. I know it has only been 35 years but still, it was incredible.  I couldn't believe Alice didn't know how big Elvis was, she didn't think he was a big deal! 

Moving on - shopping mall next 4 hours of shopping. And i did go shopping, I brought some lovely clothes a new belt! Yes! And just some changes of tops and some more jumpers just little things it was really good to get some retail  therapy! makes the whole world seem better doesn't it! Also the exchange rate is pretty good at the moment. Some of te girls didn't buy s much it I guess there isn't always stuff for everyone. It wasn't the best shopping mall I have been too, I guess not knowing a lot of the shops didn't help and everything being bigger sizes - or at least funny sizes didn't help either but I still had fun either way.

After some shopping we visited this farmers market on the way back! It was really good for some of the foreign students from Hispanic countries or from orieental countries because it was an international supermarket  basically and sold everything from their countries. Heyin was telling me that she go a load of Korean food which she was glad about, get back some normality. I only got some fresh fruit and not much else because although I like trying new food. Not being up ale understand the label doesn't help. Although I was tempted to get some green tea for Olivia or some real noddles for dad I don't think they would have lasted that long being kept in my suitcase. No to mention the size of the packets there were just amazing. The size of everything here is incomparable to anything I have ever seen or experienced in England. 

However for the English students it was a little too foreign, so we met in mc donalds after buying our produce. I have found I am not so much hungary as thirsty when I am out here, I was always stopping at water fountains. 

The trip home was too bad, discussions and music and attempted sleep by most. It was a really good day out, Catherine invited all the girls over for a movie night but I am just too tired, I do nt want to fall asleep in her apartment. 

Tomorrow is another adventure. 

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